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Where do you search for God????


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
Mankind is a controlling lot. We all try to shape our world to our pleasing. There are those who search for the truth regardless of whether they agree with the truth or not. Aren't those most likely to discover the real God??

Perhaps to some extent, but be careful not to discount the tendency to arrive at a belief about god -- regardless of whether one agrees with that belief or not. If my notion of god is a white haired male with a long beard sitting on a cloud, then even if I think, "He does not exist", I still have a notion of god.


Well-Known Member
I'm a convert to my faith. I spent the first half of my life meeting with many different groups. This is me: Hi, I'm Jamie | Mormon.org
If you are curious, you can read why I am a Mornon.

Good thread btw!
You seem to be around the people you need to be around, however you should question the religious stories instead of accepting them blindly because you are where you are. God is much more than you can find in any book. You should explore your spirituality more instead of placing so much value on the physical such as your physical body. It's only purpose is to confine you to this physical universe. All the secrets of the universe stare us in the face. There is so much more beyond the religious stories of mankind. There is so much to discover. There is one thing you did get right though you must let the religious stories go to really understand. God is Unconditional Love. God is beyond the petty ways of mankind.


Well-Known Member
Perhaps to some extent, but be careful not to discount the tendency to arrive at a belief about god -- regardless of whether one agrees with that belief or not. If my notion of god is a white haired male with a long beard sitting on a cloud, then even if I think, "He does not exist", I still have a notion of god.
Yes, people see what they want to see. One should never rely on beliefs. I don't. I know you exist. You supply me with the proof with your reply.


Philosophical Monist
I search for god by looking at the universe. Going someplace quiet, usually in the heart of nature, to meditate helps. As a former Catholic and as a former atheist, I totally agree with the original post. I feel that the reason why atheism has had a large increase in recent years is due to the fact that people these days are too busy worrying about their fantasy football teams and world of warcraft characters to actually slow down in their lives so they can get back some philosophical equilibrium. It is this "take-everything-for-face-value" age we live in; it is why people open up holy scripture, laugh at the ridiculous idiocy written in the bronze age, and then just associate god and theology as a whole with religious nonsense.

Rainbow Mage

Lib Democrat/Agnostic/Epicurean-ish/Buddhist-ish
Depends which god you mean as to rather where I search for it.

Personal gods- I didn't search for them. They found me. I never have to search because they won't leave me.

Ultimate power, cosmic force, wholeness (Brahman)- I don't have to search, for I've already found, and so have you. You don't search for what you already have. You stop searching and realize it. This god is within you.


Well-Known Member
I search for god by looking at the universe. Going someplace quiet, usually in the heart of nature, to meditate helps. As a former Catholic and as a former atheist, I totally agree with the original post. I feel that the reason why atheism has had a large increase in recent years is due to the fact that people these days are too busy worrying about their fantasy football teams and world of warcraft characters to actually slow down in their lives so they can get back some philosophical equilibrium. It is this "take-everything-for-face-value" age we live in; it is why people open up holy scripture, laugh at the ridiculous idiocy written in the bronze age, and then just associate god and theology as a whole with religious nonsense.
Yes, with the intellect God has, for one to understand, thinking is required. Seems feeling is all important when it comes to people,religion and God. Real truth and discovery requires more than feelings.


Well-Known Member
Depends which god you mean as to rather where I search for it.

Personal gods- I didn't search for them. They found me. I never have to search because they won't leave me.

Ultimate power, cosmic force, wholeness (Brahman)- I don't have to search, for I've already found, and so have you. You don't search for what you already have. You stop searching and realize it. This god is within you.
So you are waiting for all the secrets of the universe to come to you. That's ok but it will take much longer. Look for the adversity that will supply the excuse you need to search and discover. Yes, like most of us. It is human nature. Don't those with the hungry and drive to know, search unendingly for knowledge thereby discovering the most. It's all in what one really wants.

Rainbow Mage

Lib Democrat/Agnostic/Epicurean-ish/Buddhist-ish
Oh I am always searching and seeking bird, but not for my gods. My gods found me, quite seriously.
The search for God for me is an eternal thing, a progressive thing that is unceasing and everlasting. I search for Him within everything, and I search Him without. There is no place where He is not there, neither is He ever stagnant. He is the unknowable, the incomprehensible, the ineffable, the aniconic, and the Most High. :)


Well-Known Member
Sure we learn lots of information from others, however a lot of it isn't true. IS IT RIGHT TO GET OUR ENTIRE VIEW OF GOD SOLELY FROM OTHERS???? Doesn't the greatest learning come from discovery?? To discover, don't we have to be brave enough to venture beyond our comfort zone into undiscovered country?? Isn't it time to discover God on our own??

Is it right, no. Does it feel better, yes. Is the greatest learning from self-discovery, yes. In a nutshell, you've described pretty much what faith is about.


Well-Known Member
From the Baha'i scriptures:

“No thing have I perceived, except that I perceived God within it, God
before it, or God after it.”
−The Book of Certitude, p. 103



Well-Known Member
The search for God for me is an eternal thing, a progressive thing that is unceasing and everlasting. I search for Him within everything, and I search Him without. There is no place where He is not there, neither is He ever stagnant. He is the unknowable, the incomprehensible, the ineffable, the aniconic, and the Most High. :)
Learning is a step at a time. You are right. There is always more to learn.


Well-Known Member
Is it right, no. Does it feel better, yes. Is the greatest learning from self-discovery, yes. In a nutshell, you've described pretty much what faith is about.
No! No! No! I do not want you to have Faith. I want you to discover the facts. Do not value beliefs. Use them only to possible point a direction by which you can search for the facts.


Well-Known Member
From the Baha'i scriptures:

“No thing have I perceived, except that I perceived God within it, God
before it, or God after it.”
−The Book of Certitude, p. 103

And yet with our narrow view, there is so much our perception misses. We must learn to look beyond the surface and develop not only a wide view, we must expand our thinking.


Well-Known Member
No! No! No! I do not want you to have Faith. I want you to discover the facts. Do not value beliefs. Use them only to possible point a direction by which you can search for the facts.

How can you say this, and then come back with something like this:

And yet with our narrow view, there is so much our perception misses. We must learn to look beyond the surface and develop not only a wide view, we must expand our thinking.

You're contradicting yourself.


Well-Known Member
How can you say this, and then come back with something like this:

You're contradicting yourself.
How am I contradicting myself???? How long did mankind watch birds fly before they figured out how??? Beliefs would not bring results. It's when people searched until they discovered the truth was the day won. Beliefs might have pointed a direction to search for the answer but they serve no other purpose. Now, if you had vision, you might have been able to see the physics behind flight. I'm sure that is what brought results in the end. The answers were staring everyone in the face. It's about seeing what is rather than convincing ourselves that beliefs should be valued.


Premium Member
Sure we learn lots of information from others, however a lot of it isn't true. IS IT RIGHT TO GET OUR ENTIRE VIEW OF GOD SOLELY FROM OTHERS???? Doesn't the greatest learning come from discovery?? To discover, don't we have to be brave enough to venture beyond our comfort zone into undiscovered country?? Isn't it time to discover God on our own??

Everyone's religious view stems from others. Isn't it time we learn to stand on our own two feet??

I thought you were going another way. The only way to find god is to search within not externally. Of course it must be done by the individual.

If God exists God is in each individual and each individual will know god a different way. The only way to find god is to search within and when you find god concern yourself not with other peoples version of God.