A second major ecclesiological principle adopted by the Second Vatican Council is embodied in its teaching that the church is the whole People of God.
In other words, the church is not only the hierarchy, the clergy, and/or members of religious communities. It is the whole community of the baptized. In other words, the church is not only the hierarchy, the clergy, and/or members of religious communities. It is the whole community of the baptized.
The church is a communion of local churches, or dioceses, each of which is the Body of Christ in its own particular place (Lumen gentium, n. 26).
Together these local churches constitute the universal church. Their unity one with another is rooted in the presence and sanctifying activity of the Holy Spirit, manifested especially in the celebration of the Eucharist.
The Church is ecumenical, the church founded by Jesus "subsists in" the Catholic church, rather than "is" the Catholic church.