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Who here is enlightened?


Advaita Vedanta, Theosophy, Spiritualism
Premium Member
setting fire to newspapers...yup, I have seen it and I believe it because there's no other rational explanation for what I saw.

Thanks for your post. :D

Can you please indulge me with more detail on 'setting fire to newspapers' as you have seen this?


Thanks for your post. :D

Can you please indulge me with more detail on 'setting fire to newspapers' as you have seen this?
I can give you a youtube link to something similar, it's like this:

Electric Eel Man - YouTube

There's a lot of stuff like this on Youtube if you look it up. I was fortunate enough to live with these Chi masters for a while and witness all this first-hand.


Jesus in me
Just in case the point wasn't made....I quote myself from another thread....

There remains discussion as if...'something'....has always existed.
Resistance to the moment of...no moment.

Before the bang......

The item we can't seem to grasp is the void.

No light....no shadow.
No heat...no cold.
No touch....no substance.


We humans cannot fathom the void. In this regard there is no 'enlightenment'.
You can't go there.

The Creator came from there.

And so it is written....'they who understand (IAM!)...will know whose Word this is.'

I believe actually for there to be a shadow there must be light and two objests. One object to block the light and another to reveal that the light is blocked.

I believe this is in error. Heat is the motion of substance. Cold is the lack of motion of substance. Where there is no substance there is no motion of substance and therefore cold exists.

I don't know what you mean by this. i believe substance exists without the human sense of touch. In a void of course there is no human touch or substance.

I believe this is simply a matter of wisdom. As for the void that is Heaven there is spirit but no-one knows whteher it is substantive or not. I have been there.

i believe all was void before the creation unless you want to count God as substantive.


Jesus in me
In myself? or what I have observed in others?

In myself, I can manifest ideas if I concentrate hard enough. Once, I was thinking about the peace sign...I don't know why, but the image just burnt itself into my brain. About 10 minutes later, my friend rocks up with a 'like this? I just bought it for you'...it was the peace sign.

Another time, I needed to replace the springs on my bed...some were missing, some were rusty...I had the problem for months, and one day I thought 'I must get around to buying new springs for this bed sometime today...I can't hack this any more...ending up on the floor half-way through the night...

About half an hour after I had that thought, I saw my neighbour throwing out an old bed into his van to go to the dump with perfect springs attached...of course, I raced out and relieved him of those springs before he dumped the bed..

There are many more examples of this - my life is full of them. If I told somebody about these thoughts beforehand though, they probably wouldn't happen...that's the biggest thing.

I can also heal people of certain ailments.

The best I have seen comes from Tai-Chi/Qi Gong masters (Yellow Bamboo, actually)...the stuff they do with Chi is incredible...boiling water in their hands, setting fire to newspapers...yup, I have seen it and I believe it because there's no other rational explanation for what I saw.

I believe I am not there yet but I don't consider it part of enlightenment. All of these things work by belief. Enlightenment reveals that but enlightenment can't produce belief.

So I believe a newspaper can be set on fire because I am enlightened but I do not yet believe that I can do it.


Jesus in me
]I just got enlightened![/COLOR]

My first act as an enlightened being was to post it on this thread.

Now I will go to sleep.

Tomorrow I plan to go out and see Thor the movie. Hope its good.

I believe I will enlighten you. My daughter saw it and said it was good.

I believe this is only a temporaneous enlightenment. I believe full enlightenment comes form Jesus.


Rogue Theologian
I believe actually for there to be a shadow there must be light and two objests. One object to block the light and another to reveal that the light is blocked.

I believe this is in error. Heat is the motion of substance. Cold is the lack of motion of substance. Where there is no substance there is no motion of substance and therefore cold exists.

I don't know what you mean by this. i believe substance exists without the human sense of touch. In a void of course there is no human touch or substance.

I believe this is simply a matter of wisdom. As for the void that is Heaven there is spirit but no-one knows whteher it is substantive or not. I have been there.

i believe all was void before the creation unless you want to count God as substantive.

It is written...God is Spirit.
I believe Spirit before substance.
The Creator First (Someone had to be First)...then the creation.
'Let there be light!'

The void is the part we can't comprehend.
See Genesis.


Premium Member
It is written...God is Spirit.
Ok so what is spirit?

I believe Spirit before substance.

Why doesn't spirit count as a substance?
The Creator First (Someone had to be First)...then the creation.

Someone had to be first? How do you figure that a someone can precede a something?
'Let there be light!'

How do you figure conscious awareness precedes anything existing?
The void is the part we can't comprehend.
Probably cause nothing has never really been nothing.


Rogue Theologian
Ok so what is spirit?

Why doesn't spirit count as a substance?

Someone had to be first? How do you figure that a someone can precede a something?

How do you figure conscious awareness precedes anything existing?

Probably cause nothing has never really been nothing.

Sit still and consider....a body at rest will remain at rest.(science)

So if you want to say substance first....did the substance move God?
How so?

Better to say God First.


I believe I am not there yet but I don't consider it part of enlightenment. All of these things work by belief. Enlightenment reveals that but enlightenment can't produce belief.

So I believe a newspaper can be set on fire because I am enlightened but I do not yet believe that I can do it.
You are correct.

I have been wanting to post in another thread about 'do you believe God exists' and after a lot of 'soul searching' I can honestly say...'why, no. I don't believe God exists because I now know He does'. For you see, Belief requires Faith, but true Knowledge requires Acceptance.

Enlightenment doesn't foster Belief, but occasionally it will foster Resolution. It also produces humility through bewilderment. I mean, God is quite literally, metaphorically and everything else, very awesome! :yes:

The 'newspaper thing' has a lot to do with being able to control energy (Shakti) within the body and that takes a lot of time and practice (it doesn't automatically come with being enlightened) so you cannot just 'do it' like that.

However, according to my school/philosophy, the same 'forces' involved in that, when channeled through the correct ways, can also bring one towards the Awareness of Existence (call it 'God' if you will). That is why I included it in the first place.

Me Myself

Back to my username
I believe I will enlighten you. My daughter saw it and said it was good.

I believe this is only a temporaneous enlightenment. I believe full enlightenment comes form Jesus.

I enjoyed it too! :D specially the dialogues

Jesus is around.

Not to sound homo , cause I am like ultra straight, but it'd be nice if he helped me sleep :eek:

All this extra light thing is not helping my insomnia! :cover:


Jesus in me
I enjoyed it too! :D specially the dialogues

Jesus is around.

Not to sound homo , cause I am like ultra straight, but it'd be nice if he helped me sleep :eek:

All this extra light thing is not helping my insomnia! :cover:

I beleive He has His own agenda and there have been nights He decided to take all night for a teaching session. Try reciting the Lord's prayer over and over by the ninety nonth time your mind should go numb. (sort of like counting sheep)


Part of my concept of enlightenment is truly accepting your ignorance and being able to see the world, reality, through the eyes of a child. When that pure vision that allows wonder to be present on a regular basis becomes part of who you are and there is no conscious effort - then really living is possible and you start to replace some of that vast ignorance with knowledge/wisdom. You think, speak, and interact with other living things with a perfect integrity and honesty. Love and compassion flows out like breathing.

The multiple personas developed in response to life's trauma and being part of society merge and you feel whole.

I relapse from this on a daily basis but nature is all about cycles and we all like new, varied flavors.


Part of my concept of enlightenment is truly accepting your ignorance and being able to see the world, reality, through the eyes of a child. When that pure vision that allows wonder to be present on a regular basis becomes part of who you are and there is no conscious effort - then really living is possible and you start to replace some of that vast ignorance with knowledge/wisdom. You think, speak, and interact with other living things with a perfect integrity and honesty. Love and compassion flows out like breathing.

The multiple personas developed in response to life's trauma and being part of society merge and you feel whole.

I relapse from this on a daily basis but nature is all about cycles and we all like new, varied flavors.
So beautiful - frubal coming your way.

Yes, as we get older, our mind and senses dull...we become acclimatised and totally ignorant of everything happening around us.

We have lost the sense of awe and wonder that happens when we are younger and we need to recapture that.

I realised it when I found I was becoming more 'sedentary' in my old age...both in body and mind.

The other day, my daughter came in to my room, and she was like 'I am going out to ride my quad bike out on the dunes...wanna come?'

I was like 'nah, deary...I am getting a bit too old for that now'...but am I really? nope. I just didn't want to go and 'enjoy myself'.