Skanky Old Mongrel!
This is a world of opposites. As you do well know by now, we do not beleive in an independent source of evil.
Heaven is nearness to God, Hell is remoteness.
All refernce to Satan is reference to our lower self and the choices we make. Even the Manifestations of God have a human aspect that they subdue. We see that recorded in all the scriptures.
Also this verse is relevant,
Isaiah 45:7 "I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things."
This passage is now in context with the above;
Thus we turn to our potential, which are the virtues given by God, or we stay bound to this world.
Regards Tony
We say 'this' but we really mean 'that'.
We use this word but we don't really believe in it literally.
Anytime we get cornered we can dive in to the symbolic, the metaphor, the analogy.