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Where to fit/put God?

Mock Turtle

Oh my, did I say that!
Premium Member
This information, this thought of yours, is not included in the Arthur's quote. Hence, you have more mind-power than Arthur Clarke.
“Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.”

That is the actual quote, and 'sufficiently advanced' is the relevant bit - as I, and others, have pointed out. If you need to twist words in order to prove something, then you are likely to lose. :oops:

The Hammer

Premium Member
Why? I know that the spaceship of Elon Musk is not God, I know that TV is not God, and I know that the automobile of Tesla is not God. So, technology and divinity are distinguishable by the people who have this technology. PS. I am for Biden."

But these things contain Divinity within them, just like you contain Divinity within you.

Mock Turtle

Oh my, did I say that!
Premium Member
Magic is within known (today) physical laws?
Clarke's use of the term was probably how it would appear to older civilisations, and not as we might use the term now. Given that magic is generally confined to deception by sleight of hand or by whatever other means. It is perhaps only those with religious beliefs who might see it otherwise, since 'magic' plays no part in physical reality - given it would just be some part that was unknown to us before.


Well-Known Member
But these things contain Divinity within them, just like you contain Divinity within you.
Why do we have Christian God in three persons? God the Father gives birth to God the Son, and from God the Father comes the Holy Spirit. To solve the puzzle, look at the people around you. They are being born. Since there are people in the world, there is the man named Jesus Christ in Heaven - the head of the Eastern Orthodox Church. Look at nature. The creative hand makes nature -- there is the spirit of creativity. Society has the Spirit of Love, the Spirit of Knowledge, and the Spirit of Holiness. All good things come from God. But the suffering, sickness, and death are from the evil spirit. The world has two spirits: the Holy Spirit (God) and the evil spirit (satan).

Exaltist Ethan

Bridging the Gap Between Believers and Skeptics
I recently got criticized by my Catholic friend @Hayley Bartlett about how I view God. According to her, God doesn't do anything in the realm of theologies I practice.

Which is funny, because where I put God is everything, everywhere, and not just what matter is but what it does too. Every day I wake up and I experience fractals of God, I am in awe for the fact that we understand so much, yet so little about reality. I believe in things like evolution, the fact that Earth is billions of years old, and that God did not create the Universe in seven days. But rather, what is more remarkable about it is that the Universe has been in existence for billions of years, rather than thousands, and we just happen to be so lucky and fortunate to be on a planet that can help us survive and possibly thrive on others.

That to me is more spiritual, more awe-inspiring, than the average Catholic waiting death to be reunited with Jesus. And yes, I actually believe that will happen one day too, but not exactly the way they imagine it. Science helps us understand the world so engineering and technology can change it. If there were ever a chance we could bring these people back to life and restore sanity to them one day, they would realize that what nature is becoming is far greater than the deepest depths of Heaven could offer. And then, it wouldn't be so bad for them.

So where do I put God? God to me means everything. Everything and every single action. Every act is somehow tied to either some form of chaos and order, entropy and extropy, and the whole of the Universe is capable of just about anything if we could intelligentially design it ourselves. The fact that some people can believe in God and others don't or cant is amazing because every single point of view is slowly being represented in this new age of the Internet and technology.

We couldn't imagine a world like this even a hundred years ago and we won't be able to truly imagine the world and what happens to it a hundred years from now. That is the reason why I firmly believe that God itself is change, and no change can happen without a being and an action. To sum up my entire argument in the simplest fashion, I will direct you to my signature.

"God is what nature is becoming."

That is what God means to me. That is where I put God. It is a continuation of everything in the past, what is happening now, and what will continue to occur in the future, and it's also nature: the innate forces of it, and the careful designed evolution of our species as well. To say that God doesn't mean anything to me, or that my God doesn't do anything, just because I reject the idea of sin or a God that looks down on us, is completely missing the picture of what divinity means to me.

Yes, one day humans will create a monotheistic God in this panendeistic reality, that's what syntheists believe, and that we're also creating divinity in ourselves, but by no means will that God count your sins and pick specials or favorites out of all of us. We are all an elaborate byproduct of nature and we are no less than miraculous, no matter what each individual can do. Any less and you are starting to miss my point entirely.

blü 2

Veteran Member
Premium Member
Me: ""Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from divinity." (Arthur C. Clarke). Wrong, dear Arthur. Why? I know that the spaceship of Elon Musk is not God, I know that TV is not God, and I know that the automobile of Tesla is not God.
You're saying the question is, What is God not?

I'd prefer the question, What real thing is God? Describe the real God so that should we find a real suspect we can determine whether it's God or not.

rational experiences

Veteran Member
If con artists stop word con we'd be okay.

It's why a young man depicted as psychic theme Connor is in governor terminator. As men science build keeps returning machines destroying life.

As the sun mass entry machine of man's AI history civilisation design technology causes above holds life below in position to destroy.

Why bible warned he's just an everyday man in his AI everyday control who does it...science man. Civilisation also AI built.

As government legal standing was against science itself.

As science temple then became temple of religion hypocrites. Governing was on a shut legal bible...no theories. Sworn man's oath.

So no term Jesus Christ either or god.

As above us is only sky...John Lennon....when Lennon ..Lenin read a book on Marx the day we say bye bye American pie...them Good old boys saying this will be the day that I die.

As law on earth rock planet said the legal government was a mountain. Volcano earth owned history rock gases alight of earths only first and the cold clear gas.

Earths mountain earths volcano ∆ removed tip. Broken law owning spirit gas history a heavens.

As clouds belonged to volcanic mass. First in space.

Not any humans scientific thesis and it was exactly known. Legal.

So Biden...the bid is in either or moment of human choice.

Jesus Christ said old man's science review never existed until it was caused.

As life was being sacrificed by greedy rich men where the poor king then wanted to become richest man on earth once again. Control everyone the human warning. By technologies rebuilding.

Criminal Jesus hence was involved in life's sacrifice by Judas. First position discussed. Old Jewish Moses was inferred used as advice.

Not until a four day man's built carpenter tectonic earthquake did mass of gods earth body leave below held in fused earth mass did a huge cloud re massing above in voiding pressure change above stop it. Attack of life.

Not Jesus the man. It was broken law of mountain mass that owned it...volcano had broken law mountain. Was the law naturally.

Why men lying about Jesus now are living now just a humans experience now present that gets us destroyed. As no man is God.

Is the teaching cloud mass accumulation saved you. Today men of science are removing clouds mass historic accumulation we see it falling out. So it's flooding again as pressure changed so did gods cold clouds that only rained holy law removed.

Cold clouds you see images. Burnt clouds you get huge storms.

Law flooding is still saving life yet bio life however sacrificed is leaving genetics.

Told. Hypocrites are hypocrites were hypocrites first. Position I'm a hypocrite hasn't changed in rich man's society ...your own reminder. Always a hypocrite.

Legal changed the human rights position governing not religion is the warning.

Governing as a new world community it's legal enforced. Involves an agreed mutual family behaviour trying to be implemented. Is the last stand.


Grand Hat
Staff member
Premium Member
Me: ""Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from divinity." (Arthur C. Clarke). Wrong, dear Arthur. Why? I know that the spaceship of Elon Musk is not God, I know that TV is not God, and I know that the automobile of Tesla is not God. So, technology and divinity are distinguishable by the people who have this technology. PS. I am for Biden."

This is impressively off the mark. The question isn't whether you think a Tesla is God. It's whether a mediaeval peasant would think it's magic.


Well-Known Member
This is impressively off the mark. The question isn't whether you think a Tesla is God. It's whether a mediaeval peasant would think it's magic.
Look, dear moderator: "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from divinity." (Arthur C. Clarke). Here are no words "It's whether a mediaeval peasant would think." Hence, you are better using brain than Clarke.
Last edited:


Academic Workhorse
Little did I know I would open my laptop with my cup of sencha tea to read people chat about the composition of urine (and the semantics of such) on a Religious Forum. Not to mention, a thread discussing the significance of God in our lives.

Does God belong in our bladders?


Academic Workhorse
Dark Energy is in my body, not only in lower parts, but also in arms. God is Dark Energy.
I agree that if God existed inside of us, that God would have no problem dwelling in the bladder. Bladders can be sacred too. Just another beautiful part of beautiful living beings. :)


Well-Known Member
Me: ""Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from divinity." (Arthur C. Clarke). Wrong, dear Arthur. Why? I know that the spaceship of Elon Musk is not God, I know that TV is not God, and I know that the automobile of Tesla is not God. So, technology and divinity are distinguishable by the people who have this technology. PS. I am for Biden."


Be your own guru
Put him where you put things that are no longer required, a loft, a garage, in the basement, and continue with your life.

rational experiences

Veteran Member
Mind studying science thinks transmitters plus human water microbes one cell body only get caused carbon burnt put back cooling image with water microbes living.

Image he says. It's magic I mage.

Yet he's not I Mage.

Is a constant he says one same body cell that builds up by frames into a human biology. Yet biology is mass of different cells.

So tries to make urine a machine constant release in a woman's body by machine transmitted at brain linked to brain organ function.

I know when I'm not helping science they pulse an excrutiating pain to my thumb. With various mind threats.

Is why types of forum statements most public members query. If you knew why they said it...then it makes evil sense to a theory Urine that doesn't exist by itself as one form exclusive of many one forms in one human form.

Why occultists try to believe a one human especially woman is a God in person. As babies came from her body cell ovary.

Trying to convince themselves as button pusher I'm not the nucleating all life button Pusher.

Father said the infinity void vacuum I want to control in.my sons life of man is a new human thesis. That when I push button I want Infinity one way only.

To come to machine.

One way is away from mass.

He wants it invented to control when sun metal leaves.

Men confess of Sion as the bible is a testimony. Not a thesis. Jesus ended as image in cloud mass. Cloud mass not man's image is smoking.

So day by day he studied every nations sun star mass fall. But one by one it's removed. He thinks if he joins it in one moment he'd have enough mass to fall to machine one of control....then he'd control vacuum voiding getting it in one place.

Father said you know money isn't real don't you its another AI falseness. To Inherit money in one place in time by mans control. A machine.

He knows he never had machine control of earth mass dust. Law natural.

Then he contradicts himself. Not in right spirit mind to contradict my owned evil thoughts. Dusts converting not in natural laws.

He contradicts in mind as he's machine controller of earths dusts converting mass one place control yet also in many nations. Machines first already machine man's god

Wants it in one place only...so how's he believe Mr machine man will get what he wants relating to void law earth mass laws? In one only new place?

Father said no human means no theorising humans biology either. If you thesis dust converting no human even exists in natural law place of thought exact.