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When you prevent an abortion...


My own religion
A child is not a uterus either.

But the guy that requires the kidney is a human.
And human life is important, right?

The human guy can only survive by using your kidneys.
The human fetus / child can only survive by using a woman's uterus.

What's the difference?

Why do you get a choice of making your kidneys available or not, while the woman doesn't get a choice in making her uterus available or not?

Are you an in all cases pro-choice?


Veteran Member
No one was killed intentionally in the kidney example.


As clearly stated in the analogy : you are the ONLY match and you refusing to making your body available to the dude, WILL result in the dude's death.

So your decision of refusing to making your body available, unambiguously leads to the guy's death.
It's a direct consequence of your decision.

Either you make your body available and the dude lives.
You don't make your body available and the dude dies.

These are the only two options. And you know it before making your decision.
So deciding to refuse to make your body available, is like signing the dude's death certificate.
While making your body available, is making sure the guy lives to see another day.

So, some questions:
- should you be forced to make your body available?
- if you refuse, should you be charged with murder?


Veteran Member
Its easy to get and if one doesn't want a child,
It depends where you live and what kind. If you live in Canada, it's pretty easy to access one, but it ain't cheap.
Depending on which state you live in and what kind of legislation is in place, it can be damn hard to access one.

it is avoiding the consequences of wreckless sex in many cases.
How so? The "consequences" are the pregnancy. Getting an abortion terminates that pregnancy and therefore deals directly with the consequences.

This is the typical attitude of some, as far as I can tell. It helps to demonize those who seek abortions.

I don't judge people for the reasons they get abortions. They know what's better for themselves than I do.

We Never Know

No Slack
It depends where you live and what kind. If you live in Canada, it's pretty easy to access one, but it ain't cheap.
Depending on which state you live in and what kind of legislation is in place, it can be damn hard to access one.

How so? The "consequences" are the pregnancy. Getting an abortion terminates that pregnancy and therefore deals directly with the consequences.

This is the typical attitude of some, as far as I can tell. It helps to demonize those who seek abortions.

I don't judge people for the reasons they get abortions. They know what's better for themselves than I do.

The pregnancy is a problem.
The consequences would be becoming a parent.

Abortions gets rid of the problem to avoid the consequences


Still learning to be wise
Staff member
Premium Member
Its easy to get and if one doesn't want a child, it is avoiding the consequences of wreckless sex in many cases.
That might not be the case in the US for very long.
And even now there are many stories of women being denied abortion in certain states, I think some have even died as a result.

So as an Aussie I can say, sure, Abortion or contraception is something easy to get. Abortions I think are carried out privately in our system (barring medical emergencies, afaik.) But you have to remember that’s not always going to be the case elsewhere.

We Never Know

No Slack
That might not be the case in the US for very long.
And even now there are many stories of women being denied abortion in certain states, I think some have even died as a result.

So as an Aussie I can say, sure, Abortion or contraception is something easy to get. Abortions I think are carried out privately in our system (barring medical emergencies, afaik.) But you have to remember that’s not always going to be the case elsewhere.

Since your mentioned you're an Aussie...
Change of subject for a brief minute.

The song "Down Under" ... What is a vegemite sandwich and does it taste good?
Just my couriosity at play here lol


Still learning to be wise
Staff member
Premium Member
Since your mentioned you're an Aussie...
Change of subject for a brief minute.

The song "Down Under" ... What is a vegemite sandwich and does it taste good?
Just my couriosity at play here lol
Lol A Vegemite sandwich is the best!!
The trick is to take your bread/toast, have lots of butter spread over it and a tiny bit of Vegemite over that. Then add cheese if you so desire. Vegemite is essentially yeast extract and can actually last a long time in storage.
But the flavour is very very strong. It’s very “bitey.”
So you have to figure out your tolerance level, pretty much lol