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What would convince you of God's existence?

I'm short on time today, but I still want to start a new thread with these 2 questions:

What would you consider proof of God's existence?


Do you believe that your "proof" would convince the majority of rational thinking people?


Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
1) Complete mind wipe automatically making everyone everywhere a devout theist thus eliminating any need to prove anything to anybody.
2) Yes. Speaks for itself.
Proof and God are like colour and sound.

I'm not quite sure I get the analogy. Proof is to God, as color is to sound?

I have to be honest, I don't quite get your meaning. Is this your way of saying that God and "proof of God" are incompatible, and so proof is impossible?

I just don't get it.

Let me jump-start things a bit. Would you say a miracle could be construed as a "proof" of God?


Well-Known Member
I'm short on time today, but I still want to start a new thread with these 2 questions:

What would you consider proof of God's existence?


Do you believe that your "proof" would convince the majority of rational thinking people?

Proof would be direct contact. If everyone bumped into God, no one would be asking for proof. Of course, there are very few people who actually want to bump into God even fewer that want proof.
Proof would be direct contact. If everyone bumped into God, no one would be asking for proof. Of course, there are very few people who actually want to bump into God even fewer that want proof.

Direct contact.

Okay, now we're getting somewhere.

Specifically, what do you mean, though?

What "Direct Contact" constitutes proof?

And what if God doesn't want to "bump" into everyone, but only those "He" has chosen to receive the revelation? Is there any way those that have bumped into God can prove it to others?
1) Complete mind wipe automatically making everyone everywhere a devout theist thus eliminating any need to prove anything to anybody.
2) Yes. Speaks for itself.

Fair enough. In such a world, that would certainly do the trick.

But let's refine the quest a bit, and look for a God that chooses to not act in that manner. After all, such a thing has yet to happen, so if God DOES exist, our wishing for such a thing will not help us in our search for God, will it?

So, in the absence of a God that would be willing to do an en masse conversion of humanity, how do we prove the God that actually exists?

Put another way, I want to know how we could know for certain the God that actually exists, consistent with our present reality; not the God we wish we had, of a different reality.
To answer the original question, talking to Him. And yes.

I not sure, are you talking to me?

I'll assume you are.

So you think talking to God is proof. Great!

I have to ask, how do you know it's really god you're talking to? Aren't there other possiblities here? Mental illness? A spiritual entity, in a universe without God, who is just playing a trick? Mental telepathy from another human?

Really, aren't we just arguing from ignorance with this thing? How does a voice in ones head=a supreme being? Also, how does the one allegedly talking to God convey the truth of the message to another, so they too can have "proof" of God?


Superabacus Mystic
Mental illness? A spiritual entity, in a universe without God, who is just playing a trick? Mental telepathy from another human?
The first is possible, but then I probably wouldn't be self-aware enough to doubt it. The other two involve so much reworking of science I wouldn't really care about what they were saying...

Really, aren't we just arguing from ignorance with this thing? How does a voice in ones head=a supreme being? Also, how does the one allegedly talking to God convey the truth of the message to another, so they too can have "proof" of God?
A voice in one's head wouldn't be nearly enough. I probably should have been more specific: talking to Him and getting answers.
The first is possible, but then I probably wouldn't be self-aware enough to doubt it. The other two involve so much reworking of science I wouldn't really care about what they were saying...

A voice in one's head wouldn't be nearly enough. I probably should have been more specific: talking to Him and getting answers.

This is my last post for the day, so I have to be brief; I'm late.

So you are saying that the only way that God could reveal itself is by providing "answers"? I have to ask, what must be the nature of those answers? Do you exclude the possibility that God could convey its existence to a person without providing answers?

Many claim to have had their prayers "answered" by God. Would you consider that a sufficient cause to believe in God's existence?


The Grand King of Nothing
Nothing of the visual world exists to a blind man, as does nothing of the world of sound exist to a deaf man. Try explaining colour to a man who has never seen.

Things only exist to us because we have the organs to sense them with, what should make us doubt the existance of something we couldn't understand.

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
Fair enough. In such a world, that would certainly do the trick.

But let's refine the quest a bit, and look for a God that chooses to not act in that manner. After all, such a thing has yet to happen, so if God DOES exist, our wishing for such a thing will not help us in our search for God, will it?

So, in the absence of a God that would be willing to do an en masse conversion of humanity, how do we prove the God that actually exists?

Put another way, I want to know how we could know for certain the God that actually exists, consistent with our present reality; not the God we wish we had, of a different reality.

I happen to think it's important to be pragmatic concerning questions like this and to realize just what our limitations as human beings actually are. Obviously this question in particular will not reach the level of consensus as to what it's like getting wet brings, or getting burned by an open flame is.

We may be able to divulge further in some manner and perhaps reveal more than we know now, yet there is no true determination to be had as this stands. Like you mentioned simply wishing for it doesn't settle things. Ironically enough if one notices well, the entire and direct truth of this matter lies all around and within you, but due to our limited nature there is no intellectual grasping in spite of directness of it all. Yet there it is, all the same. Real truth (AKA God) being present this very moment. Shake hands now.

To me, this is actually God met face to face already long introduced and well acquainted. Personifying this further or not as God, I would think would be a persons own choice as such direct realities at present need no argument or debate. I would think the arguments are really over the bad habit of personifying the direct truth of which this in turn is given various characteristics and attributed events in time giving way to various religions without realising the manipulation of it all making things confusing.

We as human beings can actually settle the issue of God one and for all, but not towards the manipulation brought about by habitual personification that so many people happen to cling to of which I view as "God".

To prove that God (or "God") exists, all you have to do is directly experience the obvious and just leave it as being such. That's how I now go about all matters of proof by simply stating that theists as well as non-theists happen to be dealing with one obvious direct truth using their own particular ways of which neither side being right or wrong in way of describing the effects because the real truth of all things remains steadfast, no matter what we say, claim, or discover about it.


I don't think there is anything, based on the way reality is now, that could possibly convince me of the existence of god. However, you would first have to define what you mean by god, because I might have a different answer for a different definition. This answer is for the Abrahamic god.


Superabacus Mystic
Tell me, how would you know for sure that the voice was really the voice of God?
Does it actually matter? It might not be the Christian God, but it can make big booming voices from the sky!