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When you prevent an abortion...


Still learning to be wise
Staff member
Premium Member
A life saving abortion?

How does that work?
Well there are instances where a pregnancy will threaten the life of the mother. Even in scenarios where it was a planned baby/pregnancy. That’s just how biology works.
Off the top of my head there’s what’s called a “hedgehog baby” or ectopic pregnancy. Meaning the fetus is quite literally a ball of limbs and nothing else. If this is not surgically removed the mother will likely die and there is literally no baby to speak of either way. Meaning you literally killed a sister, daughter and potentially someone’s mother just by preventing that abortion
How very moral. /s
That’s a more extreme scenario but there are other things that can occur.

The stance of “Preventing abortions” imagines a utopia that is nothing but perfect pregnancies. Something that simply does not exist in reality. Biology is far more complicated as a general rule

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
The life belongs to the unborn human being.
I notice that you make all sorts of statements that bear a burden of proof but never support them.

Would you care to guess again on the percentage of abortions that were of fetus that had hit an age where they could possibly survive?

What percentages of abortions could have ended up with a child if they pulled out all of the stops to save it?


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Do you advocating everyone in the world who might have a bad life?
I'm reading that as do you advocate preventing cells from developing into persons that would have a tragic life?
No, I advocate it being the choice of the mother. If it were possible for us to foretell the consequences of a person being born it would also be possible for us to foretell whether they would have chosen to be born given the tragic consequences, in which case I would advocate it being the choice of the individual to decide whether or not they would want to be born into tragedy.

Isn't that playing God?
God doesn't intervene in the material realm, so intervening in the material realm would not be playing God.

Additionally it is a part of your belief system that it is necessarily wrong to imitate God, not mine.

In my opinion.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
Well there are instances where a pregnancy will threaten the life of the mother. Even in scenarios where it was a planned baby/pregnancy. That’s just how biology works.
Off the top of my head there’s what’s called a “hedgehog baby” or ectopic pregnancy. Meaning the fetus is quite literally a ball of limbs and nothing else. If this is not surgically removed the mother will likely die and there is literally no baby to speak of either way. Meaning you literally killed a sister, daughter and potentially someone’s mother. Very moral. /s
That’s a more extreme scenario but there are other things that can occur.

The stance of “Preventing abortions” imagines a utopia that is nothing but perfect pregnancies. Something that simply does not exist in reality. Biology is far more complicated as a general rule
My sister in law had one of those. She did not want to lose her fetus, but she had no choice.


Still learning to be wise
Staff member
Premium Member
My sister in law had one of those. She did not want to lose her fetus, but she had no choice.
And I’m sure she had a very unfortunate emotional turmoil due to that. Which I don’t wish upon anyone
And I am sorry for her

Abortion is more than these simplistic black and white “Life vs death” scenarios. It just is. Even when an abortion is necessary or wanted. We are talking about emotional distress as well as potential medical/biological injury. This is not a decision someone makes off the cuff or lightly. It is a complex medical decision that must weigh the benefits vs the cost. Which is why I don’t think it should ever be a political issue. It’s a medical issue that should be between the pregnant person and their doctor (and any relevant mental health professional, if needed.)


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
You are avoiding the question.
No, I'm calling for honesty in the question, foetuses are not babies

If you don't abort the fetus and it becomes a fully functioning human, then you have saved a life by preventing the abortion.
Ah, but there is no guarantee of it becoming a fully functioning human, this brings us back to post #26 which essentially asks whether it is altruistic to save such non-sentient life.

In my opinion.


Still learning to be wise
Staff member
Premium Member
Can I just add that there are medical issues that don’t show up until the third trimester screenings.
Meaning that if you were to deny abortions, you could potentially force an infant to be born with severely debilitating issues
Like for example to be born without a skull/brain only to have to watch said precious fetus die in absolute agony.
Yeah “pro life” my foot. Pro suffering more like
Anencephaly - Wikipedia


Veteran Member
You save a human life.

Does anyone disagree?
What if the baby is a Putin equivalent or worse, destined to kill billions?

What if having this baby, will destroy the mother for whatever reason?

What if the mother was raped?

Also, you may hope he grows up human(e)

But if all goes normal then you could say that

But, you preventing her doing what she decided, do you call that normal?

And who are you to decide for another women AND even personally enforce her having a baby?

I don't feel the need to think for women what they must do. I let others figure out their life themselves. I am busy enough to be perfect myself first

blü 2

Veteran Member
Premium Member
And one republican's response to women in abortion ban states is to criminalize any women who travels to another state for a procedure if she resides in the ban state. So these women would not even have the freedom anywhere in the USA from the long arm of the state they live in.
I missed that one, but it sure sounds like the dingbat right.

I'd have thought such a state law would be unconstitutional, but with the present composition of SCOTUS, the only question is WWTD.

blü 2

Veteran Member
Premium Member
If you don't kill the fetus it can live a full life.

If you preven the killing, you save the life.
God is the great aborter. Miscarriages occur all day every day. Nor is that confined to humans.

And as I mentioned before, according to the bible God is fine with infanticide and abortion.

You appear to want the state to take command of female fertility, so you and I are destined never to agree.

It's always a question for the woman.