You save a human life.
Does anyone disagree?
I very much disagree.
Early on, the embryo doesn't have the relevant properties to be called a 'human life' with the corresponding legal rights. More specifically, the embryo is not a person.
Being a clump of human cells, even having human tissues, does not make one a person.
As you get later in pregnancy, there are more and more properties that give a moral weight to ending the pregnancy,
BUT, and this is crucial, to deny the woman the right to an abortion effectively puts her into involuntary servitude. it takes away her right to determine the medical procedures that can happen to her body. It means she is, effectively, only a womb and not a person herself.
In essence, the fetus does not have the right to enslave the woman in whom it resides.
Of the two, I strongly support giving her the right to terminate the pregnancy. For a late pregnancy, that can involve killing a human life as long as that life cannot be supported outside of her.