In case anyone's curious for an example of what I mean by "vision", here's one I had a few months ago, copied from my Heathenry blog (and so is a bit... storified, for lack of a better term):
...I was reading about Þórr[Thor], and came upon passages about His legendary rage near statements that he was regarded as “the principal adversary of Christ”. I read that a devotee of Þórr[Thor] had told a missionary that the Son of Earth had challeneged Christ to a dual. That’s when I had a “vision” of sorts.
I saw Thunder standing across from Christ in a field of grass. Before long, Redbeard swung His Hammer at the self-proclaimed Son of Man with great force, but the mighty Masher merely passed right through while the God from Gallilee stood there, unmoving and expressionless. Thunder swung again, and many times after, each time harder, and each time a growing fury, yet each time with the same effect.
Then the Son of Earth’s rage reached a new height, His beard fanned flames and His eyes blue with bolts, and He struck the ground with such force that all the land erupted and Heaven grew dark and red. Christ then lifted his hand, his first movement this whole time, and all was reverted back to the way it was. Thunder struck the ground again, and Christ healed it again. With no growth of passion, the two Gods went back and forth like this for a long time.
Then, as Thunder struck and destroyed Heaven and Earth one final time, for the first time Christ smiled. Then, I saw his form change. His small beard fell away, brown hair changed to gold, and strange white robe gave way to familiar golden-green dress. Christ was not Christ; Frith, whom the Northmen called Síf, Thunder’s Most Beloved and Mother of Barleycorn, now stood before the Son of Earth with a smile as warm as freshly cooked bread.
Once again the land was healed, and a vast field of golden wheat rose around Thunder. He fell to the ground, all his fury burned away, and smiled as the golden stalks softly embraced him. Frith quietly giggled, and I realized that it really had been Her all along, teasing Her Beloved as only the Daughter of Fire could.
And as I explained earlier in this thread, none of this manifested in the physical world or overtook any of my senses. It was akin to a dream in that I couldn't really control where it went like I can with daydreams, yet I was awake (if pretty tired). Heck, the vision started while I was sitting at a table, and I made my way to my couch while it was still going on.