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Who caused Satan or the devil rebel

Desert Snake

Veteran Member
"Do you want me to provide some early textual data and witnesses from ancient Judeo-Christian and Islamic texts which describe the early traditions?"

Not required.

My focus was what the canon says and to get too far from it has no value to me.

My focus is literalists, not those who already know that they are talking about myths.

Lolll so you already know you're presenting a false paradigm, then present it anyway, because people who you disagree with are presenting it?


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Greatest I Am admits in post # 517 : “ My focus is literalists, not those who already know that they are talking about myths.”

Disciple then observed in post 521 : Lolll so you already know you're presenting a false paradigm, then present it anyway, because people who you disagree with are presenting it?

Disciple :

I agree that Greatest I am is offering a silly paradigm when he claims that “God planned to have our sin nature dominant. That is why it is immoral and unjust for him to punish us” for any despicable evil that mankind does. I cannot tell if it is ignorance of other historical paradigms or intentional dyscontexting. Obviously his other thread that assumes that Satan was simply “demanding equal rights” is just as silly and as historically inaccurate.

However, the early historical Jewish/Christian/Islamic context underlying the fall of Satan the context surrounding his becoming an enemy to God is, I think a more logical, more reasonable worldview than most later theories.

Athiests, Agnostics and other types of Theists have often complained (with Good reason) that the more modern Christian theology has great holes in it’s theological basis. For example, The origin of Evil and the continued allowance of suffering by an omnipotent God within the Christian context have been debated for almost 2 millennia . This is partly due to changes and evolutions and losses that have occurred in Christian traditions over this time period (especially in the first few centuries).

While modern Christians have few answers regarding the “origin of evil” such as the “fall of Lucifer” and his becoming satan, the early Christian traditions are quite clear, coherent and detailed. The closer one returns to the earliest doctrines, then the more they agree with early Jewish AND Islamic traditions on this subject..


In response to an inquiry as to the origin of Satan, I saw a comment from a Christian who was explaining to an investigator of Christianity, the origin of Satan as a source of evil in God’s creation. The christian commented :

“...there's nothing, scripturally speaking, that addresses the question of the origin of evil (or Satan, if you prefer). The only hint is in Genesis 3 where the serpent (in later tradition -- again without scriptural support -- identified as the devil) appears quite suddenly as part of an apparently very good creation. Nary a word of comment on the origins of this creature....

That’s it, in toto.

Such statements reveal a lack of a framework for understanding the basic issues surrounding what is going on with all of this “good” and “evil” that none of us avoid inside of creation; and demonstrate the value of turning to the earliest Christian teachings and their writings on such issues (in the period before many of the important doctrines were lost or changed). I do not believe that modern christian theory is as coherent; nor as understandable as the early Judao-Christian doctrines regarding Lucifers origins and motives for his fall from heaven.

However, I think the early christian teachings from early texts regarding the fall of Lucifer are important as such issues apply to Satan and to the principle of evil itself. I felt that a discussion of early Jewish, Christian and Islamic texts would demonstrate that the early Judeo-Christians has much greater detail and depth in their traditions and worldviews as compared to most modern Christian interpretations.

Though there are many modern theories regarding how Lucifer, an archangel with some authority became Satan, an enemy to all righteousness, there is a great deal of early literature regarding what the early christians themselves believed regarding the Origin and motives of Lucifer (his “name” before he became “satan” or the “devil”...) The early traditions concerning the Fall of Lucifer (as well as other important traditions) are tied into the tradition that Adam was created in the visual image of the Lord God.

I think it is an important historical context to keep in mind that Lucifer’s “fall” did not happen suddenly nor in a contextual vacuum. That is, the “good” Archangel Lucifer did didn't simply wake up in a bad mood and decide to be “evil” one morning. But instead, Lucifers fall was more logical and it occurred in the context of several frustrating controversies, (some more important than others). Though restorationists and religious historians will be aware of other controversies, the most famous controversy in the ancient texts occurred during the honoring of Adam which itself takes place in the greater context of God the Fathers Plan. To best understand this cascade of events, I think one should start with God’s original plan and consider events from there forward.

B) It is contextually important to understand that, to this ancient christian theology :

1) The spirits of angels, mankind and God existed prior to mortality

2) God the Father’s plan entailed moral advancement of the spirits of men

3) The Honoring of Adam was logical in view of his role in God’s plan for mankind

4) Lucifer’s “rebellion” was more than a refusal to “honor Adam”.

5) Lucifer’s “punishment” relates to his rebellion against the plan AND God himself

6) Lucifer’s current “dominion” plays a “role” in God’s ultimate plan

Without considering conditions PRIOR to Lucifer’s rebellion, then the rebellion cannot be understood as the ancient Christians (who wrote the texts) understood it. Without considering the nature of the rebellion, then Lucifer’s punishment and his current dominion cannot be understood as the ancient Christians understood and taught such doctrines.


Long before the creation of this world, God was in the midst of spirits. Early textual testimonies describe innumerable spirits existing in “heaven” before creation and, they describe what God intended to do with these innumerable spirits.

Regarding his vision of pre-creation heaven, Enoch records : "No one could come near unto him [God the Father] from among those that surrounded the tens of millions (that stood) before him". (1 En 14:23).

Enoch continues : Quote: "I saw a hundred thousand times a hundred thousand, ten million times ten million, an innumerable and uncountable (multitude) who stand before the glory of the Lord of the Spirits". (1 Enoch 40:1-2)"

At the time that the Holy One, be blessed, was about to create the world, he decided to fashion all the souls which would in due course be dealt out to the children of men, .... Scrutinizing each, he saw that among them some would fall into evil ways in the world. Each one in it’s due time the Holy One, be blessed, bade come to him, and then said: “Go now, descend into this that this place, into this and this body.” (The Zohar - The Destiny of the Soul)

God was in the midst of spirits of all the spirits who ever lived or will live on this earth according to such early texts.


The ancient Jewish doctrine that God had instituted a divine plan is interwoven into multiple texts : "Before all things came to be, he [God] has ordered all their designs" (Dead Sea Scrolls 4Q255-264)

Quote:“....I (the Father), in the midst of the light (glory), moved around in the invisible things, like one of them, as the sun moves around from east to west and from west to east. But the sun has rest; yet I did not find rest, because everything was not yet created. And I thought up the idea of establishing a foundation, to create a visible creation." (2nd Enoch 24:4)

The Prophet Enoch describes the earliest stages of this plan before it was known among the heavenly host : "for not even to my angels have I explained my secrets, nor related to them their origin, nor my endless and inconceivable creation which I conceived." (2nd Enoch 24:3)

In these descriptions of his Plan, God the Father seems to take great care in both the planning of and in ensuring the deep involvement of the Heavenly Hosts (for whose benefit the plan existed).

Though these texts tell us that all the spirits of men existed before the creation of the earth, the spirits were in no way equals (just as we are not equal now). Among them were the more intelligent and gifted; i.e. those who were more full of grace and truth than others. In addition to Lucifer, God the Father and Adam, all other key players are all present in this pre-mortal realm.

In Enoch’s vision, he also see’s the pre-mortal Jesus with the Father. Upon seeing the two together, Enoch asks who this individual (Jesus) is and what role he has in the Father's Plan :
Quote:"At that place, I saw the Beginning of days [i.e. the Father] And his head was white like wool, and there was with him another individual, whose face was like that of a human being. His countenance was full of grace like that of one among the holy angels. And I asked the one – from among the angels –who was going with me,..."Who is this and from where could he be, and for what reason does he go with him who precedes time?" And he answered me and said to me, "This is the Son of Man, to whom belongs righteousness, and with whom righteousness dwells...the Lord of the spirits has chosen him, and he is destined to be victorious before the Lord of the spirits in eternal uprightness...." (1 Enoch 46:1-4)

It is in this context that the Apostolic Father Ignatius taught that among those spirits was "Jesus...who before the ages was with the father..” (Ignatius :6:1).

The ancient records show the Father and Jesus, from early on, possessed a great similarity and unity. Jesus was given greater authority and administrated much of the Father’s plan from early on (God’s "right hand" was one of the Pre-Creation Jesus’ appellations).

Diogenes relates this ancient doctrine :
"And when he revealed it (his plan) through his beloved Child and made known the things prepared from the beginning, he gave us to share in his benefits and to see and understand things which none of [us] ever would have expected.. So then, having already planned everything in his mind together with his child... (Diog 301:8-11)


Ancient pre-creation histories describe that the Father’s plan, revealed to these spirits before the foundations of the earth were laid was generally joyously received. God’s question to Job was not merely rhetorical, but was a contextual reminder to Job of an actual occurrence.

"Where wast thou when I laid the foundations of the earth? declare, if thou hast understanding. Who hath laid the measures thereof, if thou knowest? or who hath stretched the line upon it? Whereupon are the foundations thereof fastened? or who laid the corner stone thereof; When the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy? (Job 38:4-7)

The advancement entailed by God's plan was something the spirits wanted : Enoch says that he saw : "...the fountain of righteousness,...surrounded completely by numerous fountains of wisdom. All the thirsty ones drink (of the water) and become filled with wisdom. (Then) their dwelling places become with the holy, righteous, and elect ones.‘

Who among these spirits who desired such progress would not have wanted to drink from that same wisdom and take their place with others who were holy, righteous and elect?

The Zohar relates mortality to a moral education received by coming to mortality : “...why do they [the spirits of mankind] descend to this world only to be taken thence [back to heaven] at some future time? “This may be explained by way of a simile: A king has a son whom he sends to a village to be educated until he shall have been initiated into the ways of the palace. When the king is informed that his son is now come to maturity, the king, out of his love, sends the matron his mother to bring him back into the palace, and there the king rejoices with him every day..... “ (The zohar - A seal upon your heart)


God’s plan moved forward and preparations were made over a great deal of time including a physical creation in preparation for mortality.

Though multiple creation accounts exist, the earlier Christian accounts make it clear both that God created the Planets and Stars (often translated “orbs” or “circles”) out of “lessor”, or more chaotic material, and, importantly, he commissioned the Pre-creation Jesus (Often called “the word” or his “right hand”) to administrate over this material creation of an earth which will then be populated with embodied spirits for their education and testing.

Thus early Synagogal prayers often reflects this doctrine : “We give thanks to you, O God and Father of Jesus our Savior...O Master Almighty, the God of the universe, you created the world and what is in it through him,... (Hellenistic Synagogal Prayers - thanksgiving following Communion (aposCon 7.26. 1-3)

Or prayer #3 “ Blessed are you, O Lord, King of the ages, who through Christ made everything, and through him in the beginning ordered that which was unprepared” (i.e. chaotic matter) (#3 prayer That meditates upon God’s Manifold Creative Power) (aposCon 7.34.1-8)

or prayer #4 that addresses God the Father : “For you are the Father of wisdom, the Creator, as cause, of the creative workmanship through a Mediator....” #4 (aposCon 7.35.1-10);

The Jewish Geninza 4Q texts are clear that, despite delegation of important roles, the plan IS the Father’s plan and that he “determined all your works before you created them, together with the host of your spirits and the assembly of your holy ones… - all your designs for the end of time..”

God counsels with those whose involvement he wants, but it remains God the Father's plan : “Moreover the Holy One, blessed be he, does nothing in his world without first taking counsel with them; then he acts, as it is written” (3Enoch :4 283).

This early Jewish teaching that the physical creation was accomplished for the purpose of advancing mankind is the same tradition as the early Christians held. New Testament Hermas taught : Quote: "...don’t you understand how great and mighty and marvelous God’s glory is, because he created the world for the sake of man, and subjected all his creation to man..” (Her 47:2-4).

The physical creation of the earliest ancient accounts was accomplished by taking “lessor” or more chaotic matter, and organizing it into a “higher” or more organized and purposeful form such as the organized earth had. Old Testament Enoch describes this same process: “And I called out a second time into the very lowest things, and I said, ‘Let one of the (in)visible things come out visibly, solid.’..” (2nd Enoch 26:1).

From this lesser organized, chaotic debris, the earth and other planets were formed : “And thus I made solid the heavenly circles (orbs). ...And from the rocks I assembled the dry land; and I called the dry land Earth. “ (2nd Enoch 28:1-2).

And thus, in company with the Pre-Mortal spirit of Jesus (called "the word” or “the right hand” in some accounts), the Father accomplished creation. “I said, “O Lord, you spoke at the beginning of creation, and said on the first day, ‘Let heaven and earth be made, ‘ and your word accomplished the work...Again, on the second day, you created the spirit of the firmament and commanded him to divide and separate the waters...On the third day you commanded the waters to be gather together...For your word went forth, and at once the work was done. “ (4th Enoch 3:38-42).

I believe that is it partly this closely unified and joint administration between God the Father and his Son that contributes to much of the later confusion as to the relationship between Father and Son in later doctrines. Whatever the truth is, in such early texts it is clearly taught that they are two individuals that are profoundly unified, that is, they are "one' in purpose.

It is Baruch that reminds us of the innate ability of the spirit of men to advance in knowledge consistent with God’s plan. He says : “For the nature of men is always changeable. For as we were once, we are no longer, and as we are now, we shall not remain in the future. For if an end of all things had not been prepared, their beginning would have been senseless”. (2 Baruch 21:16-17)

Even at this early, less sophisticated stage of existence, spirits were able to exercise their agency. Thus the spirits of men were able to exercise choice to take part in this plan despite difficulties they will experience in mortality (as Job was reminded), just as they are allowed moral choice in this life.

Given the grandeur and the pure intent and profound implications of God’s plan for mankind, it may start to make some sense of what it meant for Lucifer, not only to refuse to take part in the plan, but to openly rebel against the plan, and ultimately rebel against God the Father himself.


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Regarding my references to Lucifer’s refusal to honor Adam. It is important to me that readers understand that I did not simply pick out a single “obscure” reference describing this story. Rather, this early doctrine was taught is described in many texts over a great deal of time and space.

For examples: Sedrach relates : “You commanded your angels to honor Adam, but he who was first among the angels disobeyed your order and did not honor him: and so you banished him because he transgressed your commandment and did not come forth (to honor) the creation of your hands." (The Apocalypse of Sedrach 5:1-7)

The Christian text “Life of Adam and Eve” relates the same incident : Speaking to Adam, the Devil said : “ ...because of you I am expelled and deprived of my glory which I had in the heavens in the midst of angels, and because of you I was cast out onto the earth.” 2 Adam answered, “What have I done to you, and what is my blame with you? Ch 13 “The devil replied,...It is because of you that I have been thrown out of there. 2 When .......Michael brought you and made (us) honor you in the sight of God, and the Lord God said, ‘Behold Adam! I have made you in our image and likeness.’ Ch 14 3 And I answered, ‘I do not honor Adam.’ ...’Why do you compel me? I will not worship one inferior and subsequent to me. I am prior to him in creation; before he was made, I was already made. He ought to worship me.’ 15 1 When they heard this, other angels who were under me refused to honor him. (Life of Adam and Eve (Vita) 12: 1-2, 13:13, 14:2-3; 15:1-3; 16:1-3)

The early Christian Text “Cave of Treasures” relates :“And when the prince of the lower order of angels saw what great majesty had been given unto Adam, he was jealous of him from that day, and he did not wish to honor him. And he said unto his hosts, "Ye shall not honor him, and ye shall not praise him with the angels. It is meet that ye should worship me, because I am fire and spirit; and not that I should worship a thing of dust, which hath been fashioned of fine dust."

Jewish Enoch relates, in the context of this Lucifer’s rebellion : “ the devil understood how I wished to create another world, so that everything could be subjected to Adam on the earth, to rule and reign over it. ....And he became aware of his condemnation and of the sin which he sinned previously. 6 And that is why he thought up the scheme against Adam. (2nd Enoch 31:2-8, 32:1)

Jewish Haggadah (having Talmudic origins) also relates : “The extraordinary qualities with which Adam was blessed, physical and spiritual as well, aroused the envy of the angels...After Adam had been endowed with a soul, God invited all the angels to come and pay him reverence and homage. Satan, the greatest of the angels in heaven,....refused to pay heed to the behest of God, saying, “You created us angels from the splendor of the Shekinah, and now you command us to cast ourselves down before the creature which you fashioned out of the dust of the ground!” God answered, “Yet this dust of the ground has more wisdom and understanding than you.”... (The Haggadah -The Fall of Satan)

The text then relates the "battle of wits" between Lucifers spirit and Adam's spirit where Lucifer is bested and loses "face".

Christian Bartholomew also confirms the story as Lucifer says : “And when I came from the ends of the world, Michael said to me: ‘Honor the image of God which he has made in his own likeness.’ But I said: ‘I am fire of fire. I was the first angel to be formed, and shall I worship clay and matter?” And Michael said to me: ‘Honor [him], lest god be angry with you.’ I answered: ‘God will not be angry with me, but I will set up my throne over against his throne, and shall be as he is [Isa. 14:14f]. ‘ then god was angry with me and cast me down,...” (The Gospel of Bartholomew Ch IV)

This doctrinal controversy is not simply Jewish and Christian in it’s nature, but it’s also ISLAMIC, as confirmed by the Sixth Century Holy Quran text : "..And (remember) when your Lord said to the angels: "I am going to create a man (Adam) from sounding clay of altered black smooth mud. So, when I have fashioned him completely and breathed into him (Adam) the soul which I created for him, then fall (you) down prostrating yourselves unto him." So, the angels prostrated themselves, all of them together. Except Iblis (Satan), - he refused to be among the prostrators. (Sura 15:28-31)

In Sura 20 : “ And (remember) when We said to the angels: "Prostrate yourselves to Adam." They prostrated (all) except Iblis (Satan), who refused. (Sura 20:116)

In Sura 38 : “ (Remember) when your Lord said to the angels: "Truly, I am going to create man from clay". So when I have fashioned him and breathed into him (his) soul created by Me, then you fall down prostrate to him." So the angels prostrated themselves, all of them: Except Iblis (Satan) he was proud and was one of the disbelievers. (Sura 38:71-74)

In Sura 7 : “And surely, We created you (your father Adam) and then gave you shape (the noble shape of a human being), then We told the angels, "Prostrate to Adam", and they prostrated, except Iblis (Satan), he refused to be of those who prostrate. (Allah) said: "What prevented you (O Iblis) that you did not prostrate, when I commanded you?" Iblis said: "I am better than him (Adam), You created me from fire, and him You created from clay." (Sura 7:11-12)

In Sura 18 :“And (remember) when We said to the angels; "Prostrate to Adam." So they prostrated except Iblis (Satan). He was one of the jinns; he disobeyed the Command of his Lord.... (Sura 18:50)

The point in repeating this doctrine from so many different ancient sources and versions is to show that this specific controversy and it’s relation to the doctrine of the “Origin” of Satan, is VERY ancient, the doctrine is VERY widespread among a large group of ancient literature, and the doctrine is VERY “orthodox” to the ancient Christians and other religious groups as well.


It ought to be perfectly clear that as milestones were reached in the moving forward of God’s Plan for the spirits of mankind, the inauguration of mortality was an incredibly important phase that all spirits had long been anticipating. Thus, the “honoring of Adam” was not simply an arbitrary and spontaneous “office party” thrown at a whim, but it was a recognition of the culmination of organization and creation over a great deal of time and the inauguration of the opening phase of mortality of all mankind..


The nature of Lucifer’s punishment indicates the seriousness of what he did : When Enoch tells the fallen angel Azaz’el that “There will not be peace unto you; a grave judgment has come upon you. They will put you in bonds because you have taught injustice (1st Enoch 13:1-3), Enoch is not speaking of mere “naughtiness” or mere “disagreement” with God’s plan. Such fallen angels were told “judgment is passed upon you. 5 From now on you will not be able to ascend into heaven unto all eternity, (1st Enoch 14:3-5) because their rebellion had much greater ramifications than simple disagreement with God.

The jewish Haggadah describes the “wary reluctance” some souls experienced to leave a pre-mortal “heaven” to be born into mortality. Speaking this sort of “reluctance” the Zohar describes how God, tells a spirit to “Go now, descend into this and that place, into this and this body.” Yet often enough the soul would reply: “Lord of the world, I am content to remain in this realm, , and have no wish to depart to some other, where I shall be in thralldom, and become stained.” Whereupon the Holy One, be blessed, would reply: “Your destiny is, and has been from the day of thy forming, to go into that world.” (The Zohar - The Destiny of the Soul)

Such “unconfidence” is not “rebellion” and such souls are given encouragement and still sent into mortality through birth according to God’s plan. However, just as “reluctance” is not “rebellion”, Lucifer’s “rebellion” was not merely “reluctance”. Lucifer’s rebellion was described as a willful and confident full fledged disagreement which evolved into a plan for an asaultive counter “coup” having a DIFFERENT administration under a DIFFERENT King and DIFFERENT goals to the ultimate effect of nullifying God’s initial plan. In the context of controversies such as Lucifer’s “last straw” over Adam, one can better understand the sparks that made up the fires of the Rebellion or “war in heaven” itself.

In reference to a different, earlier controversy regarding the knowledge, that IF man, having free will, was sent to earth, then mankind would certainly commit moral atrocities. This was known long before the fall of Adam, and in fact, long before Adam was placed into the Garden. 3rd Enoch relates one of the fallen angels complaints against God the Father and his plan :

"Then three of the ministering angels, Uzzah, Azzah, and Aza’el, came and laid charges against me in the heavenly height. They said before the Holy One, blessed be he, ‘Lord of the Universe, did not the primeval ones give you good advice when they said, Do not create man!’ The Holy One, blessed be he, replied, ‘I have made and will sustain him; I will carry and deliver him.’ (3rd Enoch 4:6)

Such references hint of the other controversies and together, they offer a coherent history regarding such related controversies and their relationship to Lucifers Fall.

Regarding this specific Controversy with Adam :

There is more underlying Satans frustration than simply being left out. For example when Satan claims superiority over Adam when he says to God, Jewish Haggadah relates that “The extraordinary qualities with which Adam was blessed, physical and spiritual as well, aroused the envy of the angels......You created us angels from the splendor of the Shekinah, and now you command us to cast ourselves down before the creature which you fashioned out of the dust of the ground!” God answered, “Yet this dust of the ground has more wisdom and understanding than you.”... (The Haggadah -The Fall of Satan)

This Haggadic summary illuminates the growing anger in an envious Lucifer. This haggadic text goes on to relate a subsequent battle of wits between the spirits of Lucifer and Adam which leaves Lucifer publicly upstaged and discontented and frustrated. Much like the one-sided debates we sometimes see on this public forum when a poster loses face. How would an envious, upstaged and angry Lucifer be expected to react? Especially given that “the devil understood how I wished to create another world, so that everything could be subjected to Adam on the earth, to rule and reign over it.” 2nd Enoch 31:2-8, 32:1;

As the earth was created and it’s preparations finished and the time arrived for God’s plan to be inaugurated, the mood among the hosts of heaven becomes one of anticipation and excitement. It is under these circumstance that the body for Adam is created and joined to his spirit and God commanded that Adam was to be honored for his role in inaugurating God’s plan upon the earth. Michael calls all the angels to honor Adam for what he is about to do. A seemingly “fed up” Lucifer arrives to the occasion with a bad attitude.

As I’ve pointed out, there are many, many confirming versions of this same story. In these early christian texts, the anger and frustration of Lucifer does not remain a private gripe, but becomes an open rebellion.

”... one from the order of the archangels deviated, together with the division that was under his authority. He thought up the impossible idea, that he might place his throne higher than the clouds which are above the earth, and that he might become equal to my power. 5 And I hurled him out from the height, together with his angels.” (2nd Enoch 29:3-5)

The Book of John the evangelist confirms Satan’s presumption in similar language “He set his seat above the clouds of heaven”. Bartholemew records this occurrence in almost the same words as the other versions : “I will set my throne over against his throne” (bar 4:55) ;

It is for carrying out the actual plan and organized attempt to “set up [his] throne above the stars of heaven and ..be like the Most High” that Lucifer was punished. (“Stars” was a euphamism for the greatest angels). Speaking of Lucifer and the angels who allied with him the ancient psalm read : “Now as they were warring with each other, they made bold to attack the land of Light, considering themselves capable of conquering it. Yet they know not that what they thought will recoil upon their own heads. But there was a host of angels in the Land of Light which possessed the power to issue forth and overcome the enemy of the Father, whom it pleased that through the Word that he would send, he should subdue the rebels who desired to raise themselves above what was more exalted than they.... (The Coptic Psalm-book - Let us worship the spirit of the paraclete) Psalm 223 (allberry 9-11) p 328; )

This attempted “coup” would have divided heaven and created a rival Kingship over a rival group in heaven. It was an attempt to set up a rival administration with it’s own rival plan for man. This was no mere show of minor “disloyalty”. Also, one should note the doctrine that the father delegated the successful battle which overcame Lucifer “through the Word” (who was his son). The earthly Devil had undergone multiple prior perceived offenses as the pre-mortal Lucifer. AND, his memories of pre-mortal happenings were not “veiled” from him, as Adams were. Certain battle lines were drawn long, long ago.

It is in this larger set of contexts that it was said : And the Rebel meditating these things Fol. 5b, col. 2 would not render obedience to God, and of his own free will he asserted his independence and separated himself from God. But he was - swept away out of heaven and fell, and the fall of himself and of all his company from heaven took place ...because he turned aside from the right way, ... he lost the apparel of his glory. And behold, from that time until the present day, he and all his hosts have been stripped of their apparel, (Cave of Treasures, chapt on “The Revolt of Satan”)

It’s unnecessary to the purpose of this exposition to discussed the symbolism of Lucifer’s apparel, his armor, and the “names” which were written in his hand (as the christian Abbaton also describes in greater detail), but it’s apparent that Lucifer unwillingly undergoes a ritual removal of his powers and authorities and authority for leadership and, with those angels who took part in his planned rebellion, he is cast down into the earth. However, such histories lend sense and context and confirmation to other histories such as Apocalypse of abraham when Azaz’el is told regarding Abraham “...shame on you Azazel! For Abraham’s portion is in heaven, and yours is on earth, for you have selected here, (and) become enamored of the dwelling place of your blemish. .... For behold, the garment which in heaven was formerly yours has been set aside for him, and the corruption which was on him has gone over to you.” (The Apocalypse of Abraham 13: 4,5,7-14)

Once Lucifer finds himself and his fallen angels on the earth, his own recognition and understanding and sense of what he had done increased, but this recognition was not associated with remorse nor repentance, but rather with an obstinate resolve and desire and plan for revenge (and other motives) and for continuing his rebellion.

“..he fled from heaven; Sotona, because his name was satanail. 5 In this way he became different from the angels. His nature did not change, (but) his thought did, since his consciousness of righteous and sinful things changed. And he became aware of his condemnation and of the sin which he sinned previously. 6 And that is why he thought up the scheme against Adam." (2nd Enoch 31:2-8, 32:1)

It is in such a context that later, the fallen Lucifer later explained to the fallen Adam the source of Lucifers' enmity towards Adam (who could not remember events prior to mortality) : ..Michael brought you and made (us) worship you in the sight of God, and the Lord God said, ‘Behold Adam! I have made you in our image and likeness.’ And I answered, ‘I do not worship Adam.’ ...’Why do you compel me? I will not worship one inferior and subsequent to me. I am prior to him in creation; before he was made, I was already made. He ought to worship me.’ .... When they heard this, other angels who were under me refused to worship him. And Michael asserted, ‘Worship the image of God. But if now you will not worship, the Lord God will be wrathful with you.’ And I said, ‘If he be wrathful with me, I will set my throne above the stars of heaven and will be like the Most High.” (Life of Adam and Eve (Vita) 12: 1-2, 13:13, 14:2-3; 15:1-3)

I hope that it is clear that the early Christian doctrine and tradition that Adam was created in the image of God not only existed but the doctrine finds itself in the midst of multiple other profound doctrines and traditions which are inextricably tied to it.

I hope it is also clear that the early Christians and texts DID have a sensible concept of the origin of the Devil and for some of the underlying motives as to why Lucifer battles against God and God's plan for the moral education of those among mankind who are willing and wanting to live by the moral laws which will ultimately prepare them to live in happiness and harmony in a social heaven for eternity.

Compared to modern theories (or lack of theories), the ancient Christian doctrines were, I think, more coherent and more logical and represented a more accurate view of the Devils origin. This is partly why I was so astounded to find a modern Christianity that was tied into these base historical issues so closely and converted to restorational theology. I hope historically oriented readers will start to understand the tremendous historical strength of their position on these base doctrines.

Such doctrines were "great crossroads of agreement" for early Judeo-Christian-Islamic traditions AND Importantly, they explain and make rational, many of the most difficult moral and theological questions that plague modern christian theory. Whether the most common early versions of the fall of Satan are the most correct, they are much more logical and reasonable than Greatest I ams’ silly theories and mis-contexted version of historical Christian beliefs.

Regards Disciple;

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Monk Of Reason

༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
But isn't it true / factual that the Bible has been misused by clergy, etc .?
Religion has been used for a force for good and bad.

Satan and Adam programmed their own desire. They, like us, are free to choose. Each person is drawn out by their own desires.
Most angels ( product ) did Not fail.
Fallen Satan was the outside influence to destroy Adam and Eve.
God has free will, but as with God it is free will for us to work within God's limits. We are free to act responsibility toward God.
How can a computer program itself? If there is a programmer it won't simply go and create its own programming.


Veteran Member
How can a computer program itself? If there is a programmer it won't simply go and create its own programming.

But Satan and Adam and us are Not computers, and computers do Not come equipped with free will.
Satan ( angels) and humans are: free moral agents. ( choose a life style )

God did Not need programming because He is: Creator.
God is self contained.
As Creator, God chose to give angels and human creation the option to keep on living forever.
Angels can live forever in heaven. People can live forever on earth.
Jesus gave an option to just some people who are his followers to have a heavenly resurrection.
They would Not become angels but are called as being holy ones or saints. - Rev. 20:6; 5:9,10:2:10
Thus the majority of people will end up living forever on earth (everlasting life on earth )
While Satan and his followers (heavenly and earthly ) will end up loosing their lives forever. It will be as if they never existed. No one will ever again mar the beauty and peace on earth because all who desire to live forever on earth will be happy to live within the boundaries or limits of love as within Jesus ' new ' command as mentioned at John 13 vs 34,35
Satan did Not want to live within the ' boundaries of loving decency ' for angels and humans, so Satan chose to rebel of his own free will.


Veteran Member
Who caused Satan or the devil rebel?
It is in nature or psyche of devil/Satan to rebel .

Satan was a faithful angel for a long unknown amount of time.
So, his original nature was not rebellious.
Adam's original nature was not rebellious.
Even Eve had to be talked into rebelling.
Eve did Not automatically choose to rebel.
Satan placed appealing lies in front of Eve and she began dwelling on those lies.
All of us are drawn out and enticed by our own desires. - James 1 vs 13-15

Is it the nature or psyche for a newborn to want to rebel, or is it that due to inherited imperfection we lean toward wrongdoing ?
Leaning toward wrong desires does Not mean we have to act upon such desires because we can choose to reject wrong in favor of righteous or upright choices.


Rogue Theologian
We learn the word...'no'....before we learn our names.
Shortly after that learning of names.....we attempt to use the word 'no' as if it belongs to us.

Adam and Eve?

Monk Of Reason

༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
But Satan and Adam and us are Not computers, and computers do Not come equipped with free will.
Satan ( angels) and humans are: free moral agents. ( choose a life style )

God did Not need programming because He is: Creator.
God is self contained.
As Creator, God chose to give angels and human creation the option to keep on living forever.
Angels can live forever in heaven. People can live forever on earth.
Jesus gave an option to just some people who are his followers to have a heavenly resurrection.
They would Not become angels but are called as being holy ones or saints. - Rev. 20:6; 5:9,10:2:10
Thus the majority of people will end up living forever on earth (everlasting life on earth )
While Satan and his followers (heavenly and earthly ) will end up loosing their lives forever. It will be as if they never existed. No one will ever again mar the beauty and peace on earth because all who desire to live forever on earth will be happy to live within the boundaries or limits of love as within Jesus ' new ' command as mentioned at John 13 vs 34,35
Satan did Not want to live within the ' boundaries of loving decency ' for angels and humans, so Satan chose to rebel of his own free will.

You keep contradicting yourself.

Either god is all powerful and created all things or he didn't. If "evil" suddenly sprung into existence counter to his will then either god isn't' all powerful or this was his plan from the get go. Free will or no free will. In fact I am of the school of thought where I don't think it is logically possible to have "free will" if we are the product of something almighty.


Rogue Theologian
You keep contradicting yourself.

Either god is all powerful and created all things or he didn't. If "evil" suddenly sprung into existence counter to his will then either god isn't' all powerful or this was his plan from the get go. Free will or no free will. In fact I am of the school of thought where I don't think it is logically possible to have "free will" if we are the product of something almighty.

If you tell someone to do this or that....and they always do....without fail....
How would you ever know if they have freewill?

The fault is the tell tail item.

Monk Of Reason

༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
If you tell someone to do this or that....and they always do....without fail....
How would you ever know if they have freewill?

The fault is the tell tail item.
I can understand that. I can agree with that. But in the case of an all powerful designer who creates everything with a plan and perfect foresight...how can someone have free will in a universe like that?


Rogue Theologian
I can understand that. I can agree with that. But in the case of an all powerful designer who creates everything with a plan and perfect foresight...how can someone have free will in a universe like that?

Embody a spirit into flesh.
The bond needs to be 'self' assuring.

Wait for it.

When the chemistry 'gels', it will dry out and fail.

Hopefully, there will be a spirit of grace rendered.

As for the rebellious angelic.....I have a story for that.


Veteran Member
You keep contradicting yourself.

Either god is all powerful and created all things or he didn't. If "evil" suddenly sprung into existence counter to his will then either god isn't' all powerful or this was his plan from the get go. Free will or no free will. In fact I am of the school of thought where I don't think it is logically possible to have "free will" if we are the product of something almighty.

All powerful does Not have to mean without boundaries.
God has limits or boundaries. For example: God can not lie - Titus 1:2
God has placed limits of decency, or boundaries of decency, on Himself and on us.
We are to love or be loyal out of a sense of decency.

Evil as KJV Bibles translate the Hebrew word does Not have to be synonymous with wrongdoing.
Evil or calamity was used in connection to justice for righteous ones.
God does Not need a plan but God does have a purpose.
God's purpose is that earth be filled with only those who choose to be upright or righteous. Those living within the limits or boundaries of decency toward God and toward fellow humans. We are to be both: Human Kind

Monk Of Reason

༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
All powerful does Not have to mean without boundaries.
God has limits or boundaries. For example: God can not lie - Titus 1:2
God has placed limits of decency, or boundaries of decency, on Himself and on us.
We are to love or be loyal out of a sense of decency.

Evil as KJV Bibles translate the Hebrew word does Not have to be synonymous with wrongdoing.
Evil or calamity was used in connection to justice for righteous ones.
God does Not need a plan but God does have a purpose.
God's purpose is that earth be filled with only those who choose to be upright or righteous. Those living within the limits or boundaries of decency toward God and toward fellow humans. We are to be both: Human Kind
Are the boundaries self set? Because a true almighty would be without boundaries.


Veteran Member
Are the boundaries self set? Because a true almighty would be without boundaries.

On the surface ' without boundaries ' would seem as being almighty or All Mighty.
But a Righteous God would be almighty in decency and righteous limits.
As Titus 1:2 mentions about God's boundary in that: God can Not lie.
Since God "IS" love, then what is without or outside the bounds or limits of love would Not be loving, and thus then God could Not be God "IS" love.

Even in man's justice man has set limits such as serial killing is Not an acceptable thing to do.
Some animals eat their young. Would that make it normal as well for humans to eat their children?
Unlike animals, humans are morally responsible for their actions because unlike animal kind humans are made in God's moral image of love, justice, wisdom and mercy. Those qualities or attributes all have within them the limits or boundaries of moral decency.