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When will Jesus return?


I just want to know why anyone thinks Jesus would want to return to a planet full of self centered, violent, squabbling people. Nations are hardly noble. The Middle East has been embroiled in war since what feels like the dawn of time. Jesus wants to come back to that, huh? Somehow I don't quite think all the so called followers of Jesus measure up either, like those who bomb abortion clinics or try to push their religious agendas in schools, which are places of education, not indoctrination. And as for the person who mentioned scientific theory... a theory, in scientific terms, is something which has provable evidence backing it. People always like to pull out scientific "theory", but they have no idea what it means. And there's even less evidence of Biblical events, considering the only thing Christians have got is the Bible, and that's it. Or the book of Mormon, or what have you. Still, you can't disprove the existence of God either, so you never know.
I just want to know why anyone thinks Jesus would want to return to a planet full of self centered, violent, squabbling people. Nations are hardly noble. The Middle East has been embroiled in war since what feels like the dawn of time. Jesus wants to come back to that, huh? Somehow I don't quite think all the so called followers of Jesus measure up either, like those who bomb abortion clinics or try to push their religious agendas in schools, which are places of education, not indoctrination. And as for the person who mentioned scientific theory... a theory, in scientific terms, is something which has provable evidence backing it. People always like to pull out scientific "theory", but they have no idea what it means. And there's even less evidence of Biblical events, considering the only thing Christians have got is the Bible, and that's it. Or the book of Mormon, or what have you. Still, you can't disprove the existence of God either, so you never know.

Man (individually speaking) has no knowledge of his own -first to start with. Everything one knows was taught to him/her with the exception of research -for argument sake from birth to adulthood. About the reference to scientific theory, it really doesn't matter how hard we try to justify it, -it's research, experiment and theory. I have a passion for science and understands its impact on the development of humanity but my understanding is that God is directly responsible for its creation and reveals knowledge to those who seeks it diligently. Amos 3:7


Well-Known Member
I have a passion for science and understands its impact on the development of humanity but my understanding is that God is directly responsible for its creation and reveals knowledge to those who seeks it diligently. Amos 3:7

Research understanding.

You claim to have knowledge of god and his method for revealing knowledge.

You have no basis for this claim except possibly some introspective loony tunes case of how you just know but cant actually prove it to anyone and really I'm not even sure you have that.


Well-Known Member
How could a supposed Jew born in a small out-of-the-way place 2000 years ago possibly be the god of a whole planet?
Research understanding.

You claim to have knowledge of god and his method for revealing knowledge.

You have no basis for this claim except possibly some introspective loony tunes case of how you just know but cant actually prove it to anyone and really I'm not even sure you have that.

OK I got your view.
How could a supposed Jew born in a small out-of-the-way place 2000 years ago possibly be the god of a whole planet?

Jesus is not God of the whole planet -only the supreme being (God) can be. Logician: (out-of-the-way place) was that necessary, is that the way greatness is defined?


Well-Known Member
Jesus is not God of the whole planet -only the supreme being (God) can be. Logician: (out-of-the-way place) was that necessary, is that the way greatness is defined?

Actually, Jesus never existed, a myth along the lines Osiris, Krishna, Mithras, etc. - however, myths have served religions well over the ages.


Guardian of Asgaard
So how do you explain the design of man, UFOs, construct of earth and things into which science is seeking answers? as i think these are beyond the development of ordinary man.

Just because we did not develop them does not mean a supreme being did. If were were created then who created the creator and so on.

Claiming evidence for creation is intellectually dishonest at best.


Spiritual Tour Guide
How could a supposed Jew born in a small out-of-the-way place 2000 years ago possibly be the god of a whole planet?

Not to mention logician that the facts of when and where he was born or that he ever existed at all has no real proof other than a fairy tale reacord of contradicting statements that they refer to as a "bible". It is really sad that so many humans still remain such simple creatures as this. You would think that we would have advanced past such a need to sooth our mortal fears. Well, more of us any way...
Just because we did not develop them does not mean a supreme being did. If were were created then who created the creator and so on.

Claiming evidence for creation is intellectually dishonest at best.

This is just undone, simply. Ok let's say there is no such thing as God then what is responsible for creation in itself? don't tell me about big bang because that cannot be proven -that's a theory or idea, a model scientist use to explain how they believe it all started. That may very well be a myth just as the idea of God is to some.
Not to mention logician that the facts of when and where he was born or that he ever existed at all has no real proof other than a fairy tale reacord of contradicting statements that they refer to as a "bible". It is really sad that so many humans still remain such simple creatures as this. You would think that we would have advanced past such a need to sooth our mortal fears. Well, more of us any way...

It may well and be a fallacy, but what about if it's not -have you ever thought about that?

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
So how do you explain the design of man, UFOs, construct of earth and things into which science is seeking answers? as i think these are beyond the development of ordinary man.

Wow, these are a lot of "assumptions"....

You make the assumption "man" was designed, UFOs exist (so far no proof exist).....and the earth was "constructed".....


Active Member
In Islam, we do agree that Jesus (PBUH) will return since he was never killed. He will come to kill the Anti-Christ called Dajjal and correct the misunderstandings Christians developed.

“He is called Dajjal because he is a liar. … He will claim lordship by performing many miraculous acts to attract people. … Part of the trials that will follow the appearance of the Antichrist is that by ordering for rain, it will rain, by ordering for the earth to be covered by plantation and plants, it will be; he will make all the beasts follow him; by ordering the buried treasures to be uncovered, they will be brought forth to the surface.” He will come at a time of drought, starvation and war, and “he will amplify his authority by manipulating people because of the great need of food and peace on the earth at that time. His powers will be so great that he will rule the earth for a few years. Then when he gathers an army together to fight against those that reject him, Jesus (peace and blessings be upon him) will descend and eventually destroy him.” (From the fatwa of Sheikh Muhammad `Ali Al-Hanooti.)
Surah Al ‘Imran 55 is one of the verses indicating that Jesus (as) will come back:
When Allah said, "‘Isa, I will take you back and raise you up to Me and purify you of those who are disbelievers. And I will place the people who follow you above those who are disbelievers until the Day of Rising. Then you will all return to Me, and I will judge between you regarding the things about which you differed. (Surah Al ‘Imran: 55)

Don't fret HoI, there have been many indications that the world is coming to an end. Personally, I think Dajjal is "coming very soon". Ergo, Jesus (PBUH) too.

Peace be upon you.
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In Islam, we do agree that Jesus (PBUH) will return since he was never killed. He will come to kill the Anti-Christ called Dajjal and correct the misunderstandings Christians developed.

“He is called Dajjal because he is a liar. … He will claim lordship by performing many miraculous acts to attract people. … Part of the trials that will follow the appearance of the Antichrist is that by ordering for rain, it will rain, by ordering for the earth to be covered by plantation and plants, it will be; he will make all the beasts follow him; by ordering the buried treasures to be uncovered, they will be brought forth to the surface.” He will come at a time of drought, starvation and war, and “he will amplify his authority by manipulating people because of the great need of food and peace on the earth at that time. His powers will be so great that he will rule the earth for a few years. Then when he gathers an army together to fight against those that reject him, Jesus (peace and blessings be upon him) will descend and eventually destroy him.” (From the fatwa of Sheikh Muhammad `Ali Al-Hanooti.)
Surah Al ‘Imran 55 is one of the verses indicating that Jesus (as) will come back:
When Allah said, "‘Isa, I will take you back and raise you up to Me and purify you of those who are disbelievers. And I will place the people who follow you above those who are disbelievers until the Day of Rising. Then you will all return to Me, and I will judge between you regarding the things about which you differed. (Surah Al ‘Imran: 55)

Don't fret HoI, there have been many indications that the world is coming to an end. Personally, I think Dajjal is "coming very soon". Ergo, Jesus (PBUH) too.

Peace be upon you.

Thanks for sharing your view my friend. Ques: Am i to understand that it's the belief of Muslims that Jesus was never crucified and killed, he just simply disappeared? please explain.


Well-Known Member
So how do you explain the design of man, UFOs, construct of earth and things into which science is seeking answers? as i think these are beyond the development of ordinary man.

There is no proof man was designed. In fact most facts and proof point in the opposite direction. Logically this statement is false as you are assuming and implying all things must have been designed except god. Except why? If your argument is to hold water then god must have been designed so on and so forth ad infinitum disproving your original argument.

UFOs? We have a ton of explanations for unidentified things that are flying lol. I'm not sure why you throw this out there. I would recommend Sagan's "Demon-Haunted World".

Earth constructed is not remotely interesting when the rest of the heavens are considered. :) It is mans conceit and drive for purpose that leads them to the path of false rationalization that the earth and their lives and dedication to their chosen deity has some unique and special purpose.

What is interesting is your conclusion. Its beyond the development of ordinary man. So what then? Give up attribute it to some false god that exists with less proof then your everyday common leprechaun and buy into the false mass hysteria so many 'modern' religions share?

Perhaps some questions are as of yet beyond our comprehension but ye olde god of the gaps argument is tired, fallacious and ultimately useless to answering said questions.