the Creator?......or His creation?
lol I know its God actually I'll say think because it's thoughts here, but people like to create too but when they do sometimes they just don't win if you get what I'm saying. What's
already good is just already good.
You have clash sometimes between the actual creator and people given the options to create themselves. Sometimes its even funny.
You have the 1. actual creator of all... 2. the people given the ability to create "it's always built on top"... 3. The creation "what God actually made" includes people" 4. And the creations of people vs what was/is created by God.
1. Just "the real" which after that so much follows I cant even begin to explain even people
So legitimate.
But anyways I would explain more like this:::
So people can be hippies right but that might bore people. People that like to like the earth (I do at times a lot too) but when it sometimes leads to worshipping trees lol. It can bore people because its missing. (I could say a lot more about this one, like xmas or Christmas. I heard once through an ear atheists only get to the tops of trees,..... Jesus is the Son of God.. ... me, I could take it way furtherer than that) like zeitgeists. But it does bore people; (FYI might be off topic where you might have the subscriptions INRI on crucifix which is where the balance on zeitgeists shifts this is more like an issue) Because I made a comment i'll regard it; its in regards to the idea that what is the creations of people vs what was/is created by God. Example you have God created the heaven earth etc, we have the ability to create on top. We were created by God, but we live on top of what was created and if there is a battle vs what was created by God people and vs what was created by people. Like its to hard to live in the environment of that or something (sometimes this is just pure manipulation too, to get people to say this, I try to keep an honest point or too) Anyways but Romans killed Jesus INRI were they made it hard via what is created for people to live.
But Like I said atheists only get to the tops of trees... Jesus is the son of God. (I can go further than that.) So take all care.
But to continue on can bore people sometimes..
Especially sometimes people that think in the #2 spot.
Number 3 usually brings most people joy.
Number 4 is where people get upset or not (it depends on the area) so to speak .. something's we create have something missing are not like God's but usually I don't have a problem here. But at least I know when that is.
They say its masonic to start think to this way.
I still have one that hits this at the core or base whatever.
Close to what it was about.
And then God is still true even truer.