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Which is the Most Violent Religion Based on the Doctrine?


One Accepts All Religious Texts
Premium Member
More hate
some hate
Don't hate anyone; hate the things that are wrong....If you refuse to accept any alternative to what you've already been taught to believe, even when evidence can be presented to you, feel for you.... No wonder you think everyone hates you; yet don't worry I love you, why I'll keep trying! :heart:


Well-Known Member
Don't hate anyone; hate the things that are wrong....If you refuse to accept any alternative to what you've already been taught to believe, even when evidence can be presented to you, feel for you.... No wonder you think everyone hates you; yet don't worry I love you, why I'll keep trying! :heart:
You clearly hate because you keep looking for excuses to accuse groups and repeat lies. Unless you do this out of love. I don't think everyone hates me. Just the liars who would rather spew falsehoods and repeat canards and conspiracy theories.


One Accepts All Religious Texts
Premium Member
you keep looking for excuses
Hardly have to go looking for it; loads of people in the world are becoming aware of the facts....

Shame you're refusing to accept any new info; it must be they're all liars....

The only ones who are falling for it, are the people still plugged into mainstream media. :rolleyes:
Because I eat a hamburger?
To eat a dead animal it must be murdered; the animal screams in pain, and struggles for its life.... No sentient being wants to die or be sacrificed. :oops:
Your claims re: 9/11 show how detached from reality you are.
So historical facts, with police records, SMS records, insurance claims, are all falsified. :facepalm:
More hate filled accusations devoid of any basis in the real world.
So you have no clue how the Rothschild have sponsored both sides of multiple wars? o_O
Then you invoke the talmud based on not knowing it, but parroting what some hate sites, which are replete with lies and fabrications, said. Why don't you think for yourself?
Read the Rabbinic Jewish site explaining the faulty logic in the Talmud, went to show why it was false based on the Tanakh. ;)
Then you REALY don't know what Zionism is.
You really think it is just about a happy clappy sing kumbayah in the promised land again; then you've not studied the history, corruption, to get to there, the whole thing is rigged to fail, yet carry on....When millions could be slaughtered because of it. :disappointed:
No, that is an article of faith that you subscribe to which is not supported by any actual facts.
That has nothing to do with Faith or Belief, it is based on percentages of criteria fulfillment; deal with evidence, not beliefs.

You can believe what you wish, yet clearly the facts speak for themselves....

Would discuss it in detail with you, and show you how it fits; if you're interested in learning. :innocent:
I guess you researched those "accusations" and found them to be true, or else why would you bring it up again?
Not got around to studying such a long list, as saying God will do that....

Also since it is ages after, doubt will find all the evidence needed to make a substantial case, thus it would be a flawed trial....

Therefore, will just have to go on that the verdict has been passed multiple times, in multiple countries, to expel all Jews from the country; that is hardly a case without evidence, for such an extreme sentence so many times.

Though this doesn't mean I've passed any verdict (like you do on me so many times); yet the evidence speaks for its self, something has taken place. We can see that from within the Tanakh, Yeshua, etc, that clearly not everyone is following the Law. :shrug:


Well-Known Member
Hardly have to go looking for it; loads of people in the world are becoming aware of the facts....

Shame you're refusing to accept any new info; it must be they're all liars....

The only ones who are falling for it, are the people still plugged into mainstream media. :rolleyes:

To eat a dead animal it must be murdered; the animal screams in pain, and struggles for its life.... No sentient being wants to die or be sacrificed. :oops:

So historical facts, with police records, SMS records, insurance claims, are all falsified. :facepalm:

So you have no clue how the Rothschild have sponsored both sides of multiple wars? o_O

Read the Rabbinic Jewish site explaining the faulty logic in the Talmud, went to show why it was false based on the Tanakh. ;)

You really think it is just about a happy clappy sing kumbayah in the promised land again; then you've not studied the history, corruption, to get to there, the whole thing is rigged to fail, yet carry on....When millions could be slaughtered because of it. :disappointed:

That has nothing to do with Faith or Belief, it is based on percentages of criteria fulfillment; deal with evidence, not beliefs.

You can believe what you wish, yet clearly the facts speak for themselves....

Would discuss it in detail with you, and show you how it fits; if you're interested in learning. :innocent:

Not got around to studying such a long list, as saying God will do that....

Also since it is ages after, doubt will find all the evidence needed to make a substantial case, thus it would be a flawed trial....

Therefore, will just have to go on that the verdict has been passed multiple times, in multiple countries, to expel all Jews from the country; that is hardly a case without evidence, for such an extreme sentence so many times.

Though this doesn't mean I've passed any verdict (like you do on me so many times); yet the evidence speaks for its self, something has taken place. We can see that from within the Tanakh, Yeshua, etc, that clearly not everyone is following the Law. :shrug:
Yes. I have passed a verdict. I have passed many verdicts on you. Of course, my personal verdicts mean nothing and you will certainly go on saying what you want, believing what you want, and acting as you want, being kept warm by the big blanket you wrap around yourself. The only thing I can contribute to you right now is my sense of fear of your beliefs and the behaviors they have historically prompted and my unending pity for your attitudes. You have the right to be wrong. Carry on.
You said: "To eat a dead animal it must be murdered".
If I might loudly say: WRONG.

The word "murder" is NOT used accurately in your sentence. Murder refers to "UN-lawful" taking of life.
Enter the word: "kill"
That's why some Bible translations are "in-accurate". Jehovah God did not say: "Thou shalt not kill".

Jehovah God, the Giver of Life; has allowed for the "Taking of Life".
When Jehovah God says it's permissible to "kill" ("end the life") of an animal (for food, or for sacrifice, or for clothing) ~ ~ this is NOT termed "murder". This is called "kill".
A more accurate rendition of one of the 10 commands would be: "Thou shalt not murder". (NWT and others)

Whether the "kill" involves pain or not, is immaterial. If Jehovah God PERMITS it - - then it is not termed "violence". Thus the word usage in this topic, needs to be cleared up, to render the whole topic more in an accurate light.


One Accepts All Religious Texts
Premium Member
Thus the word usage in this topic, needs to be cleared up, to render the whole topic more in an accurate light.
Unless the animal dies naturally; if you premeditate taking the life of a sentient being, that to me is murder... :innocent:

Can't apply it to one sentient being, and not another; otherwise that is hypocrisy....

It is like if someone decided to murder someone's dog, because they were sick of it barking, then people would say that was murder; yet if it was cattle, people don't care. :(

Again it asks the question, does violent doctrine desensitize people to empathy? o_O


aged ecumenical anthropologist
That approach is working backwards, and will arrive at a faulty conclusion....Paul contradicts Yeshua on well over 36 points; yet Paul does fit with some of the Pharisaic expectations of first century Judaism....Yet Paul is just wrong when understanding the line of the prophets, and Yeshua.

That literally makes not one iota of sense since Peter and the others had direct contact with Paul, both in person and by letters, and if Paul was out of step with Jesus, then there simply is no way, especially with Paul's past, that they would have anything to do with him.

So if we take a step back, the Essenes had many apocalyptic ideas expecting it within that time, as did Yeshua.

So? Why take one element and ignore all the others? There simply is not one shred of evidence that Jesus had anything to do with the Essenes, and logically so, but theologians do consider it possible that John the Baptist might have.

The idea of living without wealth, can clearly be seen by them, with their belief that everything was provided for by God...Have had Rabbinic Jews try to suggest so does their texts; yet if you check dates, it is later thinking, and not inherent to the belief as Yeshua was teaching....

They shared their wealth as it states in Acts, plus Paul and some others did fund-raising for the apostles. There simply is no indication that they took some sort of vow of poverty, but it is at least fairly clear that they lived simply.

Which leads us on to the Ebionites (the poor ones), who were far more inline with Yeshua's doctrine of following the commandments, to ascend into Heaven, and by giving up wealth...They were against the Pauline idea, that Yeshua came as a living sacrifice.

Not at all likely, and it's bizarre that you supposedly have Jesus and the apostles linking with both the Essenes and the Ebionites as they certainly were not on the same page-- or even close to being on the same page.

Christians who perceive Yeshua to be Pharisee, is due to the lack of information contrary, as the Pharisees have monopolized Judaism. :(
If you had read the link I gave you on the Pharisees, you would not be able to say the above with a straight face. The reality, which many Christian theologians will acknowledge, is that Jesus and the apostles operated out of a liberal Pharisee position that is at least somewhat similar to that of Hillel, and both of their positions were in contrast to the mainline Pharisees that felt that the Oral Law must be strictly adhered to.

It appears that you really don't understand the diversity of the Pharisee movement and what it stood for, which I've run across many times before from those who simply look at the surface of the gospels without putting them into a deeper understanding of the Judaism of the day that Jesus was operating from. I provided you the links on the Pharisees and Essenes, but it's obvious you didn't really get into them. Until you get into the details, you will continue to jump to false conclusions. So, until then...
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aged ecumenical anthropologist
As far as the real evidence shows:
  • Mossad agents were there in advance to film the whole thing, dressed as Muslims, when arrested they declared "We are Israeli. We are not your problem. Your problems are our problems. The Palestinians are the problem."
  • Larry Silverstein, had just brought and insured the building, purposefully for terrorist attacks...He has had one of the biggest insurance claims in history, as he had it x2.
  • Jews were sent a text message telling them not to be in the building that day.
  • And tons more evidence here: Israel did it.
Though i don't think you should blame it purely on religion; Zionism is an extremist sect of Judaism.

Isis was funded, trained and created by the CIA and Mossad....So I'd blame the instigators; 'this is not an accusation, they admit this'. :innocent:

You've gotta be kidding. Even though bin Laden in a tape said that al-Queda did it, you come up with the above? And even though ISIS came of out al-Queda in Iraq, which is easily traceable, you come up with that as well? :rolleyes:


One Accepts All Religious Texts
Premium Member
So, until then...
As saying this was a totally different topic.... Which will get back to.... :innocent:
Even though bin Laden in a tape said that al-Queda did it, you come up with the above?
Wow, show me the evidence, as not heard anything like that...Where as the link, and items mentioned, are all documented.
And even though ISIS came of out al-Queda in Iraq, which is easily traceable, you come up with that as well?
Go watch some independent news, recognize that our whole secret services have been running amok since their creation.... Then question the whole thing, with that knowledge; even our own media is admitting we helped create them. :rolleyes:


aged ecumenical anthropologist
Wow, show me the evidence, as not heard anything like that...Where as the link, and items mentioned, are all documented.

Two weeks after the September 11 attacks, the Federal Bureau of Investigation connected the hijackers to al-Qaeda, a global, decentralized terrorist network. In a number of video, audio, interview and printed statements, se nior members of al-Qaeda have also asserted responsibility for organizing the September 11 attacks. It is believed that Osama Bin Laden,Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, and Mohammed Atef were the ones who plotted the attacks after meeting together in 1999. It is also believed Khalid Sheikh Mohammad was the one who planned the attacks[5] and that Atef was the one who organized the hijackers...

Shortly before the US presidential election in 2004, in a taped statement, bin Laden publicly acknowledged al-Qaeda's involvement in the attacks on the US, and claimed a direct link to the attacks. He said that the attacks were carried out because "we are a free people who do not accept injustice, and we want to regain the freedom of our nation."

In an audio message that surfaced on the Internet in May 2006, the speaker, who is alleged to be Osama bin Laden, defends Zacarias Moussaoui, who was undergoing a trial for his participation in the September 11 attacks. The voice in the audio message says

"I begin by talking about the honorable brother Zacarias Moussaoui. The truth is that he has no connection whatsoever with the events of September 11th, and I am certain of what I say, because I was responsible for entrusting the 19 brothers—Allah have mercy upon them—with those raids, and I did not assign brother Zacarias to be with them on that mission."
-- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Respo...tacks#Osama_bin_Laden_statements_after_9.2F11


One Accepts All Religious Texts
Premium Member
Is there a conspiracy theory you don't believe in?
Just posted you the Sky One CIA documentary; it is blatant information available to the public. :facepalm:

You realize the CIA pushed the term 'conspiracy theorist' after the JFK assassination.
Try getting some sort of neutral source instead of those with "agendas".
The Wikipedia be:rolleyes:ing a reliable none agenda source.....

The article you just posed about Bin Laden is so full of holes; we funded al-Qaeda, the Laden family were flown out the same day, even though all services had been stopped. :confused:



Veteran Member
Staff member
Premium Member
Anyway, its either the Mayans or the Incas that had the most bloody doctrines. They actually believed in cutting the heart from a living human and that would somehow insure a good harvest. It sounds crazy to me.


Well-Known Member
So when saying doctrine, also including the things taught within it?

So for instance Sikhs are trained warriors, with horse back riding, always carrying a knife, etc.

Taoism established Kungfu, thus has a whole martial arts dedicated to it.

Yet in both of these, they are taught as self defense, and used to protect.

So before anyone puts Islam, as far as i was aware Jihad means to protect, not to go attacking people.

Yet Islam is far from innocent, with countless battles described within it, where Allah gives favour to his people to win wars.

So on to the Jewish Bible, which clearly has more wars, violence, brutalization, and severe punishment system than the rest....So i suppose since I've already half answered it, is there any religion less violent? :oops:

People are violent anyway, and recognition of that seems to help dissolve the issue; so at extreme sports matches, such as boxing, rugby, American football, there is then less violence.... Almost like it releases some of the piped up aggression, we all have to some extent.

So what if the religions of violence had some form of martial art/self defense system added to them, do you think it might resolve them causing such violence in the world? :innocent:

What else can you suggest for Israel to survive among the brutal Canaanites?

God made Israel survived such that salvation of souls can be brought to later humans.

Aset's Flames

Viperine Asetian
Haven't said a Martial art is non violent, just a form of disciplined self defense; thus we find far less violence overall, when human violence is channeled into something disciplined, and constructive.... A thug is no longer a thug, when he becomes a trained warrior. ;)

Wrong, some martial arts do not involve discipline at all. This is a common misconception, most surviving martial art lineages from the orient do involve displine but by no means do all martial arts.

A thug could easily be trained in Muy Thai and Modern Armis and become an extremely dengerous thug.


Abn Iblis ابن إبليس
Wrong, some martial arts do not involve discipline at all. This is a common misconception, most surviving martial art lineages from the orient do involve displine but by no means do all martial arts.

A thug could easily be trained in Muy Thai and Modern Armis and become an extremely dengerous thug.
Nonsense, a degree of proficiency is necessary in any combative form, and that proficiency is achieved through disciplined practice
You said: ~~ Unless the animal dies naturally; if you premeditate taking the life of a sentient being, that to me is murder...
You also said: ~~ Again it asks the question, does violent doctrine desensitize people to empathy?
So, I'm having trouble learning how to format things in this forum. My apologies. It may take a few tries. Your patience is appreciated. I'll get back as time permits.

OK - - Looks like I have it figured out now. See you later.

Aset's Flames

Viperine Asetian
Nonsense, a degree of proficiency is necessary in any combative form, and that proficiency is achieved through disciplined practice

Wrong again.

I think you will find that many martial arts throughout history have been formed through other methods,
The ones with surviving lineages tend to be the displined ones as they had rigid class structure that survived.

However many martial arts where very chaotic in nature.

Have you never seen that savage beauty of the Khopesh in combat before?