I was "saved"
my Self was saved from oblivian
the day I stopped listening to others
and took my life back
and started authoring it mySelf again.
(or... if you prefer...
co-authoring it... ALONE...
with the LivingSentientUniverse )
You have no idea how far I've come in 5 years.
the world, religion, and marriage almost killed me.
If you saw me then...
you would not recognize me.
Living by other's rule, authority, & expectation
was the death of my Self.
I lost all my personal style, all my dynamic,
all my personal hopes and dreams,
I gained 60+ lbs, got sick, chronically ill....
and almost fell into depression
over a period of 10 years.
Con-formity to the standards of others
was the near total death of ME.
"Others" will all too easily
steal your soul... your person...
your entire identity...if you let them.
Sooo... 5 years later...
I am still a work in progress...
but at least I am ME again.
MY current version of me...
is actually the most WONDERFUL
version of me that I have ever been before.
The inner one I know I am...
gradually coming into BEing...
manifesting gradually on the outside...
as I truly am... on the inside.
Because I TREASURE who I am
this CREATION of Self...
and because I strive to live
deep in the eternal NOW...
I just assume it is my gift
it is my birthright...
of the Living Sentient Universe
that I have CHOSEN
to keep.
(after all... the eternal NOW, IS
eternally now.
I have gone deep within
and ACTIVELY chosen to "save" my essence of Self...
with the "right" to "upgrade" my "version"...
out into eternity. :rainbow1:
I know that others feel we are supposed to "lose" the Self.
(in the ONE Great BEing)
and this perhaps is what they choose.
But I rather like.... BEing me.
I think it would nice to be able to enter into
either experience of BEing... at will.
BTW... if read ALONE...
I do believe everything I have said here
stands up to Y'shua's Kingdom Teachings.
(according to interpretation of course.