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What's good for the goose is good for the gander.


Veteran Member
They like legal immigrants so much that they have made it subsequently more difficult to legally migrate over the years, to the point where it is effectively impossible for people from some countries to legally migrate at all.
Legal immigrants can go to the police when they are not paid or underpaid.

Guitar's Cry

Disciple of Pan
They like legal immigrants so much that they have made it subsequently more difficult to legally migrate over the years, to the point where it is effectively impossible for people from some countries to legally migrate at all.

Waiting List for Legal Immigrant Visas Keeps Growing

Why Immigration Visa Wait Times Are So Long

This is not librul socialist commie talk, by the way - these numbers and arguments are also echoed by the CATO Institute, a right-wing conservative think tank who would have no motivation to oppose the common right-wing narrative of "we do not object to legal migration".

Here's some librul commie talk:

"A man wrote me and said: “You can go to live in France, but you cannot become a Frenchman. You can go to live in Germany or Turkey or Japan, but you cannot become a German, a Turk, or a Japanese. But anyone, from any corner of the Earth, can come to live in America and become an American.”

Yes, the torch of Lady Liberty symbolizes our freedom and represents our heritage, the compact with our parents, our grandparents, and our ancestors. It is that lady who gives us our great and special place in the world. For it’s the great life force of each generation of new Americans that guarantees that America’s triumph shall continue unsurpassed into the next century and beyond. Other countries may seek to compete with us; but in one vital area, as a beacon of freedom and opportunity that draws the people of the world, no country on Earth comes close.

This, I believe, is one of the most important sources of America’s greatness. We lead the world because, unique among nations, we draw our people — our strength — from every country and every corner of the world. And by doing so we continuously renew and enrich our nation. While other countries cling to the stale past, here in America we breathe life into dreams. We create the future, and the world follows us into tomorrow. Thanks to each wave of new arrivals to this land of opportunity, we’re a nation forever young, forever bursting with energy and new ideas, and always on the cutting edge, always leading the world to the next frontier. This quality is vital to our future as a nation. If we ever closed the door to new Americans, our leadership in the world would soon be lost.”

Wait...that was Ronald Reagan. Nevermind.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
No. Just that for once, people ought to put their money where their mouth is.

Lead by example.
We do. We vote for common sense. So, which country did your ancestors come from, and would your favorite politicians have voted against letting them in today? Aren't you grateful for common sense immigration laws back then which let them in, and shouldn't you therefore be voting for them yourself, since you obviously benefited from them?

I think you should try to be consistent here. Otherwise, it seems a tad bit hypocritical on your part, doesn't it? How can you defend such a contradiction?


Veteran Member
Premium Member
I think its the baggage rather than the 'look' that upsets a number of people most. From what i hear naturals don't want other people's problems carried over and resurrected all over again and brought to their doorstep.
You mean like the baggage of the clan mentally the Scots brought with them when they settled into the hillsides of the deep south, who then later formed the KKK because of that?


Veteran Member
Do the resident conservatives oppose DACA? As we know this Obama program has been in and out of the courts. It was ruled illegal, and then that ruling overturned by the Supreme Court in summer of 2020. But trump and his administration were still hostile to this program.

Despite Supreme Court's Ruling On DACA, Trump Administration Rejects New Applicants

The current status is that Homeland Security is reviewing the program and citizen responses and will make a decision about the future of this program later this year.

Sgt. Pepper

All you need is love.
Are you native American? If not then you are a product of immigration. I never could understand immigrants and their offspring saying **** you new immigrants, we are long time immigrants with our big feet in the door, you can **** off. It strikes me as the height of hypocrisy.

Your comment reminded me of an old article that used to circulate in a few online Native American communities. It would always spark a discussion about the non-Indians (specifically white people) who complain about immigrants coming to America, whether the immigrants are legally here or not. And before anyone gets bent out of shape and mad about the article, it's a satire article.

Native American Council Offers Amnesty to 240 Million Undocumented Whites
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