Gross overgeneralization.
Really? Which of the Abrahamic faiths
doesn't do it?
I can't think of any liberal religion/denomination where women aren't at least as equal to men as they are in secular organizations, and for many they are a great deal more equal. The same with BGLT.
The two largest Christian churches in the world prohibit the ordination of women, as do many others, including the largest Protestant denomination in the United States. There is no large Christian denomination, liberal or otherwise, where LGBT people are equal to cisgendered heterosexuals. Liberal Christians are to be commended for questioning the status quo, but I see no reason to commend them for their decision to continue their membership in these discriminatory organizations. The UUA is, of course, much better in this respect than the Christian churches.
The UUA made a decision to stay engaged in conversation with the boyscouts.
More than that, they made a decision to continue participating in the Boy Scouts.
There are BGLT folk who have their kids in the Scouts. Are you going to condemn them for it too?
I don't think morality is different for gay people than for straight people.
HRC, and organization supposedly dedicated to BGLT rights, decided to throw transgender folk under a bus with the hate crimes bill. The UUA, which is not exclusively BGLT, held fast to our religious values and demanded inclusive protection.
That's good. Even religious people do things right sometimes -- especially UUs.
It's easy to criticize imperfection.
I'm not criticizing imperfection. I'm criticizing (among other things) bigotry and exclusion, and the fact that religious people not only condone these things, but perpetuate them in their own private organizations.
I don't see secular groups acting any better. In fact, what I see in liberal secular organizations is a greater propensity to fall into the "us versus them" mentality, whereas UUs and other religious liberals try to hold onto the principle of "love your enemy."
Then why don't you love Richard Dawkins? Why do you put so much energy into dialogue with the bigots in the Boy Scouts of America, and so little into dialogue with people who don't like religion? It seems speaking ill of religion is a much worse offense than treating people badly.
Well that's your opinion. I know she wasn't perfect but unless you are willing to do what she did, then your criticisms are have about as much weight as dandruff.
I can only criticize her actions if I'm willing to perform the very actions I criticize?
And No, I do not think that Christopher Hitchens is an objective judge of the woman.
Christopher Hitchens is not an objective judge of anything.
Would you care to take shots at Dr. King and Desmond Tutu too?
No, there
are some good Christians. It's easy to recognize them; they're the ones enraging the other Christians.