But, I find God did Not have fairies at the bottom of His garden (Eden) either.The evidence some people claim to have for the existence of god is as credible and verifiable as the evidence I have for the fairies at the bottom of my garden.
So, it is good to know that neither of you have fairies at the bottom of your gardens.
Speaking about gardens, if you were out working in your garden and someone came along and interrupted you, would you say because of the interruption I would Not go back to my garden, or rather once the interruption was over then you would go back to your garden _______
I find there was an interruption in Eden, someone from the outside threw a monkey wrench, so to speak, into Eden.
That destruction of Eden did Not mean God would Not go back to His garden, but once the get-in-the-way interruption from the outside is over, then He will go back to His original beautiful paradisical garden purpose.
This world's ' garden of weeden ' as we know it today is only a temporary interruption.
For God will power up His ' Weed Wacker ' and take out the ' weed patches ' (tares/weeds) and keep the good.
Then, we will see it is only the ' weeds be gone ' at the soon coming: weeding time of separating - Matthew 25:31-33