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What were you for Halloween (PICS)?


Well-Known Member
I just wish halloween costumes weren't expensive....

That and I wish my boss would not fire me if I wore my costumes to work. Sighs... i like being a Ren Lady

Feathers in Hair

World's Tallest Hobbit
Bastet said:
It's a shame that what should have been a fun thread degenerated into such snark.

I think it's my fault- we've been trying to be more careful, as mods, to not delete posts unless nessessary. Unfortunately, it can create a sometimes negative atmosphere.


Kal-El's Mama
In 2003 I was a zombie with my mouth sowed tight so I wasn't able to speak and went tricker treating. In 2004 I was at Lake George with 6 clients and one other staff for 9 days and wore a funny colorful hat to Friendlies as the clients wore their normal clothes. In 2005, I had to work at the toll booth so I was a toll collector and when I came home, handed out 2 candy bars to 2 kids. We live at a dead end. This year we had a Halloween party and I went with 2 co-workers tricker treating 30 minutes before Halloween curfew with Ashley (picture bellow) and Ann who's in her late 40's (she went as Grandma with a Rennaisance look). We took some clients with us. Usually 30 minutes before curfew those handing out candies were handing them out by handfuls. I gave the candies to cardero since I am not a candy person.

Co-workers Ashley dressed up like a man, Jake only had stickers on his face, and me dressed up as a vampire. I love my cape!!


Vile Stove-Toucher
FeathersinHair said:
I think it's my fault- we've been trying to be more careful, as mods, to not delete posts unless nessessary. Unfortunately, it can create a sometimes negative atmosphere.
Don't be silly! :hug: You're not the one who came in with their grumpy-pants on and brought the thread down repeatedly with their anti-Halloween posts! The negative atmosphere was already firmly established before your friendly reminder that this is not in the debates section.


Vile Stove-Toucher
CDRaider said:
I just wish halloween costumes weren't expensive....
They don't have to be, though. I've been to a couple of fancy dress parties as an adult, and I spent very little on my costumes. I went as a drag queen the first time - all I bought was a wig, fake nails and eyelashes, a feather boa and some sequins - I had the rest of the costume already in my wardrobe, just waiting to be modified (I spent a week sewing sequins on a dress). I went in psychadelic 60s gear last time, and all I bought was a pair of vintage mod boots for $10. Mind you, I recycled the same dress for them both (and it's a dress I've had since I was 16 - I spent a day pulling all the sequins off it that I'd sewn on for the last costume party). My mum's used the same dress for a fancy dress party she went to as well so it's done the rounds lol. Much of the jewellery I borrowed from my mum (She Who Never Throws Anything Away), along with a funky faux-fur coat. I was groovy baby, yeah! :D

I guess my point is that with a little imagination, you can often make (much of) a costume from what you already have handy, even if you have to modify it a bit to get the look you're after. As an example, my mum modified a boiler suit (or it might have been a hazmat suit), and a motorbike helmet to turn my stepdad into Roger Ramjet once. Borrow what you can from others, check out vintage and thrift stores, shop around for accessories if you need them. It doesn't have to cost an arm and a leg - and if it does, well, you can always go as a chainsaw massacre victim. :p


Well-Known Member
The costume I wore this year was borrowed, so beautiful and i felt the most beautiful i have ever felt in it other than prom!


Well-Known Member
My costume this year cost me exactly 5.87$ to buy the material for my skirt. Everything else I already had or borrowed from Tara (which was only the white tanktop I wore underneath the leather jacket). So, CD, it can be very inexpensive to make great Halloween costumes. You just need to know what to go as, or where to look.

My costume was awesome. I looked exactly like my doll and, as I said, it was all for under 6$


Well-Known Member
I'm always up for a little Halloween costume help.

If all else fails and your mind is completely blank, you can always use my little trick:

Go dressed as you normally do and tell people that you're a nudist on vacation.


Well-Known Member
Circle_One said:
I'm always up for a little Halloween costume help.

If all else fails and your mind is completely blank, you can always use my little trick:

Go dressed as you normally do and tell people that you're a nudist on vacation.

LMAO :biglaugh: :drool:

I laughed so hard i about drooled!


Kal-El's Mama
CDRaider said:
I just wish halloween costumes weren't expensive....

That and I wish my boss would not fire me if I wore my costumes to work. Sighs... i like being a Ren Lady

One costume I made for a co-worker, she was a box of Newport Cigarettes. I have a picture somewhere. I have to find it.


cardboard box, scissors, white chalk, green chalk, string, tape/stapler and light brown paper for the filter hat.

Card Costume:

3 white poster board, markers, strings, staples, tape and a deck of cards (Pick a card you want to be). This time you can be artistic or make your self a simple Ace of Spades.

From your closet:

Black clothes, black eye liner, Johnson's Baby powder, and red lipstick.

Take black eye liner and create dark circles under your eyes. Baby powder and dust some on your hair for an old grayish look unless. Red lipstick to place on the side of your mouth like you just sucked someones blood and wiped your mouth.

You can also use the same stuff but change your face makeup. Take the baby powder and whitten your face. Take the eye liner and creat a look like your lips have been showed shut.

Another costume I wore came out of my closet and make up. I got some old clothes and ran it over with my car. I teased my hair and put some baby powder. I got some eye liner to create dark circles under my eyes. Used red lipstick to give the blood look coming out of my mouth. Put some baby powder on my face and added some leaves and dirt to my clothes.

I like making my own costumes from my closet. The only thing I had to buy was the $1 fangs.


Well-Known Member
Oooh.. those are neat ideas.

I know one year i took the brighted clothing i had and layered it so that it all showed, teased my hair and bought some kids colors stockings and just cut them to be leg warmers and was an 80's valley girl


Well-Known Member
My brother, one year, was a piece of toast. He took two large pieces of foam, duct taped them together and colored them with brown marker.

The next year, he added some green marker and went out as a piece of mouldy toast.

I went to a halloween concert this year and there was this guy there dressed as a box. He put a cardboard box over his body and wrote the word "box" on it in black marker.


Well-Known Member
ha ha ha, the toast thingy is funny because his costume rotted from one year to the next.

Sighs... lol, i'm apparently easily amused tonight :looks are empty cookie wrapper and cleaned chip bag: Oh yeah, thats why

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
I just wish halloween costumes weren't expensive....
My Silent Bob costum cost less than 20. All I had to do was dye my hair and beard black, and buy a hat. The rest of the stuff I alreay had. My roomate just had to dye his hair. And memerise the opening song on Jay and Silent Bob strike back.
The vampire last year only required me to buy some cheap halloween makeup to make my face and hands pale. The fangs I already had, which cost 15 dollars.
If you are friends with someone with any tailoring skills, even impressive ones can be made cheaply.


beckysoup61 said:
Oh my. :eek:

I defintley don't look like that all the time. I wish.

It was shocking for me because you look much like how I imagined Sunstone until I found out he was a guy. For some reason that handle just said to me: beautiful young woman...

O well we live we learn.

Have fun!



Moved on
I can't find any pics, but I was Jesus.

Actually I forgot my NinjaPirateViking costume and went to a party. My friends got really drunk, decided I look like jesus, and gave me a sheet for a robe and a glowstick necklace halo. I even had my own drunken cult following.