I didn't say it was. In fact, that case is so convoluted that it is hard to pin the blame and find the sentence. It is only clear that no sentence would be a grave injustice.
Sure. It seems that we are in some kind of contentious agreement here.
But the officers were shot at and thought that they could die.
The fact that they shot seven bullets (?) in to Miss Walker could only show how unbalanced, poorly prepared, poorly equipped and badly led they were.
Any sentence should be a demand for changes, maybe?
That's redirection, surely?
This happened in a US State.
I'm not going to look somewhere else in connection with Miss Walker's death.
It hasn't been mentioned in the discussion, yet. And yes, police officers are under stress and that stress is mostly home grown. Officers are made to fear the public in their training and those who can't cope with the stress are hired anyway or if they develop symptoms later are kept working instead of send to a psychiatrist.
Every serving law enforcement officer should undergo psycho-therapy and counselling regularly.
These officers probably were not wearing body armour (I'm guessing).
Did they knock and call out first? They say that they did.
An officer who snaps under stress can't be made responsible -
Good! See? That's an acquittal of any crime, right there. It's the system that needs to be tried, I reckon.
Oh! And America could do with less fast-fire guns in civilian hands. That could help. Maybe?
but his commanding officer can. When you send out an unstable individual, you are responsible for everything that individual does.
By all means sack the bosses. But put them in prison? Every time their force messes up? All your bosses would be in the nick.
In short: a person is dead, somebody has to pay for that. If that doesn't happen people will sense that the law isn't working properly. And that will make them disregard the law themselves.
Well, the people are probably right. The law is not working properly.
No auto retraining and reviews.
No trauma counselling and therapy.
Guns everywhere.
Stupid drugs laws.
Bad property search techniques.
Body armour?
....it goes on.....
The people are probably right. But don't appease the people by sticking officers in prison who didn't want that incident to happen, is my guess.