Do you love your country? yes?
Then do support a successful hard Brexit, because the Euro-System is going to collapse soon, and the UK must take its countermeasures.
I am not kidding, I talked to economists about it, two of whom are in the budget commission of the Parliament
I love my country which is why I recognise a hard Brexit is the best advert for Scottish independence going at the moment. Not sure why I should support a successful hard Brexit since it involves the Tories steering the UK off the economic cliff in order to turn us into a low-wage tax haven for the super-rich. That said, it
is causing more and more of my countrymen to see sense at last and accept that an independent Scotland is the way forward.
The Leave side didn't think things the consequences of their actions and idiotic position through at all; they had no plan whatsoever. Things are so bad we've got idiot Brexiteers trying to blame their lack of any coherent plans, strategies or arguments on Remainers because that's all they can do: blame everyone else for their decisions. No matter how many times I'm told 'you should support Brexit', I've never been given any reason to. A bad idea is a bad idea is a bad idea.
Oh wow you're not kidding, huh? Where did you find these two probably mythical economists? At your local Bund meeting?