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Where to fit/put God?

rational experiences

Veteran Member
Dark Energy is ENERGY. We need ENERGY. Economics needs ENERGY.
At night time it's dark. A biological human thinker is surving living in the dark.

You live inside a two 12 balanced heavens light and dark.

Your bio life survived in light. In darkness you know you need energy to live. As biology the light life support. Is the self advice to self first.

Do you eat light?


First in mass no light it's dark as it's cold is energy isn't it? Yes says Theist. Not energetic a gas only. Science machine consumed form then dark energy as light caused is consumed?


Your mind now says my machine consumed by gain dark energy. Electricity isn't dark.

You however first as a conscious natural law human is human mind and not theories?

Economics in law isn't first either.


Are you now confused?

Seems like you are.

Who places values on goods falsely?

Men did.

As trade I need food is as important as I need anything I want. Says men.

Yet food is most important first...economics was home management.


Be your own guru
The energy of spiritual realm is used here:
Energy Catalyzer - Wikipedia
Have you read the article?

"No independent tests have ever been made, and no peer-reviewed tests of the device have ever been published. Steve Featherstone wrote in Popular Science that by the summer of 2012 Rossi's "outlandish claims" for the E-Cat seemed "thoroughly debunked".

The device has not been independently verified. Of a January demonstration, Discovery Channel analyst Benjamin Radford wrote that "If this all sounds fishy to you, it should," and that "In many ways cold fusion is similar to perpetual motion machines. The principles defy the laws of physics, but that doesn't stop people from periodically claiming to have invented or discovered one." According to Phys.org (11 August 2011), the demonstrations held from January to April 2011 had several flaws that compromised their credibility and Rossi had refused to perform tests that could verify his claims."

More if you read the article. Your God hypothesis also merits the label "outlandish claims", no verification.


Be your own guru
But it was published in arXiv.org.
"Materials on this site are not peer-reviewed by arXiv".

Rossi fooled a business company and got some compensation. Nice work.
"In January 2014 a newly formed company, Industrial Heat LLC, announced that it had acquired rights to Rossi's E-Cat technology. In April 2016, Rossi filed a lawsuit in the USA against Industrial Heat, alleging that he was not paid an $89 million licensing fee due after a one-year test period of an E-Cat unit. Industrial Heat's comment on the lawsuit was that after three years of effort they were unable to reproduce Rossi's E-Cat test results. On 5 July 2017 the parties settled; the terms of the settlement were not released."
Energy Catalyzer - Wikipedia

Don't take everyone to be a fool (like Industrial Heat LLC was), @questfortruth.


Active Member
Me: ""Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from divinity." (Arthur C. Clarke). Wrong, dear Arthur. Why? I know that the spaceship of Elon Musk is not God, I know that TV is not God, and I know that the automobile of Tesla is not God. So, technology and divinity are distinguishable by the people who have this technology. PS. I am for Biden."
Well, If you know that the spaceship of Elon Musk is not God, than it is not sufficiently advanced.

Your username is questfortruth. Are you really on a quest for truth? Or are you of the opinion that your already found it?
Me: ""Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from divinity." (Arthur C. Clarke). Wrong, dear Arthur. Why? I know that the spaceship of Elon Musk is not God, I know that TV is not God, and I know that the automobile of Tesla is not God. So, technology and divinity are distinguishable by the people who have this technology. PS. I am for Biden."

CC: “Why are you for President Biden?”

Me: “He is a member of Catholic Christianity. And not a fool because they found God and received the Nobel Prize for Him, namely for "Accelerated Expansion of the Universe under the influence of invisible Dark Energy." Einstein's equations (special equations, not E=mc^2) describe everything. After all, on the left is Time and Space, and on the right - is everything in the world. Science does not know what Dark Energy and Dark Matter mean in this equation. And I know what it is. God is Dark Energy because God is not matter (hare, wood, brick) but the Spirit of Love. Or grace and energy. And Paradise, with its buildings, gardens, groves, angels, and souls of dead people, is Dark Matter. Where is God? God is everywhere. Dark Energy is everywhere too. More in:
A Nurturant Darkness: God as Dark Matter
I see no problem if blue or pink thing gives us eternal life and happiness.

CC: “Why exactly Dark Energy, and not exotic matter with negative mass?” Me: "Last one not found." CC: “The first one was not found either, only a manifestation; that's why the wording "Dark" was invented. It could be related to anything. For example, the gravitational influence of parallel worlds could explain the Universe's Accelerated Expansion.

Me: “Where to fit/put God?”

CC: “But I didn’t need this hypothesis” (c) Pierre Laplace.

Me: “Where should a believer fit/put God?”

CC: "On the shelf to Santa Claus and transformers))."

Me: “Don’t blaspheme the faith. Where to fit/put God? Imagine that you are a regular guy. Where to fit/put God?

CC: "I'm telling you where all the other fictional characters are."

Me: "If the light of faith enlightened you, where would you fit/put God? God is Dark Energy."

CC: "Well, there's a giant gap in your logic. After all, the universe is full of hydrogen, so why isn't God hydrogen?"

Me: "I'm not a pantheist, but a Christian. Where can a Christian fit/put God? The Christian believes that God is everywhere, and in his bladder too. God is on the Moon and Mars. Where should a Christian fit/put God? God is Dark Energy, not hydrogen. Is there hydrogen in your bladder? No. Hence, omnipresent God is not hydrogen."

My CV is here:

Why do we (Christians) have God in three persons? God the Father gives birth to God the Son, and from God the Father comes the Holy Spirit. To solve the puzzle, look at the people around you. They are being born. Since there are people in the world, there is the man named Jesus Christ in Heaven - the head of the Eastern Orthodox Church. Look at nature. The creative hand makes nature -- there is the spirit of creativity. Society has the Spirit of Love, the Spirit of Knowledge, and the Spirit of Holiness. All good things come from God. But the suffering, sickness, and death are from the evil spirit. The world has two spirits: the Holy Spirit (God) and the evil spirit (satan).
Gonna be honest kinda just skimmed this but the first part is interesting to me.

I feel like the Clarke quote only makes sense if you put humans of less advanced technology in the category of being primitives. I.E. they have to think something is divine because how else would they understand it? This more or less believes that people who see technology they don't understand immediately assume divinity which comes from things like the spanish being revered as gods by the Aztecs etc.

This is a racist belief that came later and tends to exclude things like the Spanish using native rebels to help them fight their war. Which may of initially come from natives attempt to explain why their ancestors lost due to religious symbols and not military failings.
The Aztecs Didn't Mistake The Spanish For Gods - KnowledgeNuts


הרב יונה בן זכריה
@DharmaCatLamp -

Apparently you are unaware - as was pointed out by another earlier in the thread - that Arthur C. Clarke is inaccurately quoted by the OP. He does not use the term divinity. He mentions magic.


Well-Known Member
"Materials on this site are not peer-reviewed by arXiv".
The "problem" with Dark Energy, that the devices which are powered by Dark Energy, can stop working any moment. The miracles are not repeatable, because God is not globally accepted notion.

However, the miracle of Holy Fire happens regularly.


Grand Hat
Staff member
Premium Member
Look, dear moderator: "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from divinity." (Arthur C. Clarke). Here are no words "It's whether a mediaeval peasant would think." Hence, you are better using brain than Clarke.

No, I just understand the context of the quote. It's the third of Clarke's laws and is a common enough talking point.

And...once again...it's 'magic', not 'divinity'. This has been pointed out by multiple people in response to your OP now, and it leads one to wonder why you've tweaked it.


Well-Known Member
And...once again...it's 'magic', not 'divinity'. This has been pointed out by multiple people in response to your OP now, and it leads one to wonder why you've tweaked it.
I have copied the quote from the screen of my TV. There was a science broadcast happening. So, perhaps there was not magic, but divinity.