You believe that experience is not a valid basis for belief, and they are wrong to believe that it is. Hence, "I am right, and you are wrong".
What I claim is that the "wrong" is in putting the thing forward, or adhering to it as "truth" when the foundations are in the state they must necessarily be in for an item like this. And guess what? If the state of the foundations are not in a poor state, then whatever it is that make the foundation "so strong" should be able to be demonstrated and shared with others! This is how nearly everything else of import that you accept when you are told by others must work before you accepted it. And yet you give this arena of thought ("god") the most ridiculous and merciful of hold-outs.
Example: say you own a dog and I come and tell you your dog is actually a shape-shifting monster - part of an army of such creatures that has been bent on taking the world over and subjugating humanity. I tell you this and do you believe me? I have effectively explained exactly why your dog looks like a dog even though it is actually a shape-changing monster. I can even retro-fit any part of my story to answer any of your questions - just like the theist does for excusing "god" from any and all scrutiny. For example, you ask "well then why does my dog have a dog's internal physiology?" - which is something we might be able to verify in our shared reality. And I can tell you - "Because the creatures have learned how to shape-shift their insides as well, to mirror the physiology of any other creature they are emulating." In other words - "magic" explains it, and this should be good enough for you, because I guarantee you have let explanations like that work for people telling you things about "god" in the past.
But you are going to need HUGE amounts of evidence to be convinced of this proposition I have put forth to you, because it doesn't match to the reality you feel you are experiencing. This is the exact, same boat myself, and people like me are in with claims of god. And you have just about the same ability to produce evidence for your god ideas as I would for my shape-shifter story.
Other than to agree with you that their ideas are crap, you mean?
Exactly. Yes. You seem to think this some kind of "gotcha" - but I have admitted as much. I am trying to get people to see their ideas through the eyes of a skeptic, and to understand that their ideas SHOULD NOT be accepted (keep in mind the "shape-shifter" story) until such time as they have produced evidence that can be shared and distributed among the rest of us.
But when they say they have evidence to support their views, you dismiss it and call it crap.
Evidence for this stuff comes in one of a few categories, and I have (probably to the point of it being a detriment to my ability to remain objective about it, I admit) come to a point of being nearly 100% confident that no one has anything better than these to offer, because this is all that is ever paraded around as "evidence":
- "This book (or person) says so" - and on top of this: "look at all the other things that this book (or person) says that are correct"
- "A personal experience" - we've gone around and around on this one already - it just isn't any good. If I had a "personal experience" involving something calling itself "god" but had absolutely no way to share it with or evidence it to anyone or have them experience it also, then I would, quite honestly, begin to question my reliability as a witness on this particular topic. Had I eaten something funny? What state was my mind in? The ability to SHARE THE RESULTS is CRUCIAL.
- "N,000,000,000 people just can't all be wrong!" Nothing to say on this one - typing it already took too long.
- "This long-winded mess of words sounds profound and logically constructed to me... therefore God." - these ones are the worst, because they attempt to take advantage of people's inability (or even lack of desire) to have to put the brain-power in to understand them fully in order to refute... and so some people are apt to just go directly to "Wow! That's amazing!"
- "Look at the world around you - how could this have happened by accident?" - obviously you can't just claim to know how it all just happened. You wouldn't stand for that from me if I had some wild tale or even sciency-sounding explanation, so WHY IN THE WORLD would I stand for this from you?
- "I just have feelings." - how thrilling... for you.
Hence, they aren't just believing for no reason whatsoever, which is what you wish for them
No... I do not think they are "believing for no reason whatsoever" - I have many, many times already stated that the reasons are insufficient or poor. WHY would I say that if I thought there were NO REASONS AT ALL?
Can I demonstrate the experience of swimming in a lake, for example? Yes. You can see my wet clothes and hair. That's a demonstration of the wetness of the lake, for instance. But I cannot prove to you the experience itself. For that, you have to go jump in a lake yourself.
EXACTLY!!!!! Thank you! And there you have it... in that particular instance I can LITERALLY jump into the lake and verify that your descriptions of your experience match to some of what I may feel. So, where's God so that I can jump into Him? Eh? Don't you see that we suddenly have a HUGE problem on our hands with respect to the idea that you might like to share such a thing with me? This is EXACTLY what I have been getting at.
Can you demonstrate the taste of an orange?
Yep. I can... by having someone else taste an orange after I describe it to them. And then, when I meet someone who literally can't taste the orange, do you know what could be done? A physical examination and testing of their array of senses to see what might be prohibiting them from tasting the orange. And, if I meet someone who just had "miracle fruit" and the orange tastes far sweeter than my description for them, do you know what we can do? We can ask them if they've had anything unusual to eat lately, perform another physical examination, or have them wait 24 hours and try another orange to see if their experience matches up to mine any better. Again... there are ACTUAL things we can do, and pointed steps we can take to see if our ability or inability to share the same experience is being hindered or fostered by any of a number of factors. Nothing like investigation into "god" claims. You have nowhere to turn, you have nothing to point to except other insufficient and biased sources of information.
Proof is direct experience.
This isn't accurate. Do you believe, truly, that you can trust yourself and your senses in all endeavors to be giving you the best information about the "truth" of the world around you? Do you? Because I do not. And I will OBVIOUSLY have even less trust in the senses of others. That's just a given for anyone. And so what are we left with? We're left with needing to lean on each other for verification of our ideas as pertains to reality! Minus this you may as well be making things up for all you have to corroborate that what you are experiencing is, indeed, some form of greater reality.
Why wouldn't that be valid? Haven't you ever awakened from a nightmare and felt disturbed by it?
But the problem is not in the feelings the dream evoked, but in the resistance to the realization that it didn't actually happen. To state that you are going to allow an experience you didn't even have to shape your feelings about reality. In my opinion, this is the same sort of resistance that theists pull to the fore to defend their personal experiences that lead them to believe in God.
Do you judge all truth and reality for others from a position of you at the true center of reality?
What did I just say about needing to rely on one another for validation of our ideas as they comport with reality? Would I be saying such things if I felt I were the center of "truth?" You are barking up the wrong tree on this one. It is purposeful, I understand, in order to try and be capable of knocking me down more easily. But you are just making things up and hoping that I don't refute you at this point.
Would you call a transformed life a joke?
The transformation, no. The foundations for the transformation - YES. Your problem here would be providing evidence that such a transformation literally required the item being served as the source of the transformation, and then beyond that, if the item is something of questionable reality (like "god") then you also have that to provide evidence for as well. Can people be moved and swayed by fictions? Of course! People read a book that really resonates with them, or they feel teaches them something important that they apply to their lives.This happens all the time. Does that make the fiction of the story they read "TRUE" and mean that what happened in the book happened in reality? No!
Why would you call that a joke? "There is no such thing as love! I've never experienced that, so it doesn't exist. It's not real! You only think it's real. It's all in your head."
Unfortunately for your little tirade here, you really can't get around the idea that love is, literally, all in someone's head. That's where the brain sits, and it is the governor of the decisions made and processor of input gathered. This would include processing of any and all evidence that someone piqued your interest, was attractive to you, reciprocated your feelings, was deemed worthy of your lasting love, etc. I don't discount that someone wants to make those types of determinations and decisions for themselves - again, the vast majority of people's choices of who to love
does not affect my life or livelihood. Meaning I literally do not care enough to challenge them and go about the business of trying to somehow "prove" that they do or don't love anyone - I just take them at their word. And I don't expect that who I decide to love, or would like love reciprocated from should have any bearing on anyone else's assessments of what is important to them. And I am sure even you understand that if a person is close to you (let's say a sister or brother) and you see evidence that you believe displays that that person's spouse DOES NOT love them - then don't you have feelings about that? Might you not even try to say something, or warn your loved one of what to watch out for? Don't you then go on to try and observe more evidence (or lack thereof) to try and get a better sense of what is really going on there? Isn't that only natural? And again, in this instance... the real-world, observable evidence for something like "love" is infinitely more present than any evidence for "god" has ever been.
So you can't allow others to hold a belief based upon their experiences, because that's not good enough reason for you?
More because I believe that it shouldn't be good enough reason for anyone - including themselves. And I have already relayed plenty of the evidence I have backing up my beliefs of this.
You won't believe anything anyone says that won't meet your ideas of the ways things should be, in other words.
As soon as they admit that they can't actually share the knowledge or evidence of the reality of their claims with me in any meaningful way, but instead rely on statements like "You have to experience it for yourself" without ANY detailed or worthwhile instruction on how to achieve this thing... yeah... I am going to stop listening. And as it stands,
you haven't even attempted to provide your own justifications. Why is that?
I think I've heard enough here.
Very, very obviously... you haven't.