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Where are Harris's positions?


Well-Known Member
Holy cow! They're making a contest where you make a donation and you might win a chance to meet them in person and get a photo op with them to the prize winner!

Wowie wow wow!
As opposed to the 100,000 $ a plate dinners at Mar-a-Lago, 100,000$ plus if you want to sit at the same table as Donald.

This surprises you? where have you been.

Trump Plans Two Mar-a-Lago Fundraisers for Campaign, Legal Fees

And this isn't even his campaign, this is just for legal fees.


Veteran Member
Her policy positions are not clear.
Could it be you are confused by the lack of cruelty and disrespect rampant in right wing policies? Normal people understand what she is advocating for quite easily.
They are not on her website and apparently she has changed her mind on some things but that was not from her but her campaign. Instead of telling me her positions or where I can find them your go to is insults. Typical.
So you aren't bothering reading what she is saying in speeches. It's in reputable news.
Yes, and she has made contradictory statement now. So without her clarifying her positions how do I know what her positions really are. Where are they on her website?
Why are you so obsessed with her website? There is plenty of other ways to learn what she is advocating for.
No she is not. She is not answering questions from them. She is telling them what she wants to say.
Yeah, that's what politicians do, say what they want to say.
That has nothing to do with Trump. His stance is to leave it up to the states. He is ok with some states having abortion and some not.
That's his excuse for being responsible for nominating justices who would overturn Roe. If he is OK with states allowing abortion why was he so willing to nominate justices who would eliminate it nationally? What makes it ok for some states but not the nation? These far right republicans are committed to eliminate abortion access nationally, and the SCOTUS was the first step. Look at how some red states are trying to limit pregnant citizens from traveling to get abortion services. It's sick.
No, she wants to take away private health insurance and take away my choice. She has said this in the past.
I don't believe you. But let's say she did, so what? The result would be healthcare for all citizens. You seem more concerned about insurance companies than healthcare access for all citizens.
The horse and buggy was replaced by the free market. It was not mandated by the government. That is what I have a problem with. Do you understand the difference
Who cares? Doesn't it make more sense for the govenrnment to implement a change than the chaos of a free market? That sort of planning will make it less expensive in the long run. Don't you think oil companines want to know when the phase out will occur? Of course we know that MAGAs, like yourself, are OK with big government forcing women to give birth, but not to manage a change in how automobiles are designed and built.
Are you serious. Companies do not cause inflation, governments do.
Well then what's your problem with Harris using government to reduce inflation? Make up your mind.
Harris's quotes on border wall:

President Trump’s border wall is “un-American.” Harris

Trump’s border wall is a “medieval vanity project

“I’m not gonna vote for a [border] wall under any circumstances

“Trump’s border wall is a complete waste of taxpayer money and won’t make us any safer.
Looks sane to me. Trump's border wall was a twice failed promise that would never work anyway.
negatory good buddy. You have bought the leftist propaganda.
No, I am naturally ethical and compassionate for the nation, and right wing politics are immoral and undemocratic. I am disappointeds that so many citizens align with right wing agendas that have so many cruel and unethical attitudes. It definately has made some otherwise good people bad and intolerant.
Here are some of the reasons why the conservatives did not support the border wall:

1. Under current law the president has authority to shutdown the border if he deem sit detrimental to the US. This law would have limited the president's authority until the 7 day average border crossings is above 4000.
2. It also states that this legislation cannot be activated for more than 270 calendar days the first year after the effective date, 225 days in year 2 and 180 days in the third year.
3. it mandates a minimum of 1400 inadmissible aliens be processed each day.
4. 1-3 place restrictions on what the president can do now, it does not help the president.
5. Authorizes an additional 16,000 detention beds that are not full today. The problem is not detention beds but the president swill to detain them.
6. Authorizes $1.4B to communities struggling to handle the immigrants. Sanctuary cities should pay for it themselves, they said they would. It would provide public funding for illegal aliens. Why is that a good idea?
I doubt any of this is valid. It looks like an afterthought designed to justify Trump's sabotage of the bill that republicans largely created.
Biden and Harris can secure the border today without this legislation, Trump did it without this legislation. And so I will still complain about the non action by Biden and Harris on the border. It has been completely their debacle.
Trump couldn't close the bordrr until there was a reason, and that was the pandemic. Notice he didn't do it before that. But he did cage many migrants, not "illegals" way past the 24 hour minimum, and without proper sanitation and shelter. He violated federal and international laws while doing his crackdown. This included kidnapping well over a 1000 children from their families and trafficing them to who knows where. Nearly 600 kids are still missing due to a lack of paperwork. And you MAGAs want the USA to trust this criminal candidate again?
A senior administration official said Harris' role would focus on "two tracks": both curbing the current flow of migrants and implementing a long-term strategy that addresses the root causes of migration.

Has she done either of these things? No.
Even Trump couldn't curb the flow of migrants, despite his cruel and criminal policies in dealing with them. Do you expect Harros to do something better within the law? The reason the Biden administration worled with republicans to create a new law for the border is because they have to follow current laws. Trump violated some of the laws, but he's corrupt and inept.

Let's work to get rid of Trump and MAGA so the democrats and republicans can work togther to form a new law to manage the flow of migrants.


Veteran Member
Holy cow! They're making a contest where you make a donation and you might win a chance to meet them in person and get a photo op with them to the prize winner!

Wowie wow wow!
Or you can buy some of Trump's cheap digital trading cards for $99 each. How big of a sucker does he think you MAGAs are? How many did you buy since you are a big fan of the criminal candidate? He wants your money.

And don't forget to order a copy of his new book, it's also $99. Make sure you don't totally drain your bank account because you need to pay your internet bill. Don't want to get cut off from the forum.

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
Or you can buy some of Trump's cheap digital trading cards for $99 each. How big of a sucker does he think you MAGAs are? How many did you buy since you are a big fan of the criminal candidate? He wants your money.

And don't forget to order a copy of his new book, it's also $99. Make sure you don't totally drain your bank account because you need to pay your internet bill. Don't want to get cut off from the forum.
That'll fill up the political warchest.


Veteran Member
where did he say this? It is not in Agenda 47.
Let's take a look. There it is, I was right.

Expansion of presidential powers​

Trump's plan to expand presidential powers is based largely on a controversial and not widely-held interpretation of the constitution known as the unitary executive theory.[59][60][61][62] The plan includes:

  • "Dismantl[ing] the deep state and reclaim[ing] our democracy from Washington corruption", by firing government employees, reissuing Executive Order 13957 (Schedule F), "restoring the president's authority to fire rogue bureaucrats". Also, reforming FISA courts, declassifying and publishing "all documents on Deep State spying, censorship, and corruption", taking action against "government leakers", making every Inspector General's office independent and separated from the departments they oversee, establishing an independent auditing system to monitor the intelligence agencies, moving government positions out of Washington, banning federal employees from taking jobs at the companies they regulate, and "push" a constitutional amendment to impose term limits on members of Congress.[12][63][64]

Via Wiki.
I could not find this in his Agenda 47.
Really? Let's take a look. I was right again. I know more than you do about Agenda 47.

Immigration reforms​

See also: Birthright citizenship in the United States and Immigration policy of Donald Trump
  • "A total ban on Biden using taxpayer dollars to free illegal aliens – and criminal penalties for administrative noncompliance."[112]
  • Signing an executive order "making clear to federal agencies that under the correct interpretation of the law, going forward, the future children of illegal aliens will not receive automatic U.S. citizenship." The order will also end "birth tourism" and consequent "chain migration". At least one parent will have to be a citizen or a legal resident for the child to qualify for citizenship. This is based on the "clear meaning of the 14th Amendment, that U.S. Citizenship extends only to those both born in AND 'subject to the jurisdiction' of the United States". Therefore, children of illegal aliens "should not be issued passports, Social Security numbers, or be eligible for certain taxpayer funded welfare benefits", nor have the right to vote. This follows the "historical slate of hundreds of executive actions, proclamations, and presidential memorandums on border security and immigration that President Trump implemented while in office."[113][114]
  • Ending "welfare for illegal immigrants and shut down Joe Biden’s abuse of parole authority". This includes reinstating the "action making illegals ineligible for public housing" and terminating "all work permits for illegal aliens". Also, demanding Congress to send a bill "blocking any future President from abusing his power to distribute welfare benefits in this manner".[115]
CNN commented, "hould Congress refuse to fund the operation, Trump could turn to a tactic used in his first term to secure more funding for a border wall – redirecting funds from the Pentagon, the source confirmed."[9] After describing the record of Trump's immigration policies from the standpoint of healthcare, JAMA Health Forum said, "[they] had a chilling effect on access to care and benefits among immigrants, including those lawfully present ... Trump has continued these themes in his current campaign, saying that 'welfare is a gigantic magnet drawing people from all over the world.'"[109]

Via Wiki.
Yes he is proposing a baseline tariff on foreign goods. Not all economist say that it will blow up inflation. Tarifs do not cause inflation.
Not all economists...... of course not. Some are MAGAs who aim to benefit somehow side with Trump. But a tariff on all imports would inevitably cause inflation. Without US manufacturing set up to produce competing products the costs will be added to consumers.
Where does he say this in Agenda 47?


  • Cutting federal funding for any school or program teaching critical race theory or "gender ideology", directing the Departments of Justice and Education to open civil rights investigations into any school district that has engaged in race-based discrimination; also, "remov[ing] the radicals who have infiltrated the federal Department of Education" and "Keep[ing] men out of women's sports."
Via Wiki.

How fair would a Trump administration be to any school that dares even suggest they allow trans kids? Or any lessons they believe teaches about race or the history of racial relations?
That is not what agenda 47 says. It does say to close the department of education which I support and leave education up to the states and communities. However it also says he will invest (spend money) on education to:
1. Attract great teachers and administrators
2. Universal school choice
3. fund career oriented education.
4. Safe, secure, and drug free schools.
5. restore parental rights
6. Push knowledge and skills like math, english, history etc. and eliminate race based indoctrination.
7. Promote civics education
8. Make sure each student has a right to pray in school.
9. Return education to the states.
A number of these are odd and suspicious. Teachers aren't already great? What an insult to current teachers. Look at prayer in school, kids can pray all they want as it is. And education is already at state levels. What they mean is funding of schools will be on the state, and less federal money to help poor states.
Yes he does. At least you got this one right. But he also has in Agenda 47 a large tax cut for workers and no tax on tips. He wants to cut taxes for everyone.
Even less revenue and a bigger deficit. How's that going to fly in the long run?

sun rise

The world is on fire
Premium Member
Trump's policies are agenda 47 on his campaign website. **mod edit** Show where Trump endorsed project 2025.
That's what they want us to think. I'm not naive. Vance loves it. Trump's people helped draw it up. And Trump will endorse anything that people tell him as long as they praise him enough.
The thing is the left if so far gone that they don't understand that we conservatives are fighting for your freedom and liberty
By removing women's rights to choose, by refusing to honor election results, by telling parents what they can and can't do for their children, by purging books like they did in communist USSR, by increasing the debt burden of the US, by giving madmen, terrorists and criminals easy access to weapons, by putting someone in office who ignores laws and the Constitution to do whatever the **** he wants, by giving plutocrats ever more power and I'm just getting started.

That is utterly and totally antithetical to what I consider freedom which includes the freedom of women to choose, the freedom of people to love who they love, the freedom of parents to decide what's best for minor children, the freedom of librarians to make books of all kinds available, and so forth.

sun rise

The world is on fire
Premium Member
This is an authoritarian tactic, guilt by association. Trump has never endorsed it or was involved in it at all. He said he thinks some things in it ar abysmal but because he is Trump you can accuse him of anything and have no consequences.
And you believe someone who lies all the time? He tries to gaslight people to believe that what they saw with their own eyes never happened. He's a liar in the sense of the "big lie" technique. Sad.

sun rise

The world is on fire
Premium Member
And I also noted inflation which ignores the supermarket executive admitting to price gouging. That does not fit with repeating the Ministry of Propaganda's party line so it's ignored.

I could have posted at least 10 threads today about the lies that Trump/Vance are telling but it's a ducks in a barrel situation since they lie as a matter of preference and policy.

The conservatives telling the truth are the many supporting Harris/Walz. They know and confirm that Emperor Trump would destroy our way of life.

If this thread results in me becoming grumpier, I'll thank the MAGA participants for inspiring me to give more money to Harris/Waz. So far I've been inspired to make a weekly donation and two one time donations. Keep it up and I'll keep it up.

Clizby Wampuscat

Well-Known Member
I doubt any of this is valid. It looks like an afterthought designed to justify Trump's sabotage of the bill that republicans largely created.
This is why talking to you is not very helpful. Everything I said was valid. You can verify it yourself by reading the proposed bill. You don't really care about truth all you do is want to repeat what the dems and the media want you to repeat without thought.

The guy is scum and is unfit for office. His followers are no better.
Am I scum?


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Harris & Trump are getting closer to each other.
Fighting over votes in the middle.
Harris now favors fracking.
Trump proposes forcing insurance companies to fund IVF.

Estro Felino

Believer in free will
Premium Member
Harris & Trump are getting closer to each other.
Fighting over votes in the middle.
Harris now favors fracking.
Trump proposes forcing insurance companies to fund IVF.
If I were Prime Minister, I would make any kind of contraceptive free...paid for by the State.
Abortion here is already paid for by the State.

We don't want greedy physicians and the devilish BIG PHARMA to cash in on women's health.

Clizby Wampuscat

Well-Known Member
Let's take a look. There it is, I was right.

Expansion of presidential powers​

Trump's plan to expand presidential powers is based largely on a controversial and not widely-held interpretation of the constitution known as the unitary executive theory.[59][60][61][62] The plan includes:

  • "Dismantl[ing] the deep state and reclaim[ing] our democracy from Washington corruption", by firing government employees, reissuing Executive Order 13957 (Schedule F), "restoring the president's authority to fire rogue bureaucrats". Also, reforming FISA courts, declassifying and publishing "all documents on Deep State spying, censorship, and corruption", taking action against "government leakers", making every Inspector General's office independent and separated from the departments they oversee, establishing an independent auditing system to monitor the intelligence agencies, moving government positions out of Washington, banning federal employees from taking jobs at the companies they regulate, and "push" a constitutional amendment to impose term limits on members of Congress.[12][63][64]

Via Wiki.

Really? Let's take a look. I was right again. I know more than you do about Agenda 47.
This is not in Agenda 47. Where is it in Agenda 47? Here is a link, Platform | Donald J. Trump For President 2024

Immigration reforms​

See also: Birthright citizenship in the United States and Immigration policy of Donald Trump
  • "A total ban on Biden using taxpayer dollars to free illegal aliens – and criminal penalties for administrative noncompliance."[112]
  • Signing an executive order "making clear to federal agencies that under the correct interpretation of the law, going forward, the future children of illegal aliens will not receive automatic U.S. citizenship." The order will also end "birth tourism" and consequent "chain migration". At least one parent will have to be a citizen or a legal resident for the child to qualify for citizenship. This is based on the "clear meaning of the 14th Amendment, that U.S. Citizenship extends only to those both born in AND 'subject to the jurisdiction' of the United States". Therefore, children of illegal aliens "should not be issued passports, Social Security numbers, or be eligible for certain taxpayer funded welfare benefits", nor have the right to vote. This follows the "historical slate of hundreds of executive actions, proclamations, and presidential memorandums on border security and immigration that President Trump implemented while in office."[113][114]
  • Ending "welfare for illegal immigrants and shut down Joe Biden’s abuse of parole authority". This includes reinstating the "action making illegals ineligible for public housing" and terminating "all work permits for illegal aliens". Also, demanding Congress to send a bill "blocking any future President from abusing his power to distribute welfare benefits in this manner".[115]
CNN commented, "hould Congress refuse to fund the operation, Trump could turn to a tactic used in his first term to secure more funding for a border wall – redirecting funds from the Pentagon, the source confirmed."[9] After describing the record of Trump's immigration policies from the standpoint of healthcare, JAMA Health Forum said, "[they] had a chilling effect on access to care and benefits among immigrants, including those lawfully present ... Trump has continued these themes in his current campaign, saying that 'welfare is a gigantic magnet drawing people from all over the world.'"[109]

Via Wiki.
Again this is not in Agenda 47. Platform | Donald J. Trump For President 2024
Not all economists...... of course not. Some are MAGAs who aim to benefit somehow side with Trump. But a tariff on all imports would inevitably cause inflation. Without US manufacturing set up to produce competing products the costs will be added to consumers.
Businesses cannot cause inflation. Inflation is a rise in prices across all or most goods over time. One company can raise their prices but that is not inflation.


  • Cutting federal funding for any school or program teaching critical race theory or "gender ideology", directing the Departments of Justice and Education to open civil rights investigations into any school district that has engaged in race-based discrimination; also, "remov[ing] the radicals who have infiltrated the federal Department of Education" and "Keep[ing] men out of women's sports."
Via Wiki.

How fair would a Trump administration be to any school that dares even suggest they allow trans kids? Or any lessons they believe teaches about race or the history of racial relations?
He wants to get rid of the department of education and federal government control of schools. He wants to leave it up to each state and community to decide these things. Just like his abortion stance.
A number of these are odd and suspicious. Teachers aren't already great? What an insult to current teachers.
He never said all teachers were not great, he said he wants to attract great teachers. Also, not all teachers are great, some are terrible.
Look at prayer in school, kids can pray all they want as it is. And education is already at state levels. What they mean is funding of schools will be on the state, and less federal money to help poor states.
Then you agree with Trump's position on this. Great.
Even less revenue and a bigger deficit. How's that going to fly in the long run?
You cannot fathom cutting the federal budget can you.

Clizby Wampuscat

Well-Known Member
That's what they want us to think. I'm not naive. Vance loves it. Trump's people helped draw it up. And Trump will endorse anything that people tell him as long as they praise him enough.
Ok just deny reality and believe what you want like the dem party wants you to.
By removing women's rights to choose,
No one has done that, Trump has not banned abortion. Also, women have the right to choose to have sex or not almost all of the time.
by refusing to honor election results
He has the right to question election results just like Hillary and Gore did. That is Trump exercising his freedom to do so. You want to limit his freedom by requiring him to accept election results no matter what.
, by telling parents what they can and can't do for their children,
The only thing they are saying is that you cannot mutilate them.
by purging books like they did in communist USSR,
Trump is not doing that, bat crazy christians are.
by increasing the debt burden of the US,
Is Kamala going to reduce the debt? Both parties do not care about the debt. That is a problem.
by giving madmen, terrorists and criminals easy access to weapons,
Biden/Harris did that by removing Iran's sanctions in 2021.
by putting someone in office who ignores laws and the Constitution to do whatever the **** he wants
Biden/Harris routinely do this. Where did Trump violate the constitution when in office?
, by giving plutocrats ever more power
How so? The dem party elites chose your candidate. The people chose Trump in a fair primary process. Harris would not be the candidate if she had to run through the primary process.

Clizby Wampuscat

Well-Known Member
And you believe someone who lies all the time? He tries to gaslight people to believe that what they saw with their own eyes never happened. He's a liar in the sense of the "big lie" technique. Sad.
When Biden/Harris lie that is different right? You believe whatever they say even though they lie as well.


Veteran Member
This is why talking to you is not very helpful.
I use reasoning and am not going to be duped by Trump's unethical crap.
Everything I said was valid. You can verify it yourself by reading the proposed bill. You don't really care about truth all you do is want to repeat what the dems and the media want you to repeat without thought.
Republicans drew up the new border law, and democrats compromized on some things they didn't like. Most everyone understands that there's a problem and a new law needs to be adopted. Trump sabotaged it. The issue isn't whether the new law wasn't perfect, it's that Trump sabotaged it.
Am I scum?
If you aren't sure then you have some soul searching to do. You defend a disturbed criminal candidate. What more needs to be said? Your beliefs define who you are. Harris/Walz brings tolerance and decency to the nation, and a commitment to law and democracy, unlike Trump. Trump had his shot and he blew it. Now he needs to man up and face the consequences for his criminal behvaior.

Clizby Wampuscat

Well-Known Member
I missed the Harris interview with CNN.
Did anyone watch it?
How was it?
Should I assume it wasn't great since I haven't seen any posts about it?
It was what you would expect, no hard questions and no explanations of why she has changed her positions on many things. Same with Walz, he just claims he is not good at english to cover up his lies and Dan Bash was like oh ok. She never really challenged them in any significant way. Also CNN had the "live" word throughout the interview even though it was recorded earlier.


Veteran Member
This is not in Agenda 47. Where is it in Agenda 47? Here is a link, Platform | Donald J. Trump For President 2024

Again this is not in Agenda 47. Platform | Donald J. Trump For President 2024
I relied on Wiki for more context in the ideas. Trump is notorious for being vague and superficial. Look up the Wiki page and read the commentary of the ideas.
Businesses cannot cause inflation. Inflation is a rise in prices across all or most goods over time. One company can raise their prices but that is not inflation.
Sorry, total nonsense. Corporations have already been observed raising prices.

He wants to get rid of the department of education and federal government control of schools. He wants to leave it up to each state and community to decide these things. Just like his abortion stance.
And how is that a good thing to do when there are states that have extremist views on both science and reproductive healthcare? Just explain how it is a good thing that both of these issues be a state level authority. I want the facts and argument, not rhetoric.

How will poor states fund their schools at a rate that rich states can? Raise property taxes?
He never said all teachers were not great, he said he wants to attract great teachers. Also, not all teachers are great, some are terrible.
Are great teachers not being attracted? If teachers aren't great now, what makes a great teacher? One that will teach MAGA dogma? Inform us.
Then you agree with Trump's position on this. Great.
Kids can pray all they want. The school can't organize prayer. Why is this issue on the Agenda 47 list? Explain why it's there if it exists already. What more does the Trump agenda want? Inform us on this too.
You cannot fathom cutting the federal budget can you.
Even republicans can't. Remember back when McCarthy was house leader and he was facing off with Biden over the debt ceiling, and republicans wanted cuts to the budget? The compromise pissed off many republicans because there was very little cut. Just try to argue cutting social security and medicaid and see where that gets you guys with an aging society. You MAGAs talk budget cuts, but never explain what you would cut. So what option do you MAGAs have if you can't cut spending? More debt?