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Who does God want the Antichrist to be?

Yes. Changed by us. Not god. We deviated from what god said. We are better off for having done so.

Changing them is what caused the people to transgress and do bad things. To break the Covenant is to loose the Promised Land, Covenant status, and be scattered.

Such instructions are never acceptable. Slavery is never acceptable. Genocide is never acceptable. It is never acceptable to kill over many of the things the Bible mandates death for.

Are you saying that your ways are above God's ways and your thoughts are above God's thoughts? As finite beings, we may forget that we are not all-knowing about the details of another place and time, not knowing the people and not knowing the vast array of the beliefs and cultures involved. Should we then judge what the "right line of course" that God should have taken to "get it right?" Especially when most of the time, we don't even get it right for ourselves in a time period that we do understand! Most of the time----we don't even know what the objective was and what paths it would take to get us or a rebellious people there. I would rather, to allow God (the infinite being) to do what He does best and not make those judgments.

All I know is that God's ways (whatever they are) will always be better and accomplish the right objective---greater than the power of my ways will ever be able to accomplish. Do you think that you had enough faith, to live in a time, when God's prophets were not dead, and you did not know the end of the story, but you trusted that it would all work out? You see this life is to TEST US, to see how we will handle what is required of us. If we have the Holy Spirit as our guide, we can be sure that the direction we are being led, is the right path, to get us where we need to be.

Yes. Thomas Jefferson even thought each generation should update the Constitution to address their own needs and so we aren't governed by the dead. However, the Bible makes it clear god does not change, his laws do not change, and there will be consequences for those who relax the law, change it, or omit things from it.

Theocrasy----If the people are keeping their Covenants with God......HE UPDATES those Laws (through HIS anointed prophets and apostles) to address our needs. This is the goal of having continuing Revelation....an update....so we are not forced to follow after the dead prophets of the past (who addressed specific struggles to a specific audience) or else be forced to have imperfect men (with different intents) to provide that update (eventually changing and breaking the covenant with God) for the whole Nation.

God's hands are not tied by our limitations....only ours are. God's nature and his character does not change...he is not gaining in wisdom and experience......because he is perfect and already all-knowing. Man on the other hand----is constantly changing, gaining in wisdom, knowledge, and experience and that is why we need God to meet us where we are and to instruct us further.
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Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Changing them is what caused the people to transgress and do bad things.
Changing from them is why we have freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of association, abolished slavery, have improved the status of women, and granted many rights where they were previously denied. We even developed the idea of basic human rights, things that just are not permitted according to Abraham's god.
Are you saying that your ways are above God's ways and your thoughts are above God's thoughts?
I am saying our ways have transcended above god's. We don't kill over adultery, we know honor is earned and not mandated, we allow people to have their own gods, and we don't people they can't work on a given day, under penalty of death. I'm also saying we know much more, as unlike the prophets of God who were writing what God instructed them to write, today we know there is just no reason--ever--to be having blood slung around a room--for any reason--due to health and sanitation causes, something you'd just not want to do after someone gets over an illness.
Theocrasy----If the people are keeping their Covenants with God......HE UPDATES those Laws
Why? If what he does is perfect, why does he have to update it? Who updates it? How do we know if they are supposed to or not? Why didn't he just get it right the first time?
God's nature and his character does not change...he is not gaining in wisdom and experience......because he is perfect and already all-knowing. Man on the other hand----is constantly changing, gaining in wisdom, knowledge, and experience and that is why we need Gof to meet us where we are at to instruct us further. God's hands are not tied by our limitations.
If he changes his laws as our societies change, he is changing, he is gaining in experience, he isn't all knowing, and he isn't all powerful. And we don't need god. We have went further in morality, advanced equality, and have made illegal many of the things your god demanded or permitted. Pretty much, there is absolutely no legal way for a husband to sell his children into slavery, throughout most of the world, despite the fact it is Biblically permissible. Everybody is into Leviticus when it says a man shall not lay with another man, but the passages against eating pork and wearing mixed fabrics go unnoticed and unfollowed. And not eating a rabbit because they chew their cud? Rabbits don't even have cud. It would be understandable if they made the false assumption a rabbit eats its own crap (not really, since this is supposed to come from god), but cud?

Kelly of the Phoenix

Well-Known Member
All I know is that God's ways (whatever they are) will always be better and accomplish the right objective---greater than the power of my ways will ever be able to accomplish.
So, morality isn't objective. It's really just whatever God's whims say it is at the time. You would kill bratty kids? God said you could in the bible, after all.


We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member
The world of God is eternal and without change or time, but the world of man is temporary, ever changing and evolving as it is a world of time.

In the Book of Revelation it prophecies the 'new'. A new song, a new name, a new heaven and a new earth, the New Jerusalem and that "all things will be made new". Rev 21:5 "Behold, I make all things new." Surely within in new earth we can see new laws.

These are prophecies of the future which not only signalise the current changes but that these changes have been foretold, inspired and permitted by God.

Had this not been ordained then rest assured this century would have been like the last 100 centuries where basically things didn't change very much at all.

So God has sanctioned the technological and scientific age and it is God Who has released His Spirit into the world that it may be 'made new'.

So the Holy Books support and prophesy change.


Veteran Member
1). The above idea about "One God" was presented to describe the "oneness" (unity) of purpose that exists between the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. It was meant figurately not literally. It was not meant to mean there was only 1 being---it was an adjective to describe "oneness" (meaning unity of purpose).
Jesus never propounded the idea of Trinity. Did he?


Well-Known Member
That doesn't answer my question. God could have ended sin after it happened, but he didn't. Why? It hardly seems fair to not even give a child a chance to learn from the mistakes of their parents.

God did not create robots. Love must be from the heart, not from a program.

Those who die before reaching the age of accountability go to heaven when they die.


Well-Known Member
I sure hope it's not me, but R
So there is so much end-time hysteria and talk about some false prophet who will rule the world.

Is the Antichrist called to be a good guy or a bad guy? Do you honestly think God wants him to be something other than what prophecy States he will be?

If he's just being what God wants him to be, God clearly wants him to have followers, so what's wrong with following Him?

Perhaps there are a lot following him already. Trump and Putin are likely candidates.

A christian friend told me as a kid that Hitler and Napoleon were the antichrists of their times.
Hitler made sense, but Napoleon, who consolidated the french revolutionary principles, struck me as odd even then.
Jesus never propounded the idea of Trinity. Did he?

Only in Parables......which by nature...were not meant to be taken literally. The Trinity theory was created by those who took those words literally. Just like Nicodemus missed it---when Jesus told him not to marvel because he was told that he must be "born again" to see heaven.
Changing from them is why we have freedom of religion...
I see your reasoning, if you are talking about the political and religious control of a State run Church that limits religious freedom. The control of the Catholic Church----necessitated protesters against this political religious monopoly----so that other sects could be created by other men.

But the fact is......the Catholic Church itself was a earlier DEPARTURE from the foundation of prophets and apostles (who were ordained by God's ministers). So by definition, this church started out by being a manmade political belief system and it was replaced with more manmade attempts in order to be "taught by God."

...freedom of speech, freedom of association, abolished slavery, have improved the status of women, and granted many rights where they were previously denied. We even developed the idea of basic human rights, things that just are not permitted according to Abraham's god.

The above sounds like you are taking about a cultural and political system.

I am saying our ways have transcended above god's.

The current organizations have updated other manmade systems (who are not built upon the foundarion of prophets and apostles) to be better than the previous older ones.

We don't kill over adultery, we know honor is earned and not mandated, we allow people to have their own gods, and we don't people they can't work on a given day, under penalty of death.

Now you are going back to barbarous times to make your point....
Moses (1393-1273 BCE) who received the Mosaic Law (which was added upon by other men for 1400 years) and then was fulfilled and restored back to it's pure state by Jesus Christ.

Why? If what he does is perfect, why does he have to update it? Who updates it? How do we know if they are supposed to or not? Why didn't he just get it right the first time?

The Covenant is given by God to men in it's pure state. Then men change the ordinances (by adding and subtracting from the text) also causing the people to error and break the Covenant with God. After men do this.......then God sends another prophet to restore what as lost, changed, or taken away. We have this starting with Adam, then restored by Noah, Abraham, Judah/Joseph, Moses, and then Jesus Christ. Also other minor prophets who came to warn the people that they had strayed from the ordinances and were in danger of breaking God's Covenant....including Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and Malachi (ect).

If he changes his laws as our societies change, he is changing, he is gaining in experience, he isn't all knowing, and he isn't all powerful.

The Covenant that Adam received is the same Covenant that Jesus Christ restored. The prepetory covenant (the Mosaic Law) was created for an overly rebellious people after they were freed from 400 years of bondage----and they were not spiritually capable of living the whole Law (as was originally revealed to Adam).

Evolution of Consciousness---
Also over the course of the history of the world----the consciousness of the people (born in those different time periods) evolves and changes over time. Humanity has evolved over time. God hasn't evolved....his character and understanding did not change....but Man changed....and therefore each time period will need to collectively address those intellectual, emotional, social, and spiritual differences. The spirits who were reserved to come forth and be born in the last days----will be the most advanced generation to be able to handle the time period in which they were reserved to come forth.

The Covenant that God requires of men is designed to meet them, where they are spiritually, and get them on the same "strait and narrow path" (created for all) that leads to eternal life.

And we don't need god. We have went further in morality, advanced equality, and have made illegal many of the things your god demanded or permitted.

All mankind needs God.....no matter if they are aware of it or not. The world needs more moral correctness and less political correctness (masquerading as morality).

Pretty much, there is absolutely no legal way for a husband to sell his children into slavery, throughout most of the world, despite the fact it is Biblically permissible. Everybody is into Leviticus when it says a man shall not lay with another man, but the passages against eating pork and wearing mixed fabrics go unnoticed and unfollowed. And not eating a rabbit because they chew their cud? Rabbits don't even have cud. It would be understandable if they made the false assumption a rabbit eats its own crap (not really, since this is supposed to come from god), but cud?

Back to 1393BC--65AD) again with the prepetory covenant of the Mosaic Law.
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With the Bible, even sex slavery is commanded and considered booty and plunder of war, and you can beat your slaves as severely as you want so long as you don't kill them and they recover in a few days because the slave is your property. Maybe not a "Creator's" intention, but very much an intention of Abraham's god.

These were the cultural laws (that surrounded Israel) and that which they had to deal with in getting along with their unfriendly neighbors. It was a product of their cultural time period.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
The above sounds like you are taking about a cultural and political system.
A political system, and an agreed ideology that has transcended culture. We find such ideas in the West, East, and even the UN Declaration of Universal Human Rights.
All mankind needs God.
No we don't. As for myself, I'm doing a million times better without god. Looking at the world as a whole, less god has been better for the population as a whole, and has granted civil rights and liberties that those in previous eras did not know.
The world needs more moral correctness
And you don't need god for it.
Back to 1393BC--65AD) again with the prepetory covenant of the Mosaic Law.
Laws that should never be described as good, holy, righteous, or just.
The world of God is eternal and without change or time, but the world of man is temporary, ever changing and evolving as it is a world of time.

In the Book of Revelation it prophecies the 'new'. A new song, a new name, a new heaven and a new earth, the New Jerusalem and that "all things will be made new". Rev 21:5 "Behold, I make all things new." Surely within in new earth we can see new laws.

These are prophecies of the future which not only signalise the current changes but that these changes have been foretold, inspired and permitted by God.

Had this not been ordained then rest assured this century would have been like the last 100 centuries where basically things didn't change very much at all.

So God has sanctioned the technological and scientific age and it is God Who has released His Spirit into the world that it may be 'made new'.

So the Holy Books support and prophesy change.


The Gates of Hell will not prevail against the Kingdom of Heaven---because of the Continuing REVELATION, that will be sent by God, to His anointed prophets and Apostles.

When there are no current prophets and Apostles leading the Church of Jesus Church....there is no Church who is receiving continuing revelation!! When this is the case.....it is because of the unbelief of men.....so men should repent of their sins and wait for the TIMES OF REFRESHING to come down from the presence of the Lord (first sending Jesus Christ and then the heavens must receive back) until the TIMES OF RESTITUTION of all things come to pass (everything previously prophesied will come to pass) and then another PROPHET will come (like unto Moses or Christ came earlier to restore]....him ye shall receive.

ACTS 3:19-23 said:
19 ¶Repent ye therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord;

20 And he shall send Jesus Christ, which before was preached unto you:

21 Whom the heaven must receive until the times of restitution of all things, which God hath spoken by the mouth of all his holy prophets since the world began.

22 For Moses truly said unto the fathers, A prophet shall the Lord your God raise up unto you of your brethren, like unto me; him shall ye hear in all things whatsoever he shall say unto you.

23 And it shall come to pass, that every soul, which will not hear that prophet, shall be destroyed from among the people.
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Which basically proves they are not the words of a god, as claimed, but the words of men.

Israel was always going whoring after the gods, cultures, and beliefs of the pagan Nations surrounding them. The Old Testament was pretty clear about this fact---and we see the consequences it caused them as individuals and collectively as a Nation. The Bible tells stories about God sending prophets to the people to warn them of their evil ways and we also see what happened to those people when they didn't turn back to God, repent, and change their ways.

  • 1 Chronicles 5:25
    25 ¶And they transgressed against the God of their fathers, and went a whoring after the gods of the people of the land, whom God destroyed before them.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
The Bible tells stories about God sending prophets to the people to warn them of their evil ways and we also see what happened to those people when they didn't turn back to God, repent, and change their ways.
The Bible also gives tells us God's laws. And there is nothing good, sane, or rational about them. And have you really read what happens to those who didn't turn back to god? It's absolutely terrible and horrifying.
25 ¶And they transgressed against the God of their fathers, and went a whoring after the gods of the people of the land, whom God destroyed before them.
Have you read how God ordered them destroyed? Children, men, and women butchered like cattle, the unborn ripped from the womb, young girls raped and enslaved, it was so bad not even their crop and livestock were safe. It reads more like what ISIS was doing than something we should follow for moral guidance.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Israel was always going whoring after the gods, cultures, and beliefs of the pagan Nations surrounding them.
So? That doesn't justify the severity of their "punishment." I've known plenty of Christians who believe, truthfully and wholeheartedly, the Jews invoked the wraith of God and brought the holocaust upon themselves. That is absolutely horrifying as it is on its own, but starts to become terrifying because Hitler himself did believe he was doing the work of god.
So? That doesn't justify the severity of their "punishment." I've known plenty of Christians who believe, truthfully and wholeheartedly, the Jews invoked the wraith of God and brought the holocaust upon themselves. That is absolutely horrifying as it is on its own, but starts to become terrifying because Hitler himself did believe he was doing the work of god.

Where much is given much is required. It is the difference between committing a transgression and a sin (and all the shades of gray in between the two). To transgress (a Law) is to do so in ignorance, by accident, or be tricked into doing it (without understanding the implications of ones actions).

But to commit the blackest of sins (in the full meaning of the word) is to do so willfully and intentionally, knowing full well what you are doing. It is an open act of rebellion against God and His Covenant....knowing better but choosing the evil over the good (eccenually choosing Satan over God).

Add worse still when following that previous ACT with covenanting an oath to Satan (or his representatives) by replacing one's aliance to Satan's covenant instead-----like Cain did when he secretly killed Abel, following by covenanting with Satan to be Master-Mahan (the master of the great secret to murder and get gain). It is the equivalent of a betrayal of God----like how Judas betrayed Jesus with a kiss (conspiring against Jesus with the Sadducesses, Scribes, and Pharisees) and financially gained by receiving thirty pieces of silver (blood money). Which acts caused these two men to depart from God's Priesthood and enter into Satan's Priestcrafts---which things were forbidden.

Scriptural References said:
  • Deuteronomy 27:24
    24 Cursed be he that smiteth his neighbour secretly. And all the people shall say, Amen.
  • Moses 5:31
    31 And Cain said: Truly I am Mahan, the master of this great secret, that I may murder and get gain. Wherefore Cain was called Master Mahan, and he gloried in his wickedness.

  • Moses 5:49
    49 For Lamech (son of Cain) having entered into a covenant with Satan, after the manner of Cain, wherein he became Master Mahan, master of that great secret which was administered unto Cain by Satan; and Irad, the son of Enoch, having known their secret, began to reveal it unto the sons of Adam;

Scriptural References said:
  • Matthew 26:15
    15 And [Judas] said unto them, What will ye give me, and I will deliver him unto you? And they covenanted with him for thirty pieces of silver.
  • Matthew 27:6
    6 And the chief priests took [back] the silver pieces, and said, It is not lawful for to put them into the treasury, because it is the price of blood.
Not all transgressions/sins are worthy of the death penalty. We have acts which could be considered infractions of the Law--varing in shades of grey (deserving of a slap on the hand) to the blackest of the black (such as deathrow penalties). Transgressing the Law is a misdemeanor (and worthy of stripes), but Sining against God and His Covenant is a felony (an offense worthy of the death penalty). The willful rebellion suggests a change in alliances---to change from God and His Covenant to Satan and His alternative oaths (designed to destroy the works of God). There are different penalties for such crimes.

Scriptural Sources said:
  • Luke 12:48
    48 But he that knew not, and did commit things worthy of stripes, shall be beaten with few stripes. For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required: and to whom men have committed much, of him they will ask the more.
  • James 4:17
    17 Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin.
    • James 5:12
      12 But above all things, my brethren, swear not, neither by heaven, neither by the earth, neither by any other oath: but let your yea be yea; and your nay, nay; lest ye fall into condemnation.
    Additional sources:
    • Doctrine and Covenants 82:3
      3 For of him unto whom much is given much is required; and he who sins against the greater light shall receive the greater condemnation.

However, the above comments---DO NOT justify men (such as Hitler) to take such penalties into their own hands. Hilter himself was a Anti-Christ figure of his day....far from someone who is authorized by God to do his bidding. Hilter had nefarious political objectives to accomplish---and he used whatever particular "narrative" (Propaganda) that people may have believed (or convinced to believe) to justify his actions to get what he wanted. No one forced Hitler to be evil or committ evil acts against Humanity. There will always be a selection of evil people with hatred in their heart---whom Satan (the true Anti-Christ) will inspire and use to do what he will with. Hilter was one of many who put himself into that category (either willingly or beguided thereby). The more evil a person is....the more sick they are in the head (and easily manipulated they will be by more evil) until they become possessed by Satan.

On the other hand----the Nation who obeys the Covenant of God will receive the protection of God. The Covenant entails God promising that if Israel chooses Him as their God, then they will be His Covenant people and God himself will fight their battles for them. Breaking that Covenant would suggest that the promise of God fighting their battles for them----is now a promise they have disqualified themselves for. Which would force them to have to rely on themselves---to defend themselves without God's protective alliances. If people break their Covenant with God----then God will rescend His Promised Blessings associated with that Covenant.
Scriptural References said:
  • 2 Chronicles 20:17
    17 Ye shall not need to fight in this battle: set yourselves, stand ye still, and see the salvation of the Lord with you, O Judah and Jerusalem: fear not, nor be dismayed; to morrow go out against them: for the Lord will be with you.
  • Doctrine and Covenants 84:88
    88 And whoso receiveth you, there I will be also, for I will go before your face. I will be on your right hand and on your left, and my Spirit shall be in your hearts, and mine angels round about you, to bear you up.
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So, morality isn't objective. It's really just whatever God's whims say it is at the time. You would kill bratty kids? God said you could in the bible, after all.

Morality should be objective, fair, unbiased, and impartial. But sometimes we don't have enough information to make that assessment. As finite beings....we are not all-knowing....we are not omnipotent, omniscient, nor omnipresent (like an infinite being is) and therefore we are not capable of knowing all the so called "facts." Best to refrain from attempting to counsel God on what is right or wrong. We just may not have all the facts before us (because of our limitations) to make the case that God is unwise in His Judgments.

The Bible was correct in the day that prophets and apostles penned the record---however the book was allowed to be handled by the political hands of the "Great Abominable Church" (who took out many of the plain and precious truths) which were contained therein. Many things were added and deleted by later generations (either unintentionally) or intentionally to justify current teachings. So we are left with not having all the facts, to be sure of the source of some of the contents (or the intent behind it)....and whether somethings (whether true or not) were justifed or not.

But when it concerns judging other PEOPLE.....That is why we should refrain from making UNRIGHTEOUS judgments.....best to only judge ACTIONS....not PEOPLE (whose hearts and intents we have no way of decidering). We can only judge on the outside appearance (the ACT)....but we cannot judge about what is in another's heart.....only God can do that.

Scriptural References said:
  • Psalms 119:7
    7 I will praise thee with uprightness of heart, when I shall have learned thy righteous judgments.
  • John 7:24
    24 Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment.
  • Matthew 7:20
    20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.
If God says one thing, I may question Him, His actions, His motives and intentions, by "leaning unto my own [finite] understanding," or I may acknowledge that He is all-good and all-wise and recognize that His actions, motives, and intentions (are above reproof because He is Infinite/Sovern) and those things are presently above my (pay grade) and understanding at the given time.

Our lesser "thoughts and ways" (whether correct or not) are way below God's higher understandings and purposes. We are Telestial beings who by nature are imperfect and limited, whereas God is a Celestial Being who by nature is perfect and all knowing.

Scriptural References said:
  • Isaiah 55:8
    8 ¶For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord.

  • Isaiah 55:9
    9 For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and mythoughts than your thoughts.

  • Zechariah 1:6
    6 But my words and my statutes, which I commanded my servants the prophets, did they not take hold of your fathers? and they returned and said, Like as the Lord of hosts thought to do unto us, according to our ways, and according to our doings, so hath he dealt with us.
But then, we are also called upon to make "RIGHTEOUS judgments" by decifering what ACTIONS of other people are good and which are bad/evil. We can know and trust someone else when their ACTIONS bear the fruit of that which is good.
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Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Where much is given much is required. It is the difference between committing a transgression and a sin (and all the shades of gray in between the two). To transgress (a Law) is to do so in ignorance, by accident, or be tricked into doing it (without understanding the implications of ones actions).

But to commit the blackest of sins (in the full meaning of the word) is to do so willfully and intentionally, knowing full well what you are doing. It is an open act of rebellion against God and His Covenant....knowing better but choosing the evil over the good (eccenually choosing Satan over God).

Add worse still when following that previous ACT with covenanting an oath to Satan
According to many Christians, when it comes to sin, there is no "grey area." Sin is sin. Period. And, legally speaking, ignorance of the law is not a valid defense. As for sin, that is your religion. I am without sin. I am a human, yes, but I am no sinner. You Christians can keep that to your selves.
replacing one's aliance to Satan's covenant instead-----like Cain did when he secretly killed Abel, following by covenanting with Satan to be Master-Mahan
There is nothing Biblical to support that.
like how Judas betrayed Jesus with a kiss (conspiring against Jesus with the Sadducesses, Scribes, and Pharisees)
Did Judas betray Christ though? It was prophesized that someone had to. Rather than betrayal, should we not see it is as a very necessary and important role? Should it not be said Judas had the greatest love and faith in his Lord, who followed through with the very unpleasant role of "betraying" Christ? There could be no death/resurrection, after all, without the actions of Judas.
Not all transgressions/sins are worthy of the death penalty.
No, but according to the Bible, many are. Today we largely and mostly do not agree, not unless you live somewhere like Iran.
We have acts which could be considered infractions of the Law
If you want to keep it as your own religious law, so long as it doesn't harm another or infringe on the rights of others, that is fine. But it should never be expected that non-believers adhere to your idea of the "Law."
but Sining against God and His Covenant is a felony (an offense worthy of the death penalty).
And that is a problem, because you're basically saying my actions are worthy of death. There is never any actual valid or rational reason to kill someone for sinning against their own god or another's god. It's also a problem with Bible, because so often it does mandate death for sinners and non-believers.
Nation who obeys the Covenant of God will receive the protection of God.
Those laws are just not worth it. Most of the laws of that "Covenant" are illegal, or should be illegal, such as non-consensual male infant circumcision.


Why does no one seem to understand that what God says MUST COME TRUE?

Think! If God has said a person of the anti-christ has to come HE HAS TO COME. His coming will be obeying God's prophesy that he will come. THEN? WHOSE SON IS HE?
God just knows things from the beginning to the end. It is kind of how you can tell me the plot to a movie you have already seen, but I haven't.

Jesus tells us he is the son of perdition. That means son of hell.
John 17:12 KJV
While I was with them in the world, I kept them in thy name: those that thou gavest me I have kept, and none of them is lost, but the son of perdition; that the scripture might be fulfilled.