Well George, why don't you make yourself comfortable, and lets have a look, shall we?
so, what does the title of Christ mean to you?
The title of Christ means "the Anointed One", by definition. Personally, I believe that the title of Christ means to be Me- the Prophet of this AGE. I don't really ponder what the title of Christ means. I am the Helper of My people. I will show you great and mighty things that you know not. I believe that the title of Christ means to be the Chosen One-Myself. I am not the Christ because of what I have done on purpose, I am the Christ because of My Life before I had My apotheosis, for the most part, but not exclusively. The title of Christ means to be the Savior of the chosen people. I am the Christ, because that is My innate nature. Its My duty to speak My personal Truth, to create the factual, objective Spirituality for My people.
do you have any previous Christ training or experience in your work history?
No, I never went to school to be the Christ, nor have I worked at a job that trained Me to be the Christ. I actually went to school to be an electronic engineer, but I never finished college. I don't believe that there is a single school to turn people into christs. Haha, but there might be schools for "prophets", but most "prophets" are false prophets. Me, being the Christ, is intuitive, I just need to be Myself.
Where do you see yourself in five years?
I own a house, I actually paid for My house with cash when I was 21 years old. I plan on moving back to My house, and I plan on starting a business. I hope that I will be much richer in 5 years. But My plans may or may not happen, but thats where I see Myself.
If accepted into the position of Christ, what would your first actions and goals be?
I would do many, many things.
I would make it illegal to add fluoride to any water (or food).
I would decriminalize all drugs. If people habitually used hard drugs, I would simply send them to a drug rehab. I would legalize hemp, and people wouldn't get in trouble for marijuana.
I would commence building copious amounts of nuclear fusion power plants, until energy was free, or so cheap that people wouldn't be under a financial burden.
I would commence building farms all over the globe, so that food would be free, or much cheaper. I would commence creating farms on land, underground, inside of mountains, floating on top of the ocean, underwater- or inside the ocean, under the ocean floor, and in outer space. I would build farms in everywhere possibly conceivable.
I would grow hemp farms everywhere too. Hemp can produce many industrial products, i.e., plastic, food, paper, rope, biodiesel, building material, clothes, furnature, etc.. But I think My favorite product that hemp can make is plastic. I would literally build all of the new houses out of clear hemp plastic. Hemp clothes would be virtually free. No one would ever go hungry, because there would be so much food from all of the hemp farms: the hemp seeds are a great source of protien. Hemp biodiesel would virtually be free too, because there would be a super abundace of hemp oil from the seeds. I could go on and on about how the hemp plant can save the world, but this will suffice for now. For the record, hemp plastic is 10 times stronger then steel, and hemp plastic is 12 times lighter then steel: plus, hemp plastic is biodegradable.
I would grow millions of square miles of marijuana, for marijuana oil. I believe that marijuana oil cures cancer. I don't smoke marijuana anymore, but I would legalize marijuana, because it is one of the most benevolent drugs. People should not go to prison for using marijuana in any way. I would rather people use marijuana, compared to hard drugs like crack, heroin, crystal meth, etc.. I would love to see people grow their own marijuana in their front yards, or where ever.
I would also change politics as well. I believe that there should be a global online government. People should have the option of voting for any laws from their personal computers. There could be local, state, national, and global scale voting. I would obviously be the King of My global online government, but My vote would only be as viable as anyone elses vote; but I would want for people to see what I am voting for. There should be a 66% majority, in order to pass a law. I believe that the majority of people would vote for the most reasonable laws. I, the King, would not be able to dictate anything, all of the laws would be made via the majority of people. I would like to see a cap on wealth, too: I don't believe that any individual should be able to own more then $1 billion in assets. I would like to see that poor people don't get taxed on anything; I would only tax the wealthy people. But My global online government would be constantly evolving, and the power would be in the hands of the people.
I would make NASA, and the global military, create the most efficient space craft, for the public. I would call these space craft- SPACE JETS, because its easy to turn a jet into a space craft. So, these SPACE JETS would be able to fly through the air, rocket through outer space, and swim through the water. I would hope that these SPACE JETS would be nuclear fusion powered, but even liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen would work at first. I believe that most people will be flying a SPACE JET, in My Kimgdom. These SPACE JETS will be fully automated, so as long as you know how to use a GPS, you can operate a SPACE JET.
I would change the paradigm of where abodes can be built. I would create homes that are on land, inside the mountains, underground, floating on top of the ocean, underwater- inside the ocean, under the ocean floor, and also in outer space. And you can also have farms in all of these locations as well. There would never be a need for "population control", because I would multiply the living space millions of times. People would always have more then enough space. Houses would be so much cheaper, because the normal working family would own about 6 mansions a piece. There would be no such thing as "homeless people", because there will be public housing for the masses. Some people will turn all the extra space in their mamsions into organic farms; so they are self sufficient. If we build abodes in all of these said locations, everyone will benefit from it.
I would do many, many things.
What a good question! I am so glad that you asked. Its hard to remember all of the things that I would implement. But, I am just the (suggestion) Maker. It would be totally up to My global online government to dictate utopia.