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Where do you search for God????

We will know the answer to this once we have seen other universes and found life on other planets/galaxies. This will take time, however more and more people are atheists and those that aren't are usually from poorer backgrounds or live in the 3rd world as the majority of them are not educated and this leads to false beliefs. During the days when there was law and order, people needed a way of controlling others, their thoughts and rectifying their bad behaviour, the answer, lets create God, this will create fear and allow the educated to control the uneducated.


Well-Known Member
How am I contradicting myself????

First you constrict yourself to only facts...then you say, almost in the same breath, that we need to open our minds to new possibilities.

How long did mankind watch birds fly before they figured out how??? Beliefs would not bring results. It's when people searched until they discovered the truth was the day won. Beliefs might have pointed a direction to search for the answer but they serve no other purpose.

Not that you can see, anyway. Remember, we have to keep an open mind.

Now, if you had vision, you might have been able to see the physics behind flight. I'm sure that is what brought results in the end. The answers were staring everyone in the face. It's about seeing what is rather than convincing ourselves that beliefs should be valued.

I completely agree. But in order to see what is, you have to know exactly what isn't first.


Well-Known Member
I thought you were going another way. The only way to find god is to search within not externally. Of course it must be done by the individual.

If God exists God is in each individual and each individual will know god a different way. The only way to find god is to search within and when you find god concern yourself not with other peoples version of God.
So then you have found God???? Then you at least start to understand God??? Within is a good place to search for God,however God's actions speak to God's thinking. Everything is reasonable when you understand what is going on. It does all add up.


Well-Known Member
We will know the answer to this once we have seen other universes and found life on other planets/galaxies. This will take time, however more and more people are atheists and those that aren't are usually from poorer backgrounds or live in the 3rd world as the majority of them are not educated and this leads to false beliefs. During the days when there was law and order, people needed a way of controlling others, their thoughts and rectifying their bad behaviour, the answer, lets create God, this will create fear and allow the educated to control the uneducated.
While it's true religion is a mess, that doesn't mean God does not exist. Perhaps, it's time for a search. You speak of exploring other universes and galaxies which is a good thing, however there is much that stares at us right in front of our noses. Take another look.


Well-Known Member
First you constrict yourself to only facts...then you say, almost in the same breath, that we need to open our minds to new possibilities.

Not that you can see, anyway. Remember, we have to keep an open mind.

I completely agree. But in order to see what is, you have to know exactly what isn't first.
Is that really true??? Do not rely on assumptions. If I see you building a deck at your house. I need no more information to know you are building a deck. I don't need to know what isn't happening. That list would be too long.


Well-Known Member
I hope that all of God's children ( of course we are calling about children, no guilt ) will will come to love Him and be ................?

We are all God's children. We will all learn and understand even if it takes eternity to do so. We all learn at our own pace. Can't disown those kids no matter what!!!


Well-Known Member
Is that really true??? Do not rely on assumptions. If I see you building a deck at your house. I need no more information to know you are building a deck. I don't need to know what isn't happening. That list would be too long.

But faith is about what you don't see.


Well-Known Member
With all due respect to you and your beliefs, I think that death is our last time to have or not to have. ( Somewhat late ) ? Chrildren of God, that is a blessing beyond sins. Really hoping to be accounded worthy of innocence, a hopeless hope in my regard.
Beliefs hold little value. One must search beyond the surface to discover the genius of the system. Search for facts and truth rather than beliefs. Mankind values blame, punishment, ruling, and control. Where does all this really get you????? Look around you. Isn't there a much higher intelligence beyond the petty things of mankind???? Isn't there a much more intelligent way to be and think???? It stares us in the face. Don't count on God being as religion and mankind wants Him to be. There is intelligence far beyond mankind. Like I said. Beliefs are of little value. Believing has never ever been important to God. Worry not about death. It is no more than a change. Perhaps, you should first explore your spirituality. Discover who you really are. That has nothing to do with the physical world. You are trapped in your physical body in this time/space universe so there will be consequences to teach you what your actions really mean. It's all about education. Make good choices for our choices show God and the world what we do not yet understand.


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
When you search for god, don't you end up finding merely your own notion of god?

If you look for a god with human-like characteristics, won't you will find a god with human-like characteristics? If you look for a timeless and eternal god, won't you find a timeless and eternal god? If you seek god, won't you at most find the god you seek?

And can any god (no matter how seemingly profound the notion of that god is to us) that can be thought of by our petty minds be other than a petty god?

At least, that's how I see it. Others might see it differently.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
When you search for god, don't you end up finding merely your own notion of god?

If you look for a god with human-like characteristics, won't you will find a god with human-like characteristics? If you look for a timeless and eternal god, won't you find a timeless and eternal god? If you seek god, won't you at most find the god you seek?

And can any god (no matter how seemingly profound the notion of that god is to us) that can be thought of by our petty minds be other than a petty god?

At least, that's how I see it. Others might see it differently.
For the most part, I agree.

Part of what sparked my transition from a theist to an atheist years ago was that I realized I was cherry-picking ideas about my own god. I was making my god in my image.


Rogue Theologian
Feelings are even more easily deceived than the senses.

At least the senses can be independently verified.

This is a fallacy.
None of your senses are reliable.

And as we age they breakdown badly.

All you will be left with is ..... 'what you think you know'.


Active Member
One day science will discover God. That day is a long way off. There is much to learn before that happens. The surprising news is that they will discover God before relgions does.

You have repeatedly asserted that beliefs are of little value, that it must be facts and facts only. Would you mind explaining how the above is anything other than a belief. And you might try the same for; " Worry not about death. It is no more than a change." plus "There is intelligence far beyond mankind." and "God is Unconditional Love." as well as, "God's actions speak to God's thinking. Everything is reasonable when you understand what is going on. It does all add up." and "We are all God's children". Everyone is entitled to their own opinion but - fortunately - not their own facts.
While it's true religion is a mess, that doesn't mean God does not exist. Perhaps, it's time for a search. You speak of exploring other universes and galaxies which is a good thing, however there is much that stares at us right in front of our noses. Take another look.
There may be lots to look at already, however we are more aware of it in a general sense through various media. By discovering other worlds, life may be entirely different who knows. Humans make judgements based on their surroundings, the more surroundings we have access to, the more decisions/judgements we are able to do, it's part of our neural development.


Well-Known Member
How about faith in something you feel? Just not with the 5 senses.
We have our feeling half and our reason half. One should always lead with their reason half. If you lead with your feeling half, you might end up lost in a sea of emotions. It's never fun being lost. So if one feels something, maybe it's time to investigate with our reason.