The Gospels are mostly intact and from God. The Torah and books between that and Gospels are largely corrupted and there is a contradiction between two themes.
The Quran to me presents a more reasonable God, more eloquent God, more logical and more clean in the way he relates his religion to people. Very consistent.
So for example, Judaism is particular to people selected and a covenant uniquely taken to the children of Israel and Christianity depends on Jesus as the central role, Islam as presented in Quran shows the religion is consistent from Adam (a) till now. The religion structure is not exactly same in minute details but overall archetype structure.
I think God would present the same religion in all times. Again, small details can change, but overall structure the same. Particularly, I find the reasoning and wisdom of how the chosen ones come together as a group called "a family" which are closer to each other then all others very reasonable.
The Quran shows while we should exalt the exalted ones, we shouldn't make it all about one in particular as opposed to all of them, and to not distinguish between, we don't make the founder more important then the successor or the successor of the successor.
This keeps people balanced, and not make all about a person, rather than God. They are rather seen means to God.