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When will Jesus return?


Active Member
Thanks for sharing your view my friend. Ques: Am i to understand that it's the belief of Muslims that Jesus was never crucified and killed, he just simply disappeared? please explain.

In the Qur'an, Allah says:

[Mention] when Allāh said, "O Jesus, indeed I will take you and raise you to Myself and purify you from those who disbelieve and make those who follow you [in submission to Allāh alone] superior to those who disbelieve until the Day of Resurrection. Then to Me is your return, and I will judge between you concerning that in which you used to differ. {The Holy Qur'an 3:55}

Jesus (PBUH) was saved by Allah. He was lifted in to Heaven and instead, Allah made it appear to them that it was Jesus (PBUH) they crucified while it wasn't. This is seen when Allah says:

That they said (in boast), "We killed Christ Jesus the son of Mary, the messenger of Allah" - but they killed him not, nor crucified him, but so it was made to appear to them, and those who differ therein are full of doubts, with no (certain) knowledge, but only conjecture to follow, for of a surety they killed him not - nay,
Allah raised him up unto Himself.
{The Holy Qur'an 4:157-158)

Christians believe that Jesus (PBUH) died to save people from damnation because of the sins of Adam (PBUH). However, Allah tells us that no man carries the burden of another. Therefore the concept of original sin is not accepted in Islam. A baby is born innocent. After puberty whatever of sin or good deed accumulated counts and Allah will judge the person for those deeds on the Day of Judgment. Nobody except the people mentioned by Allah in the Qur'an are heaven bound. Nobody, Muslim or non-Muslim should feel safe from Allah's plan; however no abandon repentance because He is Oft-Forgiving and Most Merciful.

Peace be upon you.
Christians believe that Jesus (PBUH) died to save people from damnation because of the sins of Adam (PBUH). However, Allah tells us that no man carries the burden of another. Therefore the concept of original sin is not accepted in Islam. A baby is born innocent. After puberty whatever of sin or good deed accumulated counts and Allah will judge the person for those deeds on the Day of Judgment. Nobody except the people mentioned by Allah in the Qur'an are heaven bound. Nobody, Muslim or non-Muslim should feel safe from Allah's plan; however no abandon repentance because He is Oft-Forgiving and Most Merciful.

Peace be upon you.
I do relate and accept this to a point. First of all we do believe that whatever sacrifice Jesus endure and suffered was for the people of his day, christian faith believe that Jesus died for the sins of all men even to this very day -that is not the case at all. Furthermore, it is very true that a baby is born innocent -in fact, a baby is born holy before the lord. After that individual, like you would have stated, grows and become knowledgeable of good and evil then the concept of sin comes into place for that individual.


Active Member
Furthermore, it is very true that a baby is born innocent -in fact, a baby is born holy before the lord. After that individual, like you would have stated, grows and become knowledgeable of good and evil then the concept of sin comes into place for that individual.

Exactly! It is stated more explicitly in the Qur'an when Allah says:

O Prophet, remind mankind about incident when your LORD brought into existence the offspring from the loins of Adam and his descendants (i.e. all of mankind) and made them testify about themselves. Allah asked them: "Am I not your LORD?" They all replied: "Yes! We bear witness that You are." This We did, should you say on the Day of Resurrection: "We were not aware of this fact that You are our LORD and that there will be a Day of Judgement. {The Glorious Qur'an 7:172}

Peace be upon you.


Well-Known Member
I do relate and accept this to a point. First of all we do believe that whatever sacrifice Jesus endure and suffered was for the people of his day, christian faith believe that Jesus died for the sins of all men even to this very day -that is not the case at all. Furthermore, it is very true that a baby is born innocent -in fact, a baby is born holy before the lord. After that individual, like you would have stated, grows and become knowledgeable of good and evil then the concept of sin comes into place for that individual.

You are incorrect O HouseofIsrael. For it is the death of "The Anointed One," who is the only man ever to have been redeemed from the body of mankind and to have been given the gift of eternal life, which is the ransom price for the body of mankind. The only man recorded in scripture to have been carried to heaven and anointed before the presence of God, Is Enoch who was translated from a physical being to a glorious being of brilliant light.

Enoch the Prophet who, at the age of 365 was carried to heaven and stripped of his earthly garment and anointed with the sweet smelling ointment of God that shone with the brilliance of the sun and behold he was as one with the glorious ones, “Christ”...’The anointed one.’

‘The Book of Enoch the Prophet,’ XXXVII: 4, “Till the present day such wisdom has never been given by the Lord of Spirits as I have received according to my insight, according to the good pleasure of the Lord of Spirits by whom the lot of eternal life has been given to me.” This is verified in genesis 5: 23, and Hebrews 11: 5.

The only man to have been anointed at the command of God, the only man to be redeemed from the previous world, the only man to be translated from the physical world into the invisible world that co-exists within this one, for the kingdom of God is within you, the only man to have been given the gift of eternal life. The only person from the body of Adam who was ransomed by the blood of righteous Abel, which blood could pay the death penalty for only one man, unlike the death of the anointed one which speaks of much greater things than does the blood of righteous Abel, and it is his death that is the ransom price for the entire body of post flood mankind.

In the new body of mankind which descended from Noah, his wife, their three sons and their wives who were all genetic descendants of Enoch through his six sons Methusulah, Rigam, Riman, Urchan, Cherminion and Giadad, Enoch, the only eternal spirit of Man in his ascent to the end of all things, developed and evolved as the spirits of mankind were gathered to him, to be the first born Son of God, born from the dying body of Mankind, and as you have already stated, all children are born innocent, although I would correct you here and say that any child born of the body of man who was not under the death sentence that was imposed on Adam, is born innocent.

Enoch may have been the cornerstone to which the spirits of man were gathered in the development of the spiritual Son of God within the body of mankind, but the Son of Man was not Enoch, for the Son of Man was the compilation of all mankind, He was born with all the wisdom, knowledge and insight needed by the heir to the throne of the Most High, and that wisdom, knowledge and insight was gained from the sufferings that his body endured which were caused by the sin and mistakes that we his body had made, and our death, the death of the sinful body in which he developed, was the ransom price for the sins of his flesh and only he can descend into his dead past and pay the sacrificial price for the mother body in which he developed: Psalms 51: 5; “Behold, I was brought forth in iniquity and in sin did my mother conceive me.”

And no man has ascended to heaven EXCEPT (Enoch) even the Son of man who came down to his own, and his own received him not. But to as many as receive him, to them does he give the right to become the Sons of God. Enoch, the 365 day old unblemished sacrificial lamb of God: and Jesus was the first fruits of his resurrection, for it was not Jesus who was torn asunder and poured out as fire on all those who believed the words of Enoch our Father who dwells behind the veil to the innermost sanctuary of our beings, whose words were heard from the mouth of his faithful servant Jesus who spoke not one word on his own authority, but only that which he was commanded to say by our father and saviour, who rose Jesus from death and is able to raise we who are united to Jesus also.

Acts 17: 31; “For He has fixed a day (The Sabbath of one thousand years from the day in which Adam ate of the forbidden fruit and died in that day at the age of 930.) in which he will judge the whole world with justice by means of a man he has chosen. He has given proof of this to everyone by raising that man from death.”

And as the risen body of Jesus was translated to that brilliant blinding body of light that appeared to Paul on the road to Damascus, and was heard to say, “I am Jesus of Nazareth,” so shall those who are selected as the required number of Jews and Gentiles who will take the thrones that have been prepared for them and rule the Lords Day the Sabbath of one thousand years, before fire descends from heaven and incinerates all upon the earth.

For I tell you a sacred secret said Paul, we shall not all fall asleep in death, but at the sound of the last trumpet the elect and chosen will be changed in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye from bodies of corruptible matter, into the glorious bodies of brilliant and blinding light.

From The Book of Enoch the Prophet, chapter 108: 2; And now I will summons the spirits of the good who belong to the generation of the Light and I will transform those who were born in darkness, who in the flesh, were not recompensed with such honour as their faithfulness deserved. And I will bring forth in shining light those who have loved my Holy Name (Who I Am) and I will seat each one on the throne of his honour. And they shall be resplendent for times without number.”
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Well-Known Member
All evidence... do not pocket yourself my friend you're smarter -all evidence suggest it is fiction? -all evidence by whom? this is inaccurate.

There is no hard evidence whatsoever that a man named Jesus ever existed, and certainly none that a god named JEsus did.
You are incorrect O HouseofIsrael. For it is the death of "The Anointed One," who is the only man ever to have been redeemed from the body of mankind and to have been given the gift of eternal life, which is the ransom price for the body of mankind. The only man recorded in scripture to have been carried to heaven and anointed before the presence of God, Is Enoch who was translated from a physical being to a glorious being of brilliant light.

Enoch the Prophet who, at the age of 365 was carried to heaven and stripped of his earthly garment and anointed with the sweet smelling ointment of God that shone with the brilliance of the sun and behold he was as one with the glorious ones, “Christ”...’The anointed one.’

‘The Book of Enoch the Prophet,’ XXXVII: 4, “Till the present day such wisdom has never been given by the Lord of Spirits as I have received according to my insight, according to the good pleasure of the Lord of Spirits by whom the lot of eternal life has been given to me.” This is verified in genesis 5: 23, and Hebrews 11: 5.

The only man to have been anointed at the command of God, the only man to be redeemed from the previous world, the only man to be translated from the physical world into the invisible world that co-exists within this one, for the kingdom of God is within you, the only man to have been given the gift of eternal life. The only person from the body of Adam who was ransomed by the blood of righteous Abel, which blood could pay the death penalty for only one man, unlike the death of the anointed one which speaks of much greater things than does the blood of righteous Abel, and it is his death that is the ransom price for the entire body of post flood mankind.

In the new body of mankind which descended from Noah, his wife, their three sons and their wives who were all genetic descendants of Enoch through his six sons Methusulah, Rigam, Riman, Urchan, Cherminion and Giadad, Enoch, the only eternal spirit of Man in his ascent to the end of all things, developed and evolved as the spirits of mankind were gathered to him, to be the first born Son of God, born from the dying body of Mankind, and as you have already stated, all children are born innocent, although I would correct you here and say that any child born of the body of man who was not under the death sentence that was imposed on Adam, is born innocent.

Enoch may have been the cornerstone to which the spirits of man were gathered in the development of the spiritual Son of God within the body of mankind, but the Son of Man was not Enoch, for the Son of Man was the compilation of all mankind, He was born with all the wisdom, knowledge and insight needed by the heir to the throne of the Most High, and that wisdom, knowledge and insight was gained from the sufferings that his body endured which were caused by the sin and mistakes that we his body had made, and our death, the death of the sinful body in which he developed, was the ransom price for the sins of his flesh and only he can descend into his dead past and pay the sacrificial price for the mother body in which he developed: Psalms 51: 5; “Behold, I was brought forth in iniquity and in sin did my mother conceive me.”

And no man has ascended to heaven EXCEPT (Enoch) even the Son of man who came down to his own, and his own received him not. But to as many as receive him, to them does he give the right to become the Sons of God. Enoch, the 365 day old unblemished sacrificial lamb of God: and Jesus was the first fruits of his resurrection, for it was not Jesus who was torn asunder and poured out as fire on all those who believed the words of Enoch our Father who dwells behind the veil to the innermost sanctuary of our beings, whose words were heard from the mouth of his faithful servant Jesus who spoke not one word on his own authority, but only that which he was commanded to say by our father and saviour, who rose Jesus from death and is able to raise we who are united to Jesus also.

Acts 17: 31; “For He has fixed a day (The Sabbath of one thousand years from the day in which Adam ate of the forbidden fruit and died in that day at the age of 930.) in which he will judge the whole world with justice by means of a man he has chosen. He has given proof of this to everyone by raising that man from death.”

And as the risen body of Jesus was translated to that brilliant blinding body of light that appeared to Paul on the road to Damascus, and was heard to say, “I am Jesus of Nazareth,” so shall those who are selected as the required number of Jews and Gentiles who will take the thrones that have been prepared for them and rule the Lords Day the Sabbath of one thousand years, before fire descends from heaven and incinerates all upon the earth.

For I tell you a sacred secret said Paul, we shall not all fall asleep in death, but at the sound of the last trumpet the elect and chosen will be changed in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye from bodies of corruptible matter, into the glorious bodies of brilliant and blinding light.

From The Book of Enoch the Prophet, chapter 108: 2; And now I will summons the spirits of the good who belong to the generation of the Light and I will transform those who were born in darkness, who in the flesh, were not recompensed with such honour as their faithfulness deserved. And I will bring forth in shining light those who have loved my Holy Name (Who I Am) and I will seat each one on the throne of his honour. And they shall be resplendent for times without number.”

I am incorrect? at what point or comment(s)

Douglas J.

New Member
You may call Him Jesus, but in the common language of the time, ancient Aramaic, He was known as Eashoa. Almost everyone spoke this. In the high tongue of the priests of Israel He was called Yeshua. Not everyone spoke this. I prefer Eashoa, and He called Himself, Al Bar Nasha which is translated as "the Son of Man", or "the Son of Mankind".

Will Eashoa return? Yes, I believe so. When? Only the Father knows. No one else. Not even Eashoa. So, I suppose it will be the appropriate moment. The question that seems to be avoided here is where.

There is only one place on the planet that Eashoa can return safely. If He were to return anywhere else the prevailing governments of the regions would either try to shoot Him on sight, of imprison Him, study His physiology, only to find out He's human, and then endlessly question Him as to why He is here.

So where is the only place Eashoa can return in safety. I leave that to you to figure out.

Luciferi Baphomet

Lucifer, is my Liberator
I know for a fact that Jesus will return, because i believe in the scriptures. What i don't know is why his return is taking this long... can it be suggested he cannot return on his own will power but until all things be fulfilled by the greater power as written? ([FONT=Times New Roman,Times,Times Roman]Acts 3:20-21[/FONT]). "My understanding here is that Jesus came and completed his mission on earth that he was sent to do and will return someday, but his return would not come until the Almighty God himself restores all things."
You got to realize that the dead doesn't come back. If he does then we would have a zombie.


ALL in all
Premium Member
I know for a fact that Jesus will return, because i believe in the scriptures. What i don't know is why his return is taking this long... can it be suggested he cannot return on his own will power but until all things be fulfilled by the greater power as written? ([FONT=Times New Roman,Times,Times Roman]Acts 3:20-21[/FONT]). "My understanding here is that Jesus came and completed his mission on earth that he was sent to do and will return someday, but his return would not come until the Almighty God himself restores all things."
the eternal doesn't come or go, its always present, everpresent or omnipresent. Jesus, the personality, isn't coming back. I AM that i am

he said: "I am with you always."

he said "20. On that day you will realize that I am in my Father, and you are in me, and I am in you."

he said: "the Spirit of truth.The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be "in" you."

he said: "that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me."

colossian 3:11 christ is all and in all
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