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Who do you think is the greatest religious figure of all?


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
Who do you think is the greatest religious figure of all religions and why?

There have been so many really good ones. Ranking them would be an injustice. But Siddhārtha Gautama, Jiddu Krishnamurti, Zhuangzi, Meister Eckhart, and Laozi were all great teachers as well as religious figures.

St Giordano Bruno

Well-Known Member
The most influential religious figure I have little doubt Jesus tops the list, but as for being “great” then that is a matter of much debate. Depends what one means by "great" . At the times Jesus may have been no more than are rather obscure sect leader which as the time was not all that great at all. John the Baptist may have been greater at the time but the importance of Jesus could have been greatly exaggerated and blown way out of proportion and a religion as a consequence that just kind of went viral.


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
Come to think of it, if I had to choose one it might be Shinran Shonin.

In all honesty, the ones that came prior to him strike me as pretty much unavoidable in their general outlines. But Shinran Shonin brought a much-needed message of accessibility that many people would do well to learn even now.


Through the Looking Glass
Whichever ones never claimed to speak for "God" to anyone else, or have the "one truth" for anyone other than themselves are the greatest.

The least shall be greatest.


RF Goddess
Staff member
Premium Member
Since the question is not asking about the most influential, which many seem ot have interpreted the question to ask, I will say Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu.

To me he fully embodies Prema Bhakti: the highest level of love of God.
He also explained the concept of Acintya Bhedabheda Tattva, which is essentially panentheism. And he is responsible for the religious sects that have brought knowledge of Krishna to the world.

Who knows if I would even be alive here and now without his mercy, since my parents met at the Temple. I certainly wouldn't be who I am if I had never come in contact with his teachings and his lila.

Bob Dixon

doppelgänger;2584582 said:
Whichever ones never claimed to speak for "God" to anyone else, or have the "one truth" for anyone other than themselves are the greatest.

The least shall be greatest.

>Says that the one who doesn't speak for God is the greatest
>Uses a quote by Jesus

I love you!


Active Member
There have been several throughout the years from Thales of Miletus to Stephan Hawking. There have also been the martyrs such as Hypatia of Alexandria and Giordano Bruno.

Siddhartha Gautama, Lao Tsu, and Epicurus taught how to enjoy life by living with nature. instead of struggling to suppress nature.

As for Christianity, it would not exist today if it had not been for Marcion of Sinope and his New Testament.


Through the Looking Glass
No, no, you're right, you're right!
Carry on.
Thanks, but that's all the opinion I wished to express on the matter. Will you share you Jesus biscuits with me? I have this pot of coffee, and yet . . . I have no Jesus biscuits. Please sir . . . have you any decency?

Bob Dixon

doppelgänger;2584763 said:
Thanks, but that's all the opinion I wished to express on the matter. Will you share you Jesus biscuits with me? I have this pot of coffee, and yet . . . I have no Jesus biscuits. Please sir . . . have you any decency?

Sure, my friend!

Expect your shipment to arrive within the next 5-7 business days.

In the meantime, hit this: :cigar:


Active Member
Unlike Mohammad, the message of Jesus spread rapidly in the ancient world without having to raise a sword. His teaching was very revolutionary for it's time and place in history and is still very relevant today.
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Active Member
Unlike Mohammad, the message of Jesus spread rapidly in the ancient world without having to raise a sword. His teaching was very revolutionary for it's time and place in history and is still very relevant today.

That is definitely NOT true. Since 391 CE Christianity has been responsible for the deaths of millions who would not accept the religion. From Theodosius, to Charlemagne to the Middle Eastern and Northern crusades, to the invasion of the Americas, to the Inquisitions the swords and guns of Christians have killed the heathens, infidels, pagans, and other nonchristians. Christianity would not be as ubiquitous today if it had not been for the armies forcing the religion onto the less powerful.
That is definitely NOT true. Since 391 CE Christianity has been responsible for the deaths of millions who would not accept the religion. From Theodosius, to Charlemagne to the Middle Eastern and Northern crusades, to the invasion of the Americas, to the Inquisitions the swords and guns of Christians have killed the heathens, infidels, pagans, and other nonchristians. Christianity would not be as ubiquitous today if it had not been for the armies forcing the religion onto the less powerful.

Don't forget the stamping out and persecution of Christian 'heresies' ever since them Greek Christians came into power and became the dominant 'Christianity' since its inception.


Well-Known Member
Unlike Mohammad, the message of Jesus spread rapidly in the ancient world without having to raise a sword. His teaching was very revolutionary for it's time and place in history and is still very relevant today.


While Christianity was usually spread peacefully, once it was established and taken up to a position of power (usually a ruler adopting it), it was inflicted upon the populace in a similar manner, until any competing faith was driven underground or wiped out.

The later Roman emperors, St Olaf of Norway, the frenzied mob that tore Hypatia to pieces, etc.

Islam generally has a better reputation than Christianity does when it comes to conversion.