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Who here is enlightened?


Veteran Member
Premium Member
(Serious question.)

Use whatever word is applicable in your worldview, be it enlightenment, moksha, nibbana, one with the universe, etc. I'll use 'enlightenment' for the rest of this post but mentally substitute in your own word as you read it.

Does anyone on this forum claim to be enlightened? If so, please post here so we can talk. I'd like to see who here claims to have reached enlightenment.

The reason I ask is, many people talk about what enlightenment is, how to get there, what it's like, that it is a true concept, etc.

So if you consider yourself enlightened, I invite you to post here. Perhaps you could start by explaining what enlightenment is to you, how you achieved it, how you know you achieved it, and what it is like.


Sanatana Dharma
Does anyone on this forum claim to be enlightened? If so, please post here so we can talk. I'd like to see who here claims to have reached enlightenment.
I don't think you will find any enlightened person here. We all are learners/ beginners/ seekers. However please ask your questions. Maybe any one of us answers you.


RF Goddess
Staff member
Premium Member
I don't think an enlightened person would spend much time on an internet forum.

People take the journey in their own unique way.

If I were to dedicate myself to the path of enlightenment, I'd probably move to the Himalayas and stay near a nice ashram, live simply and spend most of my time in meditation and devotional service.

Desert Snake

Veteran Member
I don't follow those religions or subscribe to those theological doctrines, however if you have other questions concerning theological ideas etc. feel free to PM me


Veteran Member
Premium Member
I don't think an enlightened person would spend much time on an internet forum.
Why's that?

If an enlightened person chooses to share what they know, the internet would be one of the most powerful methods. There are some people like Jaggi Vasudev that use the internet to try to share their methods, and the Dalai Lama is on twitter.

For enlightened people that don't already have a huge following, a religious forum would be an ideal place to reach people.


The Creator
the problem is that enlightened people generally wont make such a claim, some would even reject the enlightenment concept. Of course, there are few enlightened people in this forum.
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Veteran Member
Premium Member
I don't think you will find any enlightened person here. We all are learners/ beginners/ seekers.
I see a whole lot of people trying to teach, actually.

However please ask your questions. Maybe any one of us answers you.
I don't have any specific questions. I've already spent years talking to people and learning about various worldviews- the purpose of this thread is to see if anyone here actually claims to be enlightened. If someone claims to be, then maybe I'll ask specific questions.

I don't follow those religions or subscribe to those theological doctrines, however if you have other questions concerning theological ideas etc. feel free to PM me
Thanks but I don't have any specific questions to PM with.

the problem is that enlightened people wont make such a claim, some even reject the enlightenment concept.
Why's that? Lots of people are out there teaching how to be enlightened, and describing all sorts of mystical experiences.

If they adhere to a worldview where enlightenment is the goal, and they've achieved enlightenment, then surely some of them will speak the truth about such. I think it would be an unwarranted assumption to say as though it were fact that enlightened people won't make such a claim. Maybe some will, maybe some won't. Maybe some have a good reason to lie and others do not.

Your title says you are 'the Creator'. Are you enlightened?


Well-Known Member
If an enlightened person chooses to share what they know, the internet would be one of the most powerful methods.

For enlightened people that don't already have a huge following, a religious forum would be an ideal place to reach people.

I'd agree; if people could actually listen and receive whatever it is an enlightened transmission looks like. The potential of an internet forum is boundless for spiritual ecology if you will, the actuality? Bleak, at present.

The Sum of Awe

Brought to you by the moment that spacetime began.
Why's that?

If an enlightened person chooses to share what they know, the internet would be one of the most powerful methods. There are some people like Jaggi Vasudev that use the internet to try to share their methods, and the Dalai Lama is on twitter.

For enlightened people that don't already have a huge following, a religious forum would be an ideal place to reach people.

Dalai Lama is enlightened? :biglaugh:


Veteran Member
Premium Member
I'd agree; if people could actually listen and receive whatever it is an enlightened transmission looks like. The potential of an internet forum is boundless for spiritual ecology if you will, the actuality? Bleak, at present.
An enlightened person would have the wisdom to say the perfect thing at the perfect time to convince people of her truth, wouldn't she?

She might even have knowledge that if she shares, it will make it clear she is not of this world anymore.


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
An enlightened person would have the wisdom to say the perfect thing at the perfect time to convince people of her truth, wouldn't she?

She might even have knowledge that if she shares, it will make it clear she is not of this world anymore.

An enlightened person is still a person, and still subject to the reality of this world.

Not even one would have any way of saying the perfect thing at the perfect time for everyone while also posting in a thread in an internet forum. It is just not possible. A perfect one-on-one debate, perhaps. But open threads are essentially shooting in all directions at once, because readers of all kinds of mindsets will read it.

There are a couple of forum users here that I personally believe to be enlightened, but I doubt they will actually post in this thread. My money is in that they will instinctively decide that such a thread isn't interesting to them without even stopping to think about it.

I will PM you with their names if you want. It will be interesting if it turns out one of them proves me wrong (although one of them has become very sparse, alas).

Student of X

Paradigm Shifter
An enlightened person would have the wisdom to say the perfect thing at the perfect time to convince people of her truth, wouldn't she?

She might even have knowledge that if she shares, it will make it clear she is not of this world anymore.

Could Neo just walk around in the Matrix convincing people that reality isn't what they think?

Should he?


Veteran Member
Premium Member
An enlightened person is still a person, and still subject to the reality of this world.

Not even one would have any way of saying the perfect thing at the perfect time for everyone while also posting in a thread in an internet forum. It is just not possible. A perfect one-on-one debate, perhaps. But open threads are essentially shooting in all directions at once, because readers of all kinds of mindsets will read it.

There are a couple of forum users here that I personally believe to be enlightened, but I doubt they will actually post in this thread. My money is in that they will instinctively decide that such a thread isn't interesting to them without even stopping to think about it.
If any enlightened people read this and would like to have a one on one debate or a PM exchange, that's fine by me too.

I will PM you with their names if you want. It will be interesting if it turns out one of them proves me wrong (although one of them has become very sparse, alas).
Sure, you can PM me the names of people that you consider enlightened.

Could Neo just walk around in the Matrix convincing people that reality isn't what they think?

Should he?
That's generally what his team tried to do. Wake as many people up from their robot overlord prison as possible.

The Sum of Awe

Brought to you by the moment that spacetime began.
His followers view him as a bodhisattva.

I suppose I shouldn't judge that as a non-follower.

But that is my point - unless you follow the proclaimed enlightened one's path, you wont believe they're enlightened, you'd most likely still see them as ignorant or foretelling phonies.


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
If any enlightened people read this and would like to have a one on one debate or a PM exchange, that's fine by me too.

Maybe they will. But it is a fine line to walk, alas.

As I just told you by PM, vanity seems to have ruined many a person who might perhaps have been enlightened once. Far worse still, many disciples were carried away by them.

I don't think it is a coincidence that some tales tell of enlightened people who were literally too dumb to notice that they were wise in the religious sense. See for instance The Cucumber Sage


Veteran Member
Premium Member
I suppose I shouldn't judge that as a non-follower.

But that is my point - unless you follow the proclaimed enlightened one's path, you wont believe they're enlightened, you'd most likely still see them as ignorant or foretelling phonies.
Kind of a catch-22 isn't it?

There's no promise that I'll believe someone who claims to be enlightened in this thread, but I'd ask them questions and such.

im not qualified to speak for them, but i guess it is due to 'they' think 'they' dont exist, may be im wrong.
The Buddha spoke and taught people.

:D nope, i use that title to express my disagreement towards 'Creator' concept.


RF Goddess
Staff member
Premium Member
Why's that?

If an enlightened person chooses to share what they know, the internet would be one of the most powerful methods. There are some people like Jaggi Vasudev that use the internet to try to share their methods, and the Dalai Lama is on twitter.

For enlightened people that don't already have a huge following, a religious forum would be an ideal place to reach people.

I guess it's possible. I have trouble picturing an enlightened person spending time discussing/debating or preaching on a forum like this. But that's just due to my subjective experience of persons I have met who I consider enlightened.

I don't necessarily see enlightened people as wanting to preach or convert, even though some consider it their duty. Or for example, there are some gurus who spend their time meditating, giving classes and writing spiritual books but its their closest companions who take care of menial tasks like internet blogging, website development etc.

Student of X

Paradigm Shifter
If any enlightened people read this and would like to have a one on one debate or a PM exchange, that's fine by me too.

Sure, you can PM me the names of people that you consider enlightened.

That's generally what his team tried to do. Wake as many people up from their robot overlord prison as possible.

By yanking them one-at-a-time out of their reality. Not by talking to them en masse about enlightenment and the red pill and such.

Generally they didn't yank people past a certain age. It tends to break minds... they couldn't just pull the plug. It would have killed them.

In my opinion, enlightenment is what happens when you get 'yanked' out of reality and put back again.