when-you-prevent-an-abortion You save a human life. Does anyone disagree?
I agree. But that fact doesn't make me want to criminalize abortion. Those who offer it as an argument against abortion, or similar arguments surrounding when life begins, or whether a fetus is a person or a baby or whatever else one wants to call it, seem to assume that these ideas demand that the fetus be protected by the state.
Those aren't my values, and apparently not the values of the majority, who want this freedom protected, not fetuses. Forcing women to deliver fetuses at the end of unwanted pregnancies is not a proper role for government, and not the virtue the OP implies. The government's role is to facilitate her pursuit of happiness as she understands it. You might disagree.
The only consideration that enters into my moral calculus is who makes the choice about whether the pregnancy is allowed to come to term or aborted, the pregnant woman, or the church using the power of the state. Calling the fetus human or a child doesn't change anything, nor does calling its termination murder or sin. Words don't change the moral status of the act, however evocative they may be. If I said that fetuses weren't people or citizens, would that change you opinion? Probably not, just as others calling them human doesn't change mine. Decisions like these should not be made based in nomenclature and definitions.
The idea that every birth is a good thing is outdated. It probably comes from a time when more people were needed, perhaps as cannon fodder, or to work fields and farms, and life was shorter and and a wound could easily be lethal. Sons were needed to work and fight, and daughters were needed to generate and raise them. These are practical reasons that reflect the needs of another time, not timeless moral imperatives. Today, the problem is the opposite: overpopulation. Governments forcing the birth of unwanted babies is neither moral, nor justified, nor helpful.
This is the more natural moral position. The outrage against it is manufactured by the church, which is why it is concentrated in those who subject themselves to its teaching. Organic outrage is distributed across multiple demographics, such as the outrage we are witnessing directed at the prospect of the state recriminalizing abortion, which is being angrily objected to in large numbers even among Christians and other faiths. That's what spontaneous outrage looks like. We see it with the reaction to what the Russians are doing. The whole world objects, and nobody needs to tell them to object in a sermon. It's a natural moral judgment, so it is disseminated across the population. Look who shows up at abortion clinics to protest. Where are the secular humanists, pagans, and Wiccans? Not at these protests. Why? They have not been brought into the fold because they don't go to churches. Their moral judgments are the natural ones. These below are manufactured through religious indoctrination: