Sounds like she just doesn't take those things literally. Do you know if that's the case?Ok, so I know a gal who calls herself Christian. However, within her beliefs, she doesn't believe:
in the Biblical God ("and if he was real, he'd be NUTS.") She does believe in God, but not from the Bible, even approaching it as metaphorical
the Bible ("full of myths, and outdated rules")
in Heaven or Hell (reincarnation)
Jesus died for our sins, was resurrected, or performed miracles
Jesus was the Son of God any more than we are as humans
Trust Paul, at all
The virgin Mary was a virgin
in churches as useful
in the Trinity
She's said she is a Christian, though, just different-thinking.
Someone can not believe in those things literally and still be Christian, as long as they have defined some part of the world that they identify with the parts of the Christian myth that they believe in. If they don't believe in the Christian myth at all, then I'd start to wonder.So, when is someone not a Christian? Can someone not believe in ALL these, and still be Christian (to you)? Would this lady most likely be?
I know you don't need to believe ALL of these, btw, but I'm wondering where the 'disbelief' line is?
Also, sometimes "being a Christian" is just a demographic statistic.
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