Could you possibly mean me Jose Fly? You know the difficulty I have with responding to you is that you become your avatar.
I think this could possibly be why I have trouble taking you seriously. You just become Mr Grumblebum Cranky Face.
So we begin with the usual putdown just to set the scene....
Make sure you reduce the opposition to K-12 status.
I think we understand perception management here.
Evolution is
a theory based on an imagined hypothesis. It is suggested to occur
when a series of imagined beneficial mutations take place for no apparent reason, or natural selection drives a species to develop into another species of creature altogether (again for no apparent reason) and
supposedly takes place via
imaginary processes which can never be duplicated in a lab. Examples of evolution would be
suggested processes that make it possible for amoebas to eventually turn into dinosaurs, despite the fact that no one has ever seen a single part of the process take place. Gaps in knowledge or evidence can be filled in by speculation, assumption and misinterpreting evidence.
Adaptation on the other hand
are minor changes that can occur only within a species. e.g. the length of a bird's beak or the color of an animal's coat or the ability of a plant to survive in a desert. It occurs when
a change of environment or an alteration in food sources cause small changes in the animals or bird's ability to survive in a change of circumstance and takes place via
small, mostly cosmetic changes driven by that alteration in the creature's living conditions. Examples of adaptation
observed by man would be
the hawthorn fly, stickleback fish, bacteria and the Galapagos species that Darwin observed.....none of which showed any alteration in the creature's natural structure, but merely minor changes to facilitate survival in a different, more marine oriented environment.
In all cases, the fish remained fish.....the flies remained flies....and the bacteria remained bacteria. The Galapagos species also remained true to their "kind" with small alterations in their appearance due to natural adaptations to their marine environment.
1.Minor adaptive changes within a single species, as opposed to one creature morphing into a series of completely different creatures over millions of years.
2. Small adaptations that facilitate survival within a species produce variety but remain true to their kind. Ability to adapt does not support a long series of beneficial mutations e.g. eventually turning land animals into whales. Most mutations are not beneficial, but detrimental to an organism.
Common ancestry is assumed but not provable. It is not evidence based. It is suggested.
3. Plants can adapt but remain plants. Insects can adapt but remain insects. Marine creatures can adapt but remain marine creatures and land animals can adapt but remain true to their kind.
The difference between the the two is vast, but the line is so blurred by science that most supporters of macro-evolution cannot even see it.
Will there be anything else?