It scares me too. Because it feeds right into this conspiracy theory nonsense and obscures the actual facts.
And what are the actual facts? Would you even know? Who provides information on the safety of these vaccines? The ones who manufacture them with profits as their primary focus? And who swallows whatever they say without question because the "studies" are done....right?
What long term studies have ever been done on the covid vaccines?
With no way to bring them to court for any unwanted, long term after disability or death.....why would these companies, who earn billions of dollars from this vaccine rollout, each competing to gain the first foothold, want to indemnify themselves against any legal redress in advance of this rollout, if they knew it was "safe"?
Did they already know that there were some warning signs, but ignored them?
I smell a rat.....follow the money trail.
What do the medical experts who are warning us of possible serious complications have to gain, compared to those who are desperate for every person on earth to have this jab that will earn them billions of dollars? What have the nay-sayers got to gain by comparison? You tell me.....
vaccinations cannot be undone.
Emotional blackmail and scare tactics seem to be the order of the day.
Why are we only hearing about the number of cases now? Because the majority of people recover from this virus the same way that they would recover from any other corona flu virus......only a very small percentage get critically ill or isn't the rationale for the jab based on the same principle? You can't have it both ways.
We saw what the Delta strain did in India.....but what were the circumstances surrounding that catastrophe? Poor health care, poor hygiene, poor education, overpopulation and NO OXYGEN. Seriously, this is presented as the outcome for all who get this strain.....but where are the stats on how many need hospitalization or who die from this supposedly more infectious strain in other countries with better health care?
Its getting harder and harder to say who is telling "the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth".....
I will reserve my judgment and take my chances with the virus, rather than have something injected into my body against my better judgment.....once its in, there is no going back, and there can be no apologies for the "ooops we made a mistake....and now we can't undo it". For something with the potential for devastating harm, each person who trusted those who promised that it was safe, must be responsible for their own choices. I am responsible for mine as you must take responsibility for yours.