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When you prevent an abortion...

Daemon Sophic

Avatar in flux
Nope. What you actually do is prevent a woman from cleaning the endometrial lining from her own uterus.
This will likely result in her seeking out a doctor in another more reasonably minded state. Assuming she cannot afford the travel and hotel involved, she will seek out a back-alley abortionist for the procedure. (As happened Every. Single. Day. Before Roe-v-Wade). Her chance of dying a lingering infectious and slow-bleed-out death goes WAY up.
So in the end, the fetus and endometrium are still removed from her body, and you’ve consigned the less financially well-off mothers to danger, suffering, and possible death.

Yay team anti-choice!!



Well-Known Member
A baby can die after birth. It can die before its first breath, or be still-born.

I disagree that preventing abortion equates to saving its life.

If you save a person from drowning then they are later hit by a car, you still saved a human life.


Just me
Premium Member
If you save a person from drowning then they are later hit by a car, you still saved a human life.
If you "save" a person from drowning and they still drown in that same incident, then you never really saved them from drowning.


Still learning to be wise
Staff member
Premium Member
You save a human life.

Does anyone disagree?
If you prevent a life saving abortion, you kill two people. One a fully fledged human being, someone’s daughter, sister or even potentially their mother and the other a potential human.
If you prevent a (for lack of a better term) regular abortion, you potentially allow a human birth. I say potentially, because the pregnant person could still have a miscarriage due to a myriad of reasons


Well-Known Member
If you "save" a person from drowning and they still drown in that same incident, then you never really saved them from drowning.


If you save them from drowning did you save a life?

If you save them from drowning and they live a full life did you save them?

If you cut them into pieces did you kill them?


Well-Known Member
So the drowning person has a birth certificate, and thus rights as guaranteed by the Constitution of the USA. A zygote doesn't. But then, zygotes don't breathe.

If you don't abort them they will breathe and live a life.

If you prevent an abortion you save a life.


Well-Known Member
No, I infringe on a woman's freedom, and impose my own moral beliefs onto her whom I deem lesser.

So the baby who is born and lives a full life because their abortion was prevented is not saved?


Just me
Premium Member

If you save them from drowning did you save a life?

If you save them from drowning and they live a full life did you save them?

If you cut them into pieces did you kill them?
If you save them, sure. But preventing abortion isn't any guarantee.

PS: abortion more often means a pill, rather than a surgery.


Well-Known Member
If you prevent a life saving abortion, you kill two people. One a fully fledged human being, someone’s daughter, sister or even potentially their mother and the other a potential human.
If you prevent a (for lack of a better term) regular abortion, you potentially allow a human birth. I say potentially, because the pregnant person could still have a miscarriage due to a myriad of reasons

A life saving abortion?

How does that work?


Veteran Member

If you save them from drowning did you save a life?

If you save them from drowning and they live a full life did you save them?

If you cut them into pieces did you kill them?
Misleading statements. This is a faulty and emotional approach that isn't accurate.

Try again to argue against abortion by being objective, and use facts. Be sure to explain the full depth of the consequences on the lives your views will affect, don't just ignore them as if they mean nothing to you.

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
You save a human life.

Does anyone disagree?
Yes in general.

But also no at the same time.

Infanticide is a hideously brutal thing to happen to an unwanted newborn.

I'd rather see an undeveloped fetus aborted than hear of newborns thrown alive into dumpsters, garbage cans, trash compactors, flushed down toilets, and remote areas to be devoured by wildlife or starved and thirsted to death. Among others to horrible to mention.

That's a reason among several why although I'm pro life, I'm also pro choice.

I don't want to see that happen to newborns. It's better a fetus than newborn.

Estro Felino

Believer in free will
Premium Member
But the secular State cannot prevent a woman from exercising a constitutional right.

It can dissuade her, saying that it will take care of that child.