Genesis 1:1 - ‘In the beginning GOD created [all things]…’
John 1:1 - ‘In the beginning [THE WORD] created all things’
You all know the full verses … But clearly there is a problem - the two claims do not agree!
Who, exactly, is ‘God’?
Where did the WORD come from?
We know the ALMIGHTY word spoken BY God that created a things in the beginning, don’t we? What was it? Was it not: ‘Let there be light!’
Specifically, who are these words attributed to: God, or The Word…
Or is it sensibly just, ‘The word of God’, that created all things?
Reading further in Genesis, you will find absolutely no reference ‘The Word’… (as in ‘Son of God’ / Jesus)… is that strange seeing that certain Christian groups clearly claim that it was ‘Jesus’ who created all things (‘God created everything through him, and nothing was created except through him.’ (John 1:3)
Not only does that verse alter the creation story in Genesis but it puts in place an entity that was never mentioned in Genesis. In fact, never mentioned in any verse anywhere in the whole of the Old Testament.
Here, in John 1: 1-3 we have an entirely new ‘person’ who is also claimed to be GOD… ‘The Word’.
But, again, nothing of ‘The Word’ is stated in the Old Testament. And even after Jesus does appear as the messiah, he himself says nothing about having created anything (carried out the greatest event in the whole of world activity!)
I do ponder, though, that the term, ‘Father’, means: ‘Creator, Bringer into being, Giver of life’, yet Jesus (or ‘the word’) is not attributed to this term. Instead, an entity of God, exactly called, ‘The Father’, is attributed to creation!
In fact, BOTH ‘GOD’ and ‘The Father’ are stated as ‘Creating all things’, which logically the two go together!! AND, Jesus, on appearing as a man on earth (that it’s claimed he created by some Christian groups) clearly states that he can do nothing except what he sees God (or the Father) doing first. In fact, he, Jesus was ‘Taught by God/The Father how and what to do and say’.
So, how is it that Jesus/The Son is supposed to have carried out the greatest event of all time (!!) and yet has to be taught how to exist in that event? This is a problem when we are expected to believe that Jesus pre-existed, and is therefore a Spirit (that’s a problem in itself as the only spirits we know of at the time of creation are God and the angels - and we know God created the angels - or did Jesus/the Son/the word?) and not a man (human/flesh being).
Can anyone throw light on this huge anomaly - a conundrum of almighty importance in Christian scriptural matters?
The invention of written language, based on archeological evidence, appears in the time frame associated with Genesis; 5-6K years ago. My theory is written language is what allowed the human mind, to alter the natural human mind, to create the modern human mind. The Word "God" in some form, may have been the first written word, from which the first written alphabet, would be reverse engineered.
As an example of reverse engineering language; God or (Ga, aw, dah) is three blended sounds. It is three letters blended together. Now we have the first three letters. Next, we look around at the world and the natural language we already know, and find things with one or more of these sounds and add the extra sounds; get new letters;
dot, (dah ah, ta). Now we have four letters; add ta. Next we have tree; ta rrr, eee. Eventually, you have all the sounds and letter symbols needed to express known spoken words. They did not use the word
God, but would have had a different word; maybe
yahweh, since that is very old. In the beginning was the word and the word was God.
Language is the matrix of human thought. This matrix could not fill in, to allow the most subtle thoughts, until written language appears. If we only had spoken language, which appears thousands of years earlier, if someone coined as new word, it may lost like a fad and disappear. Once you can write it down, even if a fad, it can be read and learned for generations, directly from the holy source. Authors coin new words all the time. The matrix of the human mind would expand faster.
Picture going to school without any written language. There are no books, no note taking, no teacher writing on the black board, white board, overhead, etc. All you have was spoken language and four one hour lectures each day. How much can you remember if you cannot review? If several people tried to remember together, each may recall different things with no written way, to show who is right; might is right. The natural brain will un-clutter and forget most and remember what you want.
Picture commerce without any written records or contracts, just word of mouth. It comes down to he said or she said; chaos. Without records civilization and commerce would break down. Once written records of words, events and records occur, the memory becomes better due to a way to review and practice. Plus you can now build upon the work of others; who came before; learn from the past, without having to reinvent the wheel. This allowed the mind to expand in terms of advancing ideas.
Written language was pivotal to the formation of sustainable civilization, that appears at the same time frame. Let there by light, was the first published physics theory. It may old but it was the first. From the matrix of written language, built from the word God, and the accumulation of records and education, led the human mind to think beyond nature, and speculate how they came to be; matrix of the mind.
Science only knows about the Big Bang, forward. Before that is only speculation in science. Created things, could mean only what we know. I cannot use science, to include what we do not know; before the BB. The Son could make the created things; known things, while the Father made all the created things; humans does not know, but will only know, as time goes on. We do not know that will be created in the future or what was before BB. This is from the Father, or the Son, if the Father says so, either way, in the future.