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When you prevent an abortion...

We Never Know

No Slack
If you reread that he did not imply that condoms were 100% effective. He gave one case where a pregnancy was avoided. That does not say or imply that they will work 100% of the time. It is rather hard to get a per use efficiency since most of the studies I have seen cover how likely a pregnancy is in a year without saying how often the people had sex.

Focus on my point... 'However condoms do cut down the chances of pregnancy so in turn cut down abortions."

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
Focus on my point... 'However condoms do cut down the chances of pregnancy so in turn cut down abortions."
I did not disagree with that, but your premise was false. Or it was inaccurate. Your conclusion was still correct. And in case you missed it the person that he was responding to was a Catholic. And the Catholic Church is well know for their opposition to the use of condoms.

We Never Know

No Slack
I did not disagree with that, but your premise was false. Or it was inaccurate. Your conclusion was still correct. And in case you missed it the person that he was responding to was a Catholic. And the Catholic Church is well know for their opposition to the use of condoms.

He said "When you use a condom to prevent an unwanted pregnancy, you prevent an abortion.
Do you disagree?"

I said.. "No I don't agree. Condoms aren't 100%
However condoms do cut down the chances of pregnancy so in turn cut down abortions."

In short... using a condom doesn't prevent an unwanted pregnancy,

@Subduction Zone where is your argument?

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
He said "When you use a condom to prevent an unwanted pregnancy, you prevent an abortion.
Do you disagree?"

I said.. "No I don't agree. Condoms aren't 100%
However condoms do cut down the chances of pregnancy so in turn cut down abortions."

In short... using a condom doesn't prevent an unwanted pregnancy,

@Subduction Zone where is your argument?
Once again, that is a one time event.

"When you (singular) use a (singular) condom (still singular) to prevent an (singular) unwanted pregnancy (and still singular), you (singular) prevent an (singular) abortion (and one last time, still singular)" You added the concept of the general where it was not stated or implied.

We Never Know

No Slack
Once again, that is a one time event.

"When you (singular) use a (singular) condom (still singular) to prevent an (singular) unwanted pregnancy (and still singular), you (singular) prevent an (singular) abortion (and one last time, still singular)" You added the concept of the general where it was not stated or implied.

Read my first post again...

"I said.. "No I don't agree. Condoms aren't 100%
However condoms do cut down the chances of pregnancy so in turn cut down abortions."

No singular there.

We Never Know

No Slack
Your reasoning here, would mean that masturbation is the murder of millions of potential humans.
A woman completing her monthly cycle without getting pregnant would also be murder.

Every sperm and eggcell are "potential humans" also, after all.
So where do you draw the arbitrary line?

"masturbation is the murder of millions of potential humans."

Wrong. Without an egg its just sperm.
Same as without an oxygen atom its just hydrogen,, not water


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
No I don't agree. Condoms aren't 100%
However condoms do cut down the chances of pregnancy so in turn cut down abortions.
Use an approach simar to the implicit assumptions in the OP's original question.

Preventing an abortion doesn't mean:

- there won't be a miscarriage,
- the person won't seek out an abortion again later,
- the pregnancy won't go horribly wrong and kill the pregnant person before the fetus is viable,
- etc., etc.

At a population level, preventing abortions will result in fewer abortions. I disagree with @KW's description of that as "saving lives," but the implicit math is generally right.

By the same token, widespread condom use will also result in fewer abortions.

@KW has asserted that preventing abortions saves lives. Well, I'm asserting that using condoms prevents abortions.

So now @KW has a choice in front of him: if he doesn't want to concede the point that being anti-condom is anti-pro-life, he'll need to tell us where he disagrees with me.


Well-Known Member
A "living human" who won't be in a position to be "killed" if its existence is stopped by a condom, no?

Do you care about preventing abortions or not?

A "living human" who won't be in a position to be "killed" if its existence is stopped by a condom, no?

Do you care about preventing abortions or not?

Of course I care . Innocent Living human beings should be allowed to live.


Well-Known Member
So then when something prevents "innocent human beings" from being put in harm's way, this is a good thing... right?

Nuclear war does that as well. Millions of humans won’t be born so they won’t be killed either.

Your argument is stupid. Nothing personal.


Well-Known Member
If you want this hand-waving to distract people from the hypocrisy of your position, maybe put a bit more effort into it.

Your argument is stupid and an irrelevant tangent.

Try again if you like, but you will never be able to justify killing the innocent.