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What's good for the goose is good for the gander.


Veteran Member
I do recall Democrats arguing that we need immigrants
for the economy. But to be fair, this was in response to
Republicans wanting to curb illegal immigration. So they
might've been saying it only for political gain, & not have
believed what they said.

Anyway, it seems fair to spread the burden of illegal
immigration. Why should only southern border states
bear the brunt? Let DC face what they hath wrought, eh.
The reason certain that immigrant labor for construction and agriculture is often people in the USA illegally because of the refusal by congress to reform the laws. Republicans have been very hostile towards reform, and anyone from south of the border. This seems to be for political reasons since everyone acknowledges our economy needs this labor. It would be easy to reform labor laws so that workers can work in the USA seasonally as long as they pay taxes on earned income.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
The reason certain that immigrant labor for construction and agriculture is often people in the USA illegally because of the refusal by congress to reform the laws. Republicans have been very hostile towards reform, and anyone from south of the border. This seems to be for political reasons since everyone acknowledges our economy needs this labor. It would be easy to reform labor laws so that workers can work in the USA seasonally as long as they pay taxes on earned income.
Cooperation...it's so hard for Pubs & Dems.

Sgt. Pepper

All you need is love.
The example you're suggesting is inhumane, intolerance, and bigotry. We can do better. Vote blue.

As a Texan, I'll definitely vote blue in the gubernatorial election later this year. And after I cast my vote against Greg Abbott, I'll keep my fingers crossed as I did when I voted for President Biden. Personally, I would love to see Texas ripped out of Republican hands.


Aštara, Blade of Aštoreth
People who immigrated legally are welcome to build a life for themselves. It is the illegals we don’t want. This is the general consensus all over Texas.


Veteran Member
People who immigrated legally are welcome to build a life for themselves. It is the illegals we don’t want. This is the general consensus all over Texas.
It was settled at the Alamo.

Oh wait, you think the original inhabitants are the illegals.


Aštara, Blade of Aštoreth
It was settled at the Alamo.

Oh wait, you think the original inhabitants are the illegals.

The original inhabitants are long dead.

Someday, this land may be earned through conquest by another country. If that happens, their laws will dictate who is here legally and who is here illegally, regardless of who was here before or what the borders are like now.

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
Speaking of immigrants as if they were a bunch of commodities to be "shipped to" other states--especially out of desire to spite political opponents--doesn't seem to me a helpful approach to the situation either.
Well the logic here is you don't want the disservice of putting them in hostile environments where people don't want them.


Veteran Member
The original inhabitants are long dead.
Then who are you busy hating?

Someday, this land may be earned through conquest by another country. If that happens, their laws will dictate who is here legally and who is here illegally, regardless of who was here before or what the borders are like now.
Bone up on your Russian (if trump wins again, through fraud and an insurrection that succeeds this time).


Veteran Member
Shipping to New York in the dead of night? Ok...

It's time to give Biden and his puppeteers a taste of their own medicine!

Go for for it Texas! Ship them straight to Biden and his puppeteers doorstep in DC!

Texas AG Paxton invites legal fight with Biden admin over busing migrants to DC: 'I'm daring them'
Isn't it always a nice talking point for dems and pubs alike? (Illegal) immigration, it always touches the guts of the xenophobes and the hearts of the bleeding heart liberals - but never their brains.
Immigration laws and policies in the US are rotten since forever but they still work as intended so they won't change (besides some superficial make-up). So both sides can keep on using the topic to rally their troops. "Never let a good catastrophe go to waste."
All the while the illegal immigrants keep food prices low for far below minimum wages and no rights.


"Be strong", I whispered to my coffee.
Premium Member
No. Just that for once, people ought to put their money where their mouth is.

Lead by example.

Are you native American? If not then you are a product of immigration. I never could understand immigrants and their offspring saying **** you new immigrants, we are long time immigrants with our big feet in the door, you can **** off. It strikes me as the height of hypocrisy.

Guitar's Cry

Disciple of Pan

I'm sure you will approve of Steven Miller finding some boxcars to achieve this.

I personally wrote my post ironically. I don't believe that; humans are human.

At one point, I may have thought I was being hyperbolic, but given how that sentiment of "they're white and Christian" has been LITERALLY stated in regards to Ukraine, it's pretty clear that for some, white Christian immigrants don't count when it comes to being immigrants .

Guitar's Cry

Disciple of Pan
I think its the baggage rather than the 'look' that upsets a number of people most. From what i hear naturals don't want other people's problems carried over and resurrected all over again and brought to their doorstep.

A better life means not repeating the same mistakes you ran away from if things are going to work for the better.

When Donald Trump campaigned in Maine, he said "We've just seen many, many crimes getting worse all the time, and as Maine knows—a major destination for Somali refugees—right, am I right?"

But the crime rate has been decreasing in Lewiston.

History of Somalis in Maine - Wikipedia

It doesn't seem to actually matter to some people. There's still a sentiment that crime and diseases in Lewiston are somehow attached to the Somali population.

So it seems that often the baggage is good ol' fashioned racism.


Freedom from Sanity
People who immigrated legally are welcome to build a life for themselves. It is the illegals we don’t want. This is the general consensus all over Texas.
They like legal immigrants so much that they have made it subsequently more difficult to legally migrate over the years, to the point where it is effectively impossible for people from some countries to legally migrate at all.

Waiting List for Legal Immigrant Visas Keeps Growing

More than 4.4 million people are on the legal immigrant visa waiting list according to the State Department's annual tally. That is 100,085 more people waiting for legal immigrant visas than at the same time last year. Ninety-eight percent of those waiting have been sponsored by a family member in the United States.
Applicants from the Philippines face a wait of just over six months, while the wait for applicants from India is just over 11 years.

Why Immigration Visa Wait Times Are So Long
Since 1991, a year after the country quotas were put in place through the Immigration and Nationality Act, visa wait times have grown by four and a half years for Indians and three years and two months, for Mexicans. By 2018, Indians had the longest wait times overall of all countries – eight and a half years, according to statistics compiled by the CATO Institute. The average waiting time for all categories was almost six years.

Wait times become the longest for non-immediate relatives of petitioners. For example, the current wait for Filipino siblings of adult American citizens need to wait an average of 23 years to be eligible for a green card. Children over 21 years of age of U.S. citizens that are either Filipino or Mexican fare better by only a year, as their waiting time for a visa number to be available is 22 years. Family-based visas and employment-based visas based on preference (F and EB visas respectively) command the longest waiting times overall. Family-based visas take more than half of the immigrant visas available on any given year at 62 percent. The CATO Institute points out, as an issue of concern, that “one category — siblings of adult U.S. citizens — accounts for half the entire backlog. There is a significant mismatch between the share of available green cards in each line and the share of applicants in each line.”

This is not librul socialist commie talk, by the way - these numbers and arguments are also echoed by the CATO Institute, a right-wing conservative think tank who would have no motivation to oppose the common right-wing narrative of "we do not object to legal migration".
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Freedom from Sanity
Are you native American? If not then you are a product of immigration. I never could understand immigrants and their offspring saying **** you new immigrants, we are long time immigrants with our big feet in the door, you can **** off. It strikes me as the height of hypocrisy.
It's not uncommon for recent beneficiaries of privileges to "pull up the ladder" for subsequent arrivals.
A common form of racism I come across in my work with migrants often seems to occur between different migrant groups, and I've met a few Turkish-born residents of my country who were shockingly racist towards more recent Turkish migrants.


Veteran Member
It's not uncommon for recent beneficiaries of privileges to "pull up the ladder" for subsequent arrivals.
A common form of racism I come across in my work with migrants often seems to occur between different migrant groups, and I've met a few Turkish-born residents of my country who were shockingly racist towards more recent Turkish migrants.
"Learn from your mistakes. You let me in. Don't do that again."