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When will we acknowledge sexism and violence against men is just as real?


Big Squishy Hugger
Premium Member
I recently watched some material on YouTube about feminists and men's right advocates (MRA). It seems to me that they agree on some things. Feminists say they don't need men and MRA say they don't want women. So both groups will go happily about their own business without the other sex.

That would make a great mash-up. :p


Well-Known Member
Heh. Cute. You were quick to point out the "feminist" label, so I chose to act the #notallfeminist trope just as quickly. It's all tongue-in-cheek, dearest. ;)

Sure. It is a great theory and worthy of attempting. I still act in the same way to this day. The reality?....tends to sway more toward "real". What happened was: I kept trying, I kept asking, I stated my case of our history playing together, and then I was branded as a whiner. Eventually it wasn't worth the time or the stomach acid or the tears to keep trying at a group of 10 boys or so who just wanted to play football in limited timed recess. And at 12? Perspective is far different and the ego is far less developed than somebody at your age or my age.

So, I found myself going my own way. I wound up doing all right enough in the end, but it doesn't have to be that way, and as far as I'm concerned I've always been quite the athlete. The boys who went along with denying me an invitation to play were missing out on a valuable asset, IMHO. Should they continue in thinking that girls playing football is just simply wrong? Period?

Entrepreneur right here. I'm all about solutions after recognizing problems in our midst. One of them is pointing out and challenging the status quo if said status quo is not lining up to our promise of "liberty and justice for all." That's just one of them, though. And though life isn't fair due to genetics, zip codes, and health deterioration, we can at the very least find ways to make citizenship and equal rights, liberties, opportunities, and protections as fair as possible.

And, in the spirit of the thread of sexism and violence against men, I stand for men's rights as well.

I did not mean to point out a feminist label. I was trying to describe my story and my friend was a self-proclaimed feminist at that age.

I stand for everyone's right until they start believing they have it worse than all others. Everyone has an ism to relate to. If your ism doesn't end in death then how does it objectively compare to other isms?


Big Squishy Hugger
Premium Member
I did not mean to point out a feminist label. I was trying to describe my story and my friend was a self-proclaimed feminist at that age.

I stand for everyone's right until they start believing they have it worse than all others. Everyone has an ism to relate to. If your ism doesn't end in death then how does it objectively compare to other isms?

Fair points.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
I'm not gonna say that I need men :p

But the thing; is I do :oops:

Men need men, women need women, men need women and women need men. This is the true nature of life.

Oh, and tomato a vegetable!
Well, I think we have detente. While a tomato is technically a fruit, it functions more like a vegetable, so I agree with you. (I also agree with the fruit camp.)
Btw, I need men to grow tomatoes, & women to make'm into sammiches.


So far on the feminist side of RF, we have defense of "Dead men don't rape" as a reasonable & just slogan, & not a single objection to it. (If I missed one, please correct me.)

Except the objection I made at the beginning of this exchange.

I don't buy the tortured rationalization that it's about self defense. It bespeaks a tacit & even active approval of misandry within feminist culture.

There maybe some tacit & even active approval of misandry within feminist culture, but you certainly picked the worst example to make the point.

But it doesn't end there....consider that this is a thread about recognizing sexism & violence towards men. What ill irony it is that instead of this, we find feminists actually tolerating the advocacy of violence towards men because of the sexist presumption that they're rapists. In a thread about difficulties faced by men in particular, feminists have steered the thread to make it about them & their victimhood.

Quite sad that out of all sexism & violence towards men that could be meaningfully discussed, this attempt to load a slogan with your own implications fails so hard to do so.

By the way, feminists haven't steered this thread anywhere regarding themselves. Someone steered this thread in a focus-on-this-one-slogan as if it were some real grievance, despite the fact that you seemed to let it go 3 years after one post on this first page.
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Btw, I need men to grow tomatoes, & women to make'm into sammiches.

Oh, your little slogan there tacitly implies that there are men without tomatoes who are in need of growing a pair. Ironic indeed that in a thread regarding sexism against males, that you endorse a gender stereotype on behalf of all men needing to act one way or another.


Well-Known Member
Well, that's exactly what it is hinting... presumably that if you trying to rape me, I will physically attack you.

The thing is even if it did imply anything more than that, are men being killed to prevent rape? No, so there is no real threat to men in regards to this slogan.
Most women are sexual assaulted, that is a real threat and it's extremely rare for a woman to kill her rapist. Maybe people should focus on what is actually happening rather than imaginary threats.


The thing is even if it did imply anything more than that, are men being killed to prevent rape? No, so there is no real threat to men in regards to this slogan.
Most women are sexual assaulted, that is a real threat and it's extremely rare for a woman to kill her rapist. Maybe people should focus on what is actually happening rather than imaginary threats.

Nah, why worry about the likelihood of yet another male shooter attempting to set a record, when there are girls out there with tenuous grasps on reality who might see "Dead men don't rape" and think "Well it logically and obviously follows that all live men rape!" and subsequently marry a man for his money only to take his kids, get child support, get alimony, get government assistance, get pregnant, get an abortion, get your house, vote women into politics, and destroy the nuclear family with weak foreign policy, and have to live without sex with the exception when men are forced to instigate in cunnilingus from our cells at gun point.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Except the objection I made at the beginning of this exchange.
Pretty mild....but you get the credit.
There maybe some tacit & even active approval of misandry within feminist culture, but you certainly picked the worst example to make the point.
Low hanging fruit is my favorite....& there is so much of it.
Quite sad that out of all sexism & violence towards men that could be meaningfully discussed, this attempt to load a slogan with your own implications fails so hard to do so.
Oh, this is so very wrong.
First, implications are made by person uttering the slogan. I would make inferences. But my inferences are well reasoned, unlike the lame justifying rationalizations such as it's being factual, which is the refuge of the prevaricator.
By the way, feminists haven't steered this thread anywhere regarding themselves. Someone steered this thread in a focus-on-this-one-slogan as if it were some real grievance, despite the fact that you seemed to let it go 3 years after one post on this first page.
Check post #47 for incipient derailment. Now, what is wrong with reanimating an old thread? The new RF actually suggests these old things to us. How can I resist such delicious treats!?
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Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Oh, your little slogan there tacitly implies that there are men without tomatoes who are in need of growing a pair. Ironic indeed that in a thread regarding sexism against males, that you endorse a gender stereotype on behalf of all men needing to act one way or another.
Oh, piffle! "Sammich" is a code word for merriment & games. But you know that already, you scamp!


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Nah, why worry about the likelihood of yet another male shooter attempting to set a record, when there are girls out there with tenuous grasps on reality who might see "Dead men don't rape" and think "Well it logically and obviously follows that all live men rape!" and subsequently marry a man for his money only to take his kids, get child support, get alimony, get government assistance, get pregnant, get an abortion, get your house, vote women into politics, and destroy the nuclear family with weak foreign policy, and have to live without sex with the exception when men are forced to instigate in cunnilingus from our cells at gun point.
I'll remember this standard of sophistry next time feminists object to some slight they perceive. Familiar with the phrase "hoist by one's own petard"?


Pretty mild....but you get the credit.

Not to mention, I didn't see any feminists at all instigating anything. It looked like plenty came in and gave solidarity if anything. I did however note an old male user who stated that men are 100% interested in women for looks, and women are interested 50% in looks and 50% in money.

That one pretty much went unnoticed.

Oh, this is so very wrong.
First, implications are made by person uttering the slogan. I would make inferences. But my inferences are well reasoned, unlike the lame justifying rationalizations such as it's being factual, which is the refuge of the prevaricator.

It's long been established at this point that implications can be used in either first or third person. However inferences are still the same as stated.

Most people feel the implications they see or the inferences they make are well reasoned and veracious.

My inferences are well reasoned, unlike the lame justifying rationalizations such as it's being factual. See, it's easy.

Check post #47 for incipient derailment. Now, what is wrong with reanimating an old thread? The new RF actually suggests these old things to us. How can I resist such delicious treats!?

Storm's post #47 isn't incipient derailment. It was in response to a post that, again, is so ironically placed in the acknowledgement of violence and sexism against men thread, told in a story in which a neighbor asked for a favor, in which he offered his service but then told a female neighbor to go make a sandwich, in which she stated that he should make his own.

The post stated sympathy with the girl who asked for a favor from a neighbor, but stated someone should make their own sandwich when that person commanded a condition.

Question, if a male neighbor asked you to look at their tractor for them, and you said sure, but but then told him to make a sandwich, how do you think he would respond...? "Well of course, since this anecdote will somehow be correlated with some political point later."


I'll remember this standard of sophistry next time feminists object to some slight they perceive. Familiar with the phrase "hoist by one's own petard"?

What does this standard of sophistry have to do with feminists. You know I'm individual person, right? Who in no way represents feminists, communists, males, white people, humans as a whole. And no, I don't read Shakespeare.


Well-Known Member
Most women are sexual assaulted, that is a real threat and it's extremely rare for a woman to kill her rapist. Maybe people should focus on what is actually happening rather than imaginary threats.
That's a great idea, and we can start with the first sentence quoted here. Most women are not sexually assaulted, at least not in the US or UK, unless you think 20% equals most. Normally I wouldn't consider anything less than 51% to be considered most, and even that is stretching it.


That's a great idea, and we can start with the first sentence quoted here. Most women are not sexually assaulted, at least not in the US or UK, unless you think 20% equals most. Normally I wouldn't consider anything less than 51% to be considered most, and even that is stretching it.

Fair enough. It shouldn't be most women get sexually assaulted. It should be tens of millions of women get sexually assaulted all over the world.