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Well-Known Member
twisting scripture taken away from contex
This IS the context:

13 When you were dead in your sins and in the uncircumcision of your flesh, God made you[d] alive with Christ. He forgave us all our sins, 14 having canceled the charge of our legal indebtedness,which stood against us and condemned us; he has taken it away, nailing it to the cross. 15 And having disarmed the powers and authorities, he made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross.[e]
16 Therefore do not let anyone judge you by what you eat or drink, or with regard to a religious festival, a New Moon celebration or a Sabbath day.

Are you genuinely incapable of understanding that? Are you ignorant, or merely stubborn?

Your completely random, unfounded notions about what Paul is taking about is not context, it’s a fabrication, an utterly random construction that has nothing to do with anything. Don’t you understand? Festivals and meals in the same list is not ‘context’ that indicates, somehow, that Paul didn’t mean all sabbaths. The idea is nonsensical. Simply pointing to some verse mentioning different sabbath events - in different contexts - do you understand- context? Context is what you don’t have when you pick out other vaguely related passages from other contexts - context is what surrounds the matter on question, as above - is not proof of anything other than your slavish adherence to a meaningless and false dogma.


Well-Known Member
This IS the context:

13 When you were dead in your sins and in the uncircumcision of your flesh, God made you[d] alive with Christ. He forgave us all our sins, 14 having canceled the charge of our legal indebtedness,which stood against us and condemned us; he has taken it away, nailing it to the cross. 15 And having disarmed the powers and authorities, he made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross.[e]
16 Therefore do not let anyone judge you by what you eat or drink, or with regard to a religious festival, a New Moon celebration or a Sabbath day.

Are you genuinely incapable of understanding that? Are you ignorant, or merely stubborn?

Your completely random, unfounded notions about what Paul is taking about is not context, it’s a fabrication, an utterly random construction that has nothing to do with anything. Don’t you understand? Festivals and meals in the same list is not ‘context’ that indicates, somehow, that Paul didn’t mean all sabbaths. The idea is nonsensical. Simply pointing to some verse mentioning different sabbath events - in different contexts - do you understand- context? Context is what you don’t have when you pick out other vaguely related passages from other contexts - context is what surrounds the matter on question, as above - is not proof of anything other than your slavish adherence to a meaningless and false dogma.
Well aren't you funny. You are still reading scripture out of context. You do not know what context is do you.

You repeating the same thing over and over without discussing the contexts to the rest of the bible that is in disagreement with you only tells me you do not know scripture and you should not be in this forum as you are unable to discuss scripture detail that is in disagreement with you when challenged. Perhaps you are better off trying another type of Christian forum more suited to your lack of knowledge of the scriptures. Your silence here is deafening. I guess you were no left with any wiggle room were you which is why you have ignored and refuse to discuss the following posts.

Post # 1. Chapter context of Colossians 2:11-17 and within scripture context of Colossians 2:16 (post # 1618 linked)
Post # 2. Colossians 2:16 what is Paul quoting from in the old testament scriptures (post # 1620 linked)
Post # 3. Colossians 2:16 what is Paul quoting from in the new testament scriptures (post # 1622 linked)
Post # 4. Why it is impossible Gods creation Sabbath of Gods 10 commandments cannot be a shadow law of anything (post # 1657 linked)

You simply ignored the above right and were unable to respond to all the scriptures here that are in disagreement with your interpretation of a single scripture taken out of context to the rest of the bible. Now if you cannot address a single post here what is your argument? You have none do you. Just be honest. I think you are in the wrong forum because you do not know scripture and are unable to discuss the scripture details when challenged.


Well-Known Member
Confused by why you imagine you have proven something, I mean, I have encountered some real morons on the internet, but you really take the biscuit.
I guess your confusion lies in the fact as you stated earlier you are an unbeliever still in your sins and unbelief according to the scriptures, unable to discuss scripture contexts to the rest of the bible as proven in the linked posts and scriptures that are in disagreement with you that you are unwilling to discuss with me (see last post. links provided). As posted earlier you are probably better off in a general chat forum as it is clear you do not know God or His Words. The scripture forum must be very confusing to you if you do not know God and His Word as an unbeliever.
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Well-Known Member
I am being honest. I just disagree with you.
No you are not being honest and you are disagreeing with scripture which is why you refuse to answer the question I asked you earlier based on the scriptures in disagreement with you. Just be honest. You know lying is a sin right?


Well-Known Member
I agree, and I personally am done with this person and this thread.
Can you please post me the link where you answered my question after saying you answered it? Also if you cannot post me the link where you answered my question above to you why are you pretending that you did? You do know that is not being honest right? Here let me ask you again and give you another chance. If we are saved by Gods grace through faith (Ephesians 2:8) and faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God (Romans 10:17) how can you have saving faith if the scriptures are not the only rule of faith?
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aged ecumenical anthropologist
Gods Word is inside us if we believe and obey what Gods Word says.
You didn't answer my question, so let me give you an example: If you belief in Jesus was supposedly essential for salvation, then did God not care about any humans before 2000 years ago or in areas of the world whereas people wouldn't even know who he was?


aged ecumenical anthropologist
No you are not being honest and you [ @Kathryn ] are disagreeing with scripture which is why you refuse to answer the question I asked you earlier based on the scriptures in disagreement with you. Just be honest. You know lying is a sin right?
The above is so pathetically judgmental.


Well-Known Member
You didn't answer my question, so let me give you an example: If you belief in Jesus was supposedly essential for salvation, then did God not care about any humans before 2000 years ago or in areas of the world whereas people wouldn't even know who he was?
I did answer your question. Gods Word is not inside us if we do not believe and obey what Gods Word says. You are asking a different question here. If you understand the old covenant shadow laws of atonement you would know that they were all shadow laws pointing to Gods sacrifice for the sins of the world once and for all in Jesus. If Gods people had Gods shadow laws of animal sacrifices and sin offering for atonement before Christ for sin why would you think that God did not care for humans 2000 years ago? Do you know what the old covenant shadow laws of atonement were for?
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Well-Known Member
The above is so pathetically judgmental.
It is not being judgemental by telling the truth because it is written in the scriptures that we are to judge righteous judgement based on the scriptures. Now if you are judging me for not telling the truth bear witness of what truth I have not told. However, if you cannot then are you not being judgemental of Gods Word which is the very definition of what truth is?


aged ecumenical anthropologist
I did answer your question. Gods Word is not inside us if we do not believe and obey what Gods Word says. You are asking a different question here. If you understand the old covenant shadow laws of atonement you would know that they were all shadow laws pointing to Gods sacrifice for the sins of the world once and for all in Jesus. If Gods people had Gods shadow laws of animal sacrifices and sin offering for atonement before Christ for sin why would you think that God did not care for humans 2000 years ago? Do you know what the old covenant shadow laws of atonement where for?

Again, you did not answer my question, so let me ask you one more time: If you belief in Jesus was supposedly essential for salvation, then did God not care about any humans before 2000 years ago or in areas of the world whereas people wouldn't even know who he was?


aged ecumenical anthropologist
It is not being judgemental by telling the truth because it is written in the scriptures that we are to judge righteous judgement based on the scriptures. Now if you are judging me for not telling the truth bear witness of what truth I have not told. However, if you cannot then are you not being judgemental of Gods Word which is the very definition of what truth is?
The NT is not the only scripture that there is, and please see my post above that you have avoided trying to answer.


Well-Known Member
Again, you did not answer my question, so let me ask you one more time: If you belief in Jesus was supposedly essential for salvation, then did God not care about any humans before 2000 years ago or in areas of the world whereas people wouldn't even know who he was?
Your question was answered. Perhaps you did not understand the answer that was provided to you. The laws of atonement in the old covenant were shadow laws pointing to Gods promised Messiah in the new covenant showing God cared about humans 2000 years before Jesus. The laws of atonement through animal sacrifices and sin offerings in an earthly Sanctuary under the Levitical Priesthood were how Gods people received Gods forgiveness of sin. These "shadow laws" all pointed to Jesus as Gods sacrifice for the sins of the world once and foe all in the new covenant and taught us His role as Gods sacrifice and great high priest based on better promises (see Hebrews 7:1-27; Hebrews 8:1-13; Hebrews 9:1-27 and Hebrews 10:1-22. The only difference between both covenants was the process. In the old covenant if someone sinned they would have to take a lamb or another affordable sin offering to the earthy Sanctuary and confess their sins over the animals head and then kill it in front of a Priest in the courtyard of the temple then believe their sins were forgiven them through faith. These sacrifices pointed to Gods sacrifice for a fallen world in Jesus once and for all in the new covenant. The only different between both covenants was the process but in both covenants Gods people were saved by their faith in the death of the sacrifice. This was to teach Gods people that the wages of sin is death. God has always loved His people. According to the scriptures Gods salvation is the same and is conditional on us believing and obeying what His Word says. Now if you disagree again and say I have not answered your question then respond to the content of this post showing why you believe your question has not been answered and rephrase your question.


Well-Known Member
The NT is not the only scripture that there is, and please see my post above that you have avoided trying to answer.
No one said the new testament is the only scripture there is. Do not be untruthful I did answer you question if you believe I did not address my post telling me why how my post does not answer your question. If you cannot why make things up?


aged ecumenical anthropologist
The laws of atonement in the old covenant were shadow laws pointing to Gods promised Messiah in the new covenant showing God cared about humans 2000 years before Jesus.

Sorry, but that really doesn't even get close to answering my question, especially since Judaism is only roughly 3000 or so years ago but humans have been around much longer than that. Neither does your "answer" deal with those living in areas of the world who never heard of Jesus.

BTW, let me recommend responding to posts with as few words as possible without getting into sermons.


aged ecumenical anthropologist
No one said the new testament is the only scripture there is. Do not be untruthful I did answer you question if you believe I did not address my post telling me why how my post does not answer your question. If you cannot why make things up?
I was in no way being "untruthful", so point out where I supposedly did, or I'll just have to believe that maybe you should head your own warning. I never stated nor implied that you said that the NT was the only set of scriptures. I have many faults, but lying isn't by-and-large one of them.


Well-Known Member
Sorry, but that really doesn't even get close to answering my question, especially since Judaism is only roughly 3000 or so years ago but humans have been around much longer than that. Neither does your "answer" deal with those living in areas of the world who never heard of Jesus.

BTW, let me recommend responding to posts with as few words as possible without getting into sermons.
Actually you are quite wrong according to the scripture. Tell me why you think my answer to you was wrong and respond to my answer please? You do know that Gods people had the laws of atonement prior to Mt Sinai right?