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When you prevent an abortion...


Veteran Member
A woman can decide before becoming pregnant.

Not if she is raped.
Not if the protection doesn't work.
Not if the guy lies about the protection.

And also, she can always change her mind.
It's her body. She gets to decide.

Children are not property.

Her uterus is.

PS: you never answered my question back on page 3. Perhaps you missed it. Here it is again:

Let's turn your question around. Use the same reasoning you use in your OP to answer this question.

A guy's kidneys are fried. He needs a kidney or he'll die.
You are compatible. You refuse to give up a kidney.

The guy dies due to organ failure.
Should you be charged with murder?

Why or why not?

I would love an answer.


Well-Known Member
Not if she is raped.
Not if the protection doesn't work.
Not if the guy lies about the protection.

And also, she can always change her mind.
It's her body. She gets to decide.

Her uterus is.

PS: you never answered my question back on page 3. Perhaps you missed it. Here it is again:

Let's turn your question around. Use the same reasoning you use in your OP to answer this question.

A guy's kidneys are fried. He needs a kidney or he'll die.
You are compatible. You refuse to give up a kidney.

The guy dies due to organ failure.
Should you be charged with murder?

Why or why not?

I would love an answer.

A child is not a kidney. Abortion kills by intention.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
I love women and I believe women have a right to be born.
How about this for a reasonable solution. The pro-life crowd needs to be financially responsible for any pregnancy that a woman wants to end. Pre-birth care through the age of 18. That is a more than reasonable compromise.


Well-Known Member
How about this for a reasonable solution. The pro-life crowd needs to be financially responsible for any pregnancy that a woman wants to end. Pre-birth care through the age of 18. That is a more than reasonable compromise.

There thousands of pro life pregnancy centers and adoption agencies. There are people waiting years to adopt babies.

No problem.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
There thousands of pro life pregnancy centers and adoption agencies. There are people waiting years to adopt babies.

No problem.
Nope, there are still kids today that are not adopted. There should be a rule in adoption, much like in giving birth, you do not get to pick your baby. And in the past, when there was no abortion was every child adopted? I don't think so. Your reasoning is faulty.


Well-Known Member
Nope, there are still kids today that are not adopted. There should be a rule in adoption, much like in giving birth, you do not get to pick your baby. And in the past, when there was no abortion was every child adopted? I don't think so. Your reasoning is faulty.

Those are older kids. Babies get adopted.

It’s still a tragedy for these kids but abortion has nothing to do with it.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
Those are older kids. Babies get adopted.

It’s still a tragedy for these kids but abortion has nothing to do with it.
Right now yes. but you would have to prove that it would continue. Look up the concept of supply and demand.

And why did you duck my question? Was it because you knew that it refuted your claim?


Still learning to be wise
Staff member
Premium Member
No one was killed intentionally in the kidney example.

The purpose of abortion is to kill.
But a dead person can’t give their kidneys to the dying person without explicit consent. Meaning our laws, universally even, recognise bodily autonomy to the degree that even death can’t infringe upon it. In order to be consistent, abortion should be legal up until the point of birth. The law literally doesn’t care if a person dies as a result of someone else’s actions (in this specific scenario.) So it should be equal


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
I love women and I believe women have a right to be born.
Well, no. We know that this isn't true because of what you've told us. Denying a person's basic human rights is a very unloving act.

So what was it? Did a pregnant person kick your dog or something? You've got to have some motive to deny a person's basic humanity.


Veteran Member
A child is not a kidney.
A child is not a uterus either.

But the guy that requires the kidney is a human.
And human life is important, right?

The human guy can only survive by using your kidneys.
The human fetus / child can only survive by using a woman's uterus.

What's the difference?

Why do you get a choice of making your kidneys available or not, while the woman doesn't get a choice in making her uterus available or not?