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Who decided "straight" was normal and everything else wasn't?


Well-Known Member
Its nature that dictates what is normal. We see that opposites attract in the animal kingdom and it benefits the species.

Anything that is beneficial to the survival of a species must be accepted as normal, otherwise we are turning against nature and thus against what benefits us as a species.

And there really is no 'overpopulation'...that is a buzz word used to scare us into thinking we have to stop living the way nature intended and start killing our offspring.... its not beneficial to us, its detrimental and therefore against nature.

Contraception is against nature is it bad?


Grand Hat
Staff member
Premium Member
It's pretty simple, and the answer was already provided...

Sociologists, when they looked at the figures and saw that "straight" was the most prevalent sexual orientation---I don't think it took much looking or that they were surprised, do you? And, this is regarding "normal" in the sense of "most common," not in a qualitative sense.

The important thing to consider there is that normal, or the norm is commonly used in psychological tests, particularly social or group psychology. I'm a white man in a largely white country, and have lived as a white man in an almost exclusively black country. Whilst I was constant, in one location I was the norm, and in the other, most definitely not.

So, homosexuality is not the norm. As someone (Quintessence?) has already mentioned, the issue isn't whether homosexuality is normal...it's how we treat those outside the norm.

This particular battle (prejudice against homosexuality) is definitely being won. But were I a homosexual, I would no doubt wish it were being won faster. I would suggest it takes time, regardless of what we might wish.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
so its not the planet who is incapable of providing the food, its the way we manage (or mismanage) it.

And when one person keeps growing on the same patch of ground over and over, of course the soil will deplete of nutrients. Gods word made it law that a field should be permitted 1 year of rest every 7th year. But people dont follow the bibles advice so they experience the negative consequences.

Thats not the earths fault. Its mans.
That will not help though. We are taking out of the planet and not putting back into it. And not only that, when the time comes for our bodies to return to their earth our burial practices do not allow for that to actually happen. And if it does, we are toxic to the environment.

but among animals it is a domination trait. eg,female dogs will mount other dogs and even their owners leg. Its a domination trait and nothing more.

Here's an example to consider. Young male calves will mount their own mothers and they will impregnate their mothers if they are not removed from the herd....does that mean that incest is natural for us too??
And it humans it can be a display of domination, control, and power. It's what rape is. But such an assault is not something that should be done as it does involve a victim. As for incest, every culture does have some sort of incest taboo, but the definition of taboo differs. Americans think first cousins are really bad, but in reality first cousin mating has been very common throughout the world and history, and was very common in our own society until very recently, relatively speaking. With homosexuality, it involves consenting adults and no one is harmed.


Veteran Member
I think it should be pointed out that while heterosexual orientation is the norm (most people are heterosexual), it's also normal that in a random collection of people some will be homosexual. It's the "right handed/left handed" variable.


Earthbending Lemur
Premium Member
It'd be nice if that word "abnormal" didn't have such negative connotations. I think that says something about our culture right there, doesn't it?
It sure does.

I think it should be pointed out that while heterosexual orientation is the norm (most people are heterosexual), it's also normal that in a random collection of people some will be homosexual. It's the "right handed/left handed" variable.

Great point. I forgot about that as well.


Big Squishy Hugger
Premium Member
*Post Removed*

1) Define "flaunt it in [your] face." What exactly does that look like?

2) Do you assume that all homosexuals are gay men who have anal sex? (not all of them do)....were you aware that lesbians and bisexuals exist in this world too? :D

3) If reproductive access and efficiency were the main means of evolutionary success, then you can count out post-menopausal women and impotent men as well. However, homosexuality is not an evolutionary failure because homosexuals do exist. The human species has adapted to include variables in sexual orientation.
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Big Squishy Hugger
Premium Member
*Post Removed*

Just the way your mind works? You certainly live up to your name, don't you? :p

How is it that the less gay male it is and the more lesbian it is, the less degenerate it all is in your mind? Is it possible your position is homophobic? And specifically male-homophobic?

*Post Removed*

Interesting! So if a male is unable to produce sperm you think he should be purged? And once a woman stops ovulating and experiencing menstrual cycles she should be purged? Also, how is a post-menopausal woman a genetic fluke? It's a part of the cycle of life, meaning that a female is pre-pubescent before she is able to ovulate and gestate, then goes through a part of life with the ability to ovulate and gestate, and then ages past child-bearing ability.

Do you believe females ought to have evolved to where they can ovulate and gestate at any age? From birth to death?

*Post Removed*

How are you mentally/psychologically assaulted by gay pride parades? Are there heterosexual displays in your opinion that are similar that can be considered "flaunting it in peoples faces"? Such as in ad campaigns, wedding announcements, hollywood, network television, etc.?
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If straight comedians can come with gay jokes, how come gay comedians can't come up with straight jokes?

I once knew a guy that was so straight he...? I got nothin' either. :shrug:


Active Member
Just the way your mind works? You certainly live up to your name, don't you? :p
My moniker is totally appropriate. To quote Mouse from the Matrix (my favorite film)
Mouse said:
To deny our own impulses is to deny the very thing that makes us human.
The Matrix (1999)
MysticSang'ha said:
How is it that the less gay male it is and the more lesbian it is, the less degenerate it all is in your mind? Is it possible your position is homophobic? And specifically male-homophobic?
It comes down to how close of a resemblance it is to orthodox Catholic sexuality aka Heterosexuality. I still think lesbians kissing is pretty hot but I have some degenerate practices dubbed by society as degenerate such as using base substances (depressents, hard stimulants).

Interesting! So if a male is unable to produce sperm you think he should be purged? And once a woman stops ovulating and experiencing menstrual cycles she should be purged? Also, how is a post-menopausal woman a genetic fluke? It's a part of the cycle of life, meaning that a female is pre-pubescent before she is able to ovulate and gestate, then goes through a part of life with the ability to ovulate and gestate, and then ages past child-bearing ability.
Let me revise that to make it more scientific since I made an error. I have little formal scientific training. I think that once a woman stops ovulating she is worthless, should be put in an elder home, segregated from thepopulation and generally just content to live out and die, i don't have any problems with her having fun their but as far as purely evolutionary means. She is useless. If you've read the book "The Giver" by Louis Lowry it's similar to what they did with the elderly. Yes to your impotent males without sperm should be purged unless they can be used like a tool such as in some war. Then it is justifiable to keep them alive as that gives them purpose.

Do you believe females ought to have evolved to where they can ovulate and gestate at any age? From birth to death?

My female anatomy knowledge is not good so I'll go off what I think you are saying. I think that the prime age for breeding is 14 - 24. I'm an ephebophile or into "jailbait" as evidence by my other thread

How are you mentally/psychologically assaulted by gay pride parades? Are there heterosexual displays in your opinion that are similar that can be considered "flaunting it in peoples faces"? Such as in ad campaigns, wedding announcements, hollywood, network television, etc.?

My mind is subject to something I view as degenerate. There are heterosexual tendencies which make me uncomfortable notably promiscuity in either gender. or as a particular imageboard would say, "******* and whores". The media is totally satured by making homosexuality a norm, they are trying to change public perception. This to me is brainwashing, plain and simple. Subtle manipulation by the powers that be.
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Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
My moniker
Let me revise that to make it more scientific since I made an error. I have little formal scientific training. I think that once a woman stops ovulating she is worthless, should be put in an elder home, segregated from thepopulation and generally just content to live out and die, i don't have any problems with her having fun their but as far as purely evolutionary means. She is useless. If you've read the book "The Giver" by Louis Lowry it's similar to what they did with the elderly. Yes to your impotent males without sperm should be purged unless they can be used like a tool such as in some war. Then it is justifiable to keep them alive as that gives them purpose.
I do have some formal science training. Women typically stop ovulating long before their senior years. But if you put every post menopausal woman in a nursing home then you would find a handful of women in their 40's in these "elderly" homes. Also us living past our reproductive years plays an socioevolutionary benefit in that we are still around to help care for the next generation of young, and the next, until we do die.
Making babies is far from the only biologically programmed function humans serve for ourselves and the species as a whole.


Active Member

Making babies is far from the only biologically programmed function humans serve for ourselves and the species as a whole.

Can you give me a laundry list of your other biologically programmed functions that women serve for the species as a whole?

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Can you give me a laundry list of your other biologically programmed functions that women serve for the species as a whole?
Women fulfill the duties that society ascribes to them, as men also do what society says is for men to do. These things include gathering food, because we cannot reproduce if we do not eat, providing shelter because we need that as well, finding water, we are biologically programed to be social so there are all the things that go into that (part of reason our life span is longer than our reproductive cycle), and there is taking care of each other. But sex is not even just for reproduction as it too serves social functions outside of reproduction. If this was not the case, the clitoris and female orgasm would probably not exist.

Me Myself

Back to my username
It is a holdover from a time when its was considered a person's duty to marry and have children who would be helpers and heirs, I think

It used to highly valued to have babies- particularly sons- in the past. Nowadays, because of overpopulation and the fact that there are so many unwanted children, it shouldn't matter anymore. I am not sure why it does.

Also, remember that whatever is frequents becomes the acceptable things. Unless something weird is particularly desirable (like being very good at something avarage people want to be good with) it is generally considered "weird" seen with fear and distrust, etc.

Me Myself

Back to my username
Can you give me a laundry list of your other biologically programmed functions that women serve for the species as a whole?

Well, the are the species.

We all start out women in the womb, without women, there are no men.

We are the mutation :D

Our lifes are shorter but at least we dont have that crazy day of the month :D


Grand Hat
Staff member
Premium Member
My moniker is totally appropriate. To quote Mouse from the Matrix (my favorite film)The Matrix (1999)

So do you believe the perpetrator of a road rage inspired murder is more human than one who 'supresses'?
It comes down to how close of a resemblance it is to orthodox Catholic sexuality aka Heterosexuality. I still think lesbians kissing is pretty hot but I have some degenerate practices dubbed by society as degenerate such as using base substances (depressents, hard stimulants).

So your morality is based around convenience?
Let me revise that to make it more scientific since I made an error. I have little formal scientific training. I think that once a woman stops ovulating she is worthless, should be put in an elder home, segregated from thepopulation and generally just content to live out and die, i don't have any problems with her having fun their but as far as purely evolutionary means. She is useless. If you've read the book "The Giver" by Louis Lowry it's similar to what they did with the elderly. Yes to your impotent males without sperm should be purged unless they can be used like a tool such as in some war. Then it is justifiable to keep them alive as that gives them purpose.

Wow. So the only thing of 'value' is making babies or killing. I'm really not sure where to start with this. Could I ask how or why you have reached this conclusion?

My female anatomy knowledge is not good so I'll go off what I think you are saying. I think that the prime age for breeding is 14 - 24. I'm an ephebophile or into "jailbait" as evidence by my other thread

I'm confused. I'm a sperm producing male married to a mid 30's female who probably doesn't want more kids. po I put her out to pasture, or shoot her. And do I chase ANY 14 year old, or check for signs of menstruation?
My mind is subject to something I view as degenerate. There are heterosexual tendencies which make me uncomfortable notably promiscuity in either gender. or as a particular imageboard would say, "******* and whores". The media is totally satured by making homosexuality a norm, they are trying to change public perception. This to me is brainwashing, plain and simple. Subtle manipulation by the powers that be.

Oooh... no doubt. 'The Man' has historically ALWAYS promoted gay agendas.

Since I'm a sperm producing heterosexual who Is monogamous, am I part of the brainwashing or part of the brainwashed?


Active Member
So do you believe the perpetrator of a road rage inspired murder is more human than one who 'supresses'?
You completely lost me. I have no idea what you are talking about.

So your morality is based around convenience?
i would be lieing if i said it wasnt but obviously its a bit more complicated then pure convenience

Wow. So the only thing of 'value' is making babies or killing. I'm really not sure where to start with this. Could I ask how or why you have reached this conclusion?
honestly i have a LOT of psychological issues, i dont trust psychatrists or psychologists with my issues so i work through them myself with various drugs which i use as conditioning tools. i was suicidal from 7 - 12 and isolated socially. i was a loser, a nerd. this no doubt impacted my morals and general outlook on life. i like libertarian values mixed with national socialism. privacy/civil rights and economy system respectively

Oooh... no doubt. 'The Man' has historically ALWAYS promoted gay agendas.

Since I'm a sperm producing heterosexual who Is monogamous, am I part of the brainwashing or part of the brainwashed?
i know you're be facteious but "the man" while stereotyped because ******* stoners go off on rants about he's "keeping them down" does in some form exist. there are always going to be people who want to consolidate their power, have a love for money, greed these people coincidentally also tend to unleash various forms of chaos too like war. this has a theological/philosophical tract but i'm not going to get into it now.


Big Squishy Hugger
Premium Member
My moniker is totally appropriate. To quote Mouse from the Matrix (my favorite film)The Matrix (1999)

Yeah, I see that. :p

It comes down to how close of a resemblance it is to orthodox Catholic sexuality aka Heterosexuality. I still think lesbians kissing is pretty hot but I have some degenerate practices dubbed by society as degenerate such as using base substances (depressents, hard stimulants).

How do your usage of substances equate with any favor you find with lesbians kissing?

Perhaps you can define "degenerate" to better explain your thought process.

Let me revise that to make it more scientific since I made an error. I have little formal scientific training....

I totally encourage a stronger education in the sciences. But going on...

I think that once a woman stops ovulating she is worthless, should be put in an elder home, segregated from thepopulation and generally just content to live out and die, i don't have any problems with her having fun their but as far as purely evolutionary means. She is useless. If you've read the book "The Giver" by Louis Lowry it's similar to what they did with the elderly.

The story shows a society that attempts a utopian structure but adequately shows how dystopian and dysfunctional such a structure is. I find it similar to "Fahrenheit 451" or "Logan's Run". Look more deeply into what happens when you deem whole demographics of people as essentially "worthless" to a society.

Yes to your impotent males without sperm should be purged unless they can be used like a tool such as in some war. Then it is justifiable to keep them alive as that gives them purpose.

Purpose to pro-create? How one-dimensional. We have a LOT of humans on the planet. I see the ability to procreate as low on the priority list of essentials....instead I focus on empathy, wisdom, a sense of humor, creativity, and innovation as essentials in the success of humans. Technological advances have given humans the capability of fertilizing, gestating, birthing, and lowering infant mortality at a rate never before seen. Relying solely on working testicles and working ovaries to determine worth I think dismisses entire biological systems of the human body as both useful and aesthetically beautiful.

Brains, hearts, guts, and nerves....all have poetic parallels to how humans have contributed and adapted to this thing we call life and civilization.

My female anatomy knowledge is not good so I'll go off what I think you are saying. I think that the prime age for breeding is 14 - 24. I'm an ephebophile or into "jailbait" as evidence by my other thread

I noticed that. If your education is lacking, I highly encourage you to study more of how female sexuality cycles and matures through a typical life span of a female. That's just the tip of the iceberg, too. Since female sexuality encompasses much much more than how long can we rely on a uterus to gestate.

My mind is subject to something I view as degenerate. There are heterosexual tendencies which make me uncomfortable notably promiscuity in either gender. or as a particular imageboard would say, "******* and whores".

I find a marked level of repression in what you're saying.

The media is totally satured by making homosexuality a norm, they are trying to change public perception. This to me is brainwashing, plain and simple. Subtle manipulation by the powers that be.

Homosexuality has existed through the ages, and cultures vary as to how to see it. Patriarchal cultures that favor establishing an Alpha Male as an ideal tend to view deviating from the pursuits of the Alpha Male as degenerate. It includes males who sexually and/or romantically favoring other males and lives according to the orientation....which isn't what the idyllic Alpha Male of patriarchal lore is supposed to do.

Orientation is just orientation. It isn't a measure of worth or function. At least not to any universal standard. That is only how a culture views sexuality in the first place.


Big Squishy Hugger
Premium Member
Well, the are the species.

We all start out women in the womb, without women, there are no men.

We are the mutation :D

Our lifes are shorter but at least we dont have that crazy day of the month :D

Yeah, as if testosterone fluctuations never occur. Estrogen levels on a monthly basis? How about testosterone levels on a daily basis for you fellas?

And y'all complain about a monthly adjustment. Amateurs. :cool: :D


Grand Hat
Staff member
Premium Member
You completely lost me. I have no idea what you are talking about.

Well, you used a quote from The Matrix which states than denial of impulses is denying our humanity. So someone cuts me off, I jump out at the next lights and assault or kill them...Im just giving full voice to my human impulses, right?
i would be lieing if i said it wasnt but obviously its a bit more complicated then pure convenience

Probably, but not based on what you've presented here.

honestly i have a LOT of psychological issues, i dont trust psychatrists or psychologists with my issues so i work through them myself with various drugs which i use as conditioning tools. i was suicidal from 7 - 12 and isolated socially. i was a loser, a nerd. this no doubt impacted my morals and general outlook on life. i like libertarian values mixed with national socialism. privacy/civil rights and economy system respectively

What you've outlined here sounds like no form of libertarianism I've ever heard of. In fact, it sounds far more like national socialism across the board.

i know you're be facteious but "the man" while stereotyped because ******* stoners go off on rants about he's "keeping them down" does in some form exist. there are always going to be people who want to consolidate their power, have a love for money, greed these people coincidentally also tend to unleash various forms of chaos too like war. this has a theological/philosophical tract but i'm not going to get into it now.

My argument wasn't on the existence of political agendas from the powers that be. It's on the delusion that these agendas have ever been about brainwashing the masses into acceptance of homosexuality.

So I repeat my question. Am I a brainwasher or the brainwashed?