My question posed to anyone willing to answer is: Where do you think G-d is when bad things happen to good or innocent people? That is to say, do you think he's just ignoring us, punishing us, or some other third thing?
For example, say a child went through some severe abuse for the majority of their life. Where do you think G-d would be in that instance?
The problem you address is one of the things that may cause so many people become atheists. Even when knowing the explanation for the suffering, it surely is not easy to be rational cold logical about it when the suffering is one's own. I know of a now deceased elderly person who became blind and deaf, but otherwise was healthy. She prayed God for it to end, and it did but not right away. I guess God judged the moment it was right for the person to die.
The cause of our suffering is as follows:
1. Mankind rebelled against God, rejected his theocracy. He granted us self rule until it were established if we could rule ourselves without self-destructing ourselves and the planet. The end is near, the answer is now at hand for even the renowned scientists who embrace evolution tell us that we have about 100 years left on the planet.
2. We live in a cause and effect universe. Our choice was self rule, and we suffer the effects of our own choice.
3. If God made it so that there was no suffering, would we come to know that this choice is no good! This is why we are permitted to suffer. In this way, some of us come to believe that only God can give us rulership that will solve our problems. We come to crave to obey God.
4. God doesn't want to be out there with a whip and police on every corner in the form of angels, etc. He wants us to desire to follow his laws since one might say, "Obedience is victory!" (A phrase from Star Trek that tells us in the real world what it takes to live with God) If God then lets a society of people come to be that have his laws in their hearths and want to obey them, society becomes perfect.
5. The dead will be judged, the wicked shall forever perish (sleep in death), the others resurrected, some who didn't know God will be taught what is needed to survive, others will also be taught but merely as a matter of catch-up.
Presently, even Christians are permitted to suffer seriously. We are told it is our privilege to suffer for Christ as he suffered for us. We are also told that because we suffer now, we shall rejoice when Paradise comes.
Why is that necessary?
Paradise shall not be paradise to a great many who are resurrected and given the chance to live forever. Why?
Because the great disparity between haves and have-nots will not be permitted. This shall cause a huge difference in the way life is implemented --which of course we will have to wait and see what exactly that means. There will be no more wars, or illnesses, there will be no more crime and murders. All this will be controlled from above so that true evildoers will be killed quickly. None will be able to hide sexual abuse, or any other type of abuse. None will be able to do hit-and-run or any other type of serious crime without being punished.
As scripture says, everyday God shall see to it that serious offenders are punished as needed.