My moniker is totally appropriate. To quote Mouse from the Matrix (my favorite film)The Matrix (1999)
Yeah, I see that.
It comes down to how close of a resemblance it is to orthodox Catholic sexuality aka Heterosexuality. I still think lesbians kissing is pretty hot but I have some degenerate practices dubbed by society as degenerate such as using base substances (depressents, hard stimulants).
How do your usage of substances equate with any favor you find with lesbians kissing?
Perhaps you can define "degenerate" to better explain your thought process.
Let me revise that to make it more scientific since I made an error. I have little formal scientific training....
I totally encourage a stronger education in the sciences. But going on...
I think that once a woman stops ovulating she is worthless, should be put in an elder home, segregated from thepopulation and generally just content to live out and die, i don't have any problems with her having fun their but as far as purely evolutionary means. She is useless. If you've read the book "The Giver" by Louis Lowry it's similar to what they did with the elderly.
The story shows a society that attempts a utopian structure but adequately shows how dystopian and dysfunctional such a structure is. I find it similar to "Fahrenheit 451" or "Logan's Run". Look more deeply into what happens when you deem whole demographics of people as essentially "worthless" to a society.
Yes to your impotent males without sperm should be purged unless they can be used like a tool such as in some war. Then it is justifiable to keep them alive as that gives them purpose.
Purpose to pro-create? How one-dimensional. We have a LOT of humans on the planet. I see the ability to procreate as low on the priority list of essentials....instead I focus on empathy, wisdom, a sense of humor, creativity, and innovation as essentials in the success of humans. Technological advances have given humans the capability of fertilizing, gestating, birthing, and lowering infant mortality at a rate never before seen. Relying solely on working testicles and working ovaries to determine worth I think dismisses entire biological systems of the human body as both useful and aesthetically beautiful.
Brains, hearts, guts, and nerves....all have poetic parallels to how humans have contributed and adapted to this thing we call life and civilization.
My female anatomy knowledge is not good so I'll go off what I think you are saying. I think that the prime age for breeding is 14 - 24. I'm an ephebophile or into "jailbait" as evidence by my other thread
I noticed that. If your education is lacking, I highly encourage you to study more of how female sexuality cycles and matures through a typical life span of a female. That's just the tip of the iceberg, too. Since female sexuality encompasses much much more than how long can we rely on a uterus to gestate.
My mind is subject to something I view as degenerate. There are heterosexual tendencies which make me uncomfortable notably promiscuity in either gender. or as a particular imageboard would say, "******* and whores".
I find a marked level of repression in what you're saying.
The media is totally satured by making homosexuality a norm, they are trying to change public perception. This to me is brainwashing, plain and simple. Subtle manipulation by the powers that be.
Homosexuality has existed through the ages, and cultures vary as to how to see it. Patriarchal cultures that favor establishing an Alpha Male as an ideal tend to view deviating from the pursuits of the Alpha Male as degenerate. It includes males who sexually and/or romantically favoring other males and lives according to the orientation....which isn't what the idyllic Alpha Male of patriarchal lore is supposed to do.
Orientation is just orientation. It isn't a measure of worth or function. At least not to any universal standard. That is only how a culture views sexuality in the first place.