Gerani1248 said:
In response to AV and his question to whats the Hindu's excuse for it-
we have none.
Well, I guess it's time for a Baptist to explain the true Hindu position on this.
(If I were a Hindu, I'd be embarrassed.)
Who sent Hurricane Katrina?
Shiva, the god of destruction did. You see, in the Hindu Trinity, there is Brahma, the god of creation; Vishnu, the god of preservation; and Shiva, the god of destruction.
Together they engage in creation, preservation, then destruction (a.k.a. birth, life, death).
And since the trinity is circular, not linear, we have the following: birth, life, death, birth, life, death, birth, life, death, etc.
Also known as
The most powerful Halloween icon that symbolizes this is the Old Hag. The boiling pot she is stiring represents birth (the pot = the womb). The full moon in the background represents the person growing to full maturity, and the Old Hag herself represents the last stage of life, or death. Thus you have the Hindu cycle represented in icon form.
Every once in awhile, Shiva rears his ugly head to destroy something, then Brahma rebuilds from the ashes (remember the Phoenix?), and we start all over.
Gerani, you must be either an awful weak Hindu, or a reprobate Hindu, in my humble opinion.