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Where exactly is the sacrifice in the death of Jesus?


Uber Tool
Considering that many people throughout history have undergone much worse and longer forms of torture and killing than did Jesus, what makes his death such a sacrifice? If god is all knowing and all powerful, then he set up the universe in such a way that he knew many people would undergo much more pain than the very finite amount of pain that his "son" had to undergo. So what is the big deal with Jesus going through a bit of pain and then dying, only to be whisked away to rule the universe forever?


Well-Known Member
Considering that many people throughout history have undergone much worse and longer forms of torture and killing than did Jesus, what makes his death such a sacrifice? If god is all knowing and all powerful, then he set up the universe in such a way that he knew many people would undergo much more pain than the very finite amount of pain that his "son" had to undergo. So what is the big deal with Jesus going through a bit of pain and then dying, only to be whisked away to rule the universe forever?

Not to mention, that after his weekend of torture he returned 3 days later to become the ruler of the universe. As far as sacrifices go, that's pretty weak. At least when Sinatra died for my sins he stayed dead.


Well-Known Member
Sons of God can triumph over death, so there really was no sacrifice, just a bunch of believers.


Well-Known Member
Considering that many people throughout history have undergone much worse and longer forms of torture and killing than did Jesus, what makes his death such a sacrifice? If god is all knowing and all powerful, then he set up the universe in such a way that he knew many people would undergo much more pain than the very finite amount of pain that his "son" had to undergo. So what is the big deal with Jesus going through a bit of pain and then dying, only to be whisked away to rule the universe forever?

Ever since Adam (and thus humans) were driven out of Eden, we are no longer in God's Kingdom. Humans are allowed to execise their free will even to be against God's Law. There will be myseries which are inevitable in a realm outside of God's Kingdom. Humans have a choice to make to whether to return to Him or to make the separation more permanent.


Well-Known Member
Ever since Adam (and thus humans) were driven out of Eden, we are no longer in God's Kingdom. Humans are allowed to execise their free will even to be against God's Law. There will be myseries which are inevitable in a realm outside of God's Kingdom. Humans have a choice to make to whether to return to Him or to make the separation more permanent.

That story is getting old, don't ya think?

Twig pentagram

High Priest
Considering that many people throughout history have undergone much worse and longer forms of torture and killing than did Jesus, what makes his death such a sacrifice? If god is all knowing and all powerful, then he set up the universe in such a way that he knew many people would undergo much more pain than the very finite amount of pain that his "son" had to undergo. So what is the big deal with Jesus going through a bit of pain and then dying, only to be whisked away to rule the universe forever?

You already know what type of answers you're going to get. They've never changed and they probably never will.


Agnostic Theist
The idea of the sacrifice was in the same manner of the sacrificial lamb. It was to forgive sins. That is the idea of how what Jesus did was a sacrifice.


Admiral Obvious
That story is getting old, don't ya think?
It would not be so bad if the story was at least relevant to the thread....

Not older than 1+1=2, should it be abandoned to start with something new, like 1+1=3?!
sure, but how about you start a new thread for it.
Since it is just as relevant to this one as your story.

That could be a truth as 1+1=2, before you can refute it.
yes, and it is just as likely that invisible pink unicorns grant wishes to virgins.

BTW, what other stories you've heard which are mistaken believed by 1/3 human beings as if they are the truth?!
Oh goody!
I know lots of them:
the earth is flat
tomatos are poisonous
men plant the embryo into the woman
horse hairs left in water turn into worms



Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
Considering that many people throughout history have undergone much worse and longer forms of torture and killing than did Jesus, what makes his death such a sacrifice? If god is all knowing and all powerful, then he set up the universe in such a way that he knew many people would undergo much more pain than the very finite amount of pain that his "son" had to undergo. So what is the big deal with Jesus going through a bit of pain and then dying, only to be whisked away to rule the universe forever?
The real sacrifice was not in the crucifixion, but in the Incarnation. Read Philippians 2: God gave up Divinity to submit to humanity -- even to the point of crucifixion. If you were God, would you wanna be human? I wouldn't! Look what we did to God's planet!


That could be a truth as 1+1=2, before you can refute it.

BTW, what other stories you've heard which are mistaken believed by 1/3 human beings as if they are the truth?!

1+1=2 is incomplete mathematics based on assumptions concerning number and set theory which possibly may not be accurate.



ThrUU the Looking Glass
The idea of the sacrifice was in the same manner of the sacrificial lamb. It was to forgive sins. That is the idea of how what Jesus did was a sacrifice.
Exactly. It was never about the suffering. It was never about giving something up. It was a blood sacrifice, not a personal one.


The real sacrifice was not in the crucifixion, but in the Incarnation. Read Philippians 2: God gave up Divinity to submit to humanity -- even to the point of crucifixion. If you were God, would you wanna be human? I wouldn't! Look what we did to God's planet!

This is the most significant post on this thread. The point is that Jesus had power at anytime to deliver himself from the situation which brought about his death. Thus it can be said that he gave his life and that it was not taken. The point is that he exercised discipline in a greater cause than his personal momentary wants and pleasures. We learn from scripture that his personal desire was not to continue with the ordeal but he submitted himself sacrificing his will for the benefit of others that it could be argued did not deserve such a thing.

The idea that it was not a sacrifice because he became the Suzerain of the universe overlooks the fact that he did not gain that position because of his “sacrifice”. He already was Suzerain of the universe and did not gain anything for himself for his effort and suffering. The benefit is for all that live in this mortal existence and die.



Well-Known Member
So it's just all symbolism, sacrificial lambs, dying for the sins of others, no one really died at all. Still, it's an interesting story.


Administrator Emeritus
Staff member
So it's just all symbolism, sacrificial lambs, dying for the sins of others, no one really died at all. Still, it's an interesting story.

Well, that's your opinion.

Anyone who is genuinely interested in the original question could do worse than to read this:- Why did Jesus cry out, "My God, My God, why have you forsaken Me?" | Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry

an extract :-

One thing is for sure. We have no capacity to appreciate the utterly horrific experience of having the sins of the world put upon the Lord Jesus as He hung, in excruciating pain, from that cross. The physical pain was immense. The spiritual one must have been even greater.

Don't forget that jesus Christ was living in a human body, just like yours or mine. At any time, he could have ceased the pain by using what must have been an ability
to wipe all the pain away - but he chose to go through it.

There was physical pain, and emotional pain - and Jesus Christ underwent that pain for all of our sakes......................

Rainbow Mage

Lib Democrat/Agnostic/Epicurean-ish/Buddhist-ish
There was no sacrifice, that is later Christian belief. There was just a death. The Bible makes it clear why Jesus died, because the Jewish leaders murdered him. The gospels say they hated him. He said: "Why can you not hear my voice? Because you don't have the truth in you. You are children of your father, the devil, and the works of your father you will do."