Don't know where you get this old earth from...
There has only ever been one earth in this particular solar system, and that is this one.
Read Genesis 1:1-2.
"In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. 2 The earth was without form and void, and darkness was over the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters." (ESV)
What does it say? "
In the beginning God created" the beginning of what? Obviously the beginning of creation.
In its 'infant' state, the earth was without form and void, shrouded in darkness. The earth came into existence when the rest of the universe was created. That could well have been billions of years ago.
There is no timeframe stated between creation and the preparation of this unique planet for habitation. The preparation involved many phases.
And life has developed from a single source as far as can be ascertained, as only one type of dna has ever been discovered. All life on earth is linked through time and by the process we call evolution.
Or conversely, all life on this planet is linked because the Creator used the same raw materials in the formation of all living things. We don't know any more than what Genesis tells us. The creative "days" were obviously NOT 24 hour days because the earth itself tells us that it isn't young. The very first biological specimens were seen to appear on the third day.
Vegetation in seeds, self replicating and self-perpetuating, began to spread in the earth. God doesn't tell mankind about living things they cannot see, (such as microorganisms) as this would have been rather pointless to his original audience. He did however make laws that dictated hygienic procedures that would have made no sense back then, but would become known only a few centuries centuries ago. The health of God's people was protected to a great degree by those laws. Scientists did not discover "germs" until relatively recently. (1660's) but they did not start washing their hands to prevent the spread of disease till the mid 1800's.
There is no way to test the "process" of evolution, except by the guesswork of scientists. If you are a Bible believer, then you know about the one Jesus called "the ruler of this world".
This unseen enemy of God and his people has always been able to mislead mankind.
2 Corinthians 4:3-4:
"If the Good News we preach is hidden behind a veil, it is hidden only from people who are perishing. 4 Satan, who is the god of this world, has blinded the minds of those who don’t believe. They are unable to see the glorious light of the Good News. They don’t understand this message about the glory of Christ, who is the exact likeness of God."(NLT)
The ability to 'blind minds' means that he can disable people's thinking ability. This is why we see perfectly intelligent, educated men being led down a slippery slope like evolution as if they had a ring in their collective noses.
However had more than one framework, like dna, been discovered, or is still to be discovered, this would not change the process of evolution one iota.
There never was a process of evolution. Science cannot test its theory in real life.....they have to rely on data furnished by other scientists who also want to support this theory. The "evidence" will be "interpreted" accordingly. Professional reputations are at stake.
Man is not a distinct end point in this process, man is a stage. Evolution will continue past the line of man towards something else, should we live so long and not become extinct.
Who told you that? There is not a single species of living creature on this planet who is like man. None of them have the mental capacity that we do. None have the language or communication skills that we do. None can consciously plan for the future because they have no concept of past or present, let alone what might happen 20 years from now. We are the most intelligent of all species on this earth. Though many behave as though they had no intelligence whatsoever.
Do we have the capacity to become better than we are at present? I have no doubt, because when God's purpose for this earth is fulfilled and wickedness and ungodly people are eliminated from existence, things will go back to what God purposed at the start. This is not the life God planned for us, but we are stuck with it until every intelligent creature, both in heaven and on earth will have had his or her free will tested to the max. We will either pass or fail that test by the way we live and worship.
What ever happens will be known by God.
Absolutely. He is in control of everything....but evolution was never part of the original plan. He gave all creatures the ability to adapt to changing circumstances, but that was taken way out of the realms of science by those who were keen to lose any accountability to a higher authority. We all have an innate need to by making himself the most intelligent creature in existence, man can actually worship then becomes his 'religion'. He also has his temples and his 'holy' writings.
Its a tangled web.