Has it ever occurred to you that their motivation might also have been a hatred of the U.S. because the policies we've had regarding the Middle East for the last few decades? Our history of meddling? Our support for the Shah if Iran? The encroachment of Western materialism on the Islamic world?
You think that they flew planes into buildings in order to get 40 virgins because that's what the media told you. I'm not saying that it wasn't a motivating factor at all, but to focus on just that little part of it is both myopic and convenient.
It was 72 virgins and as I explained later they likely didn't believe they would get any virgins at all. Its just a popular western misconception which a few people explained to me in great detail after I posted that comment.
The wanted to be martyrs for completing the Jihad.
Nonetheless we know a lot more about the terrorists now then we did on 9/11. Are you disputing the invidividuals motivations or the people who trained them and gave them the orders?
The people who flew the planes were most definitely motivated by flawwed religious beliefs as our many suicide bombers. (Not all... Kamikazee pilots were motivated out of both desperation and nationalism.)
The people who motivated them and passed on the order were also most likely motivated by religion but at some point you will come to somebody not motivated by religion who may have the ideas and motivations you describe.