Well, there's a small problem there.
You're 'telling' people how to address your faith.
I get fed up with people who 'tell' me how to say their names.
It's like an English born and 'refined'
lady in our street who has decided that her name needs an acute and a grave accent, turning it from simple Helen into Haylan. She corrects everybody who calls her 'Helen'.And yet she addresses me by the shortened form of my name!! I love these objectionable people........ not!
Here's one for you. There are some atheists out there who are very upset when people wish them 'Merry Christmas' or 'Happy Easter' and especially 'God Bless you'. Did you know that? Do you personally make sure that the persons who you offer these sentences, will not be upset by them?
Well? You want to be socially correct, so do you check folks' objections before you speak to them?