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Who here is enlightened?


Da man, when I walk thru!
I honestly do not know.

I am sure I would know if I was, but on the other hand, if I really was, I would be way too humble to admit it.

Are there 'degrees of Enlightenment'?

I've had spiritual experiences and some were very beautiful, intense, exquisite...totally indescribable...

Even though I realise they were/are just more of my 'mind playing tricks on me' (I mentally negate all my experiences), I must be careful not to overdo that, or I may miss something important in the process.

I guess I can say I have attained Satori, not full Enlightenment - or maybe I have..

If I have, I can say one thing. Yes, I have lost my ego (only referring to myself as 'I' to be able to speak and relate as a person).

I have totally lost my ego and attachment...the only 'attachment' I have left is that I am totally 'given' to God. I feel the love of God in my heart...

...but as for anything like 'mystical experiences', 'heightened awareness', altered states of consciousness....there has been none of that. None whatsoever.

So, whether that's all a huge bluff, or I am not enlightened yet, I am still trying to figure out.

I would think their are definitely varying degrees of enlightenment.

And if you had an undescribable spiritual experience, which allowed you to lose attachment and remove the ego from soul control of your decisions, which in turn allowed you to carry the love of God in your heart, I don't know what other qualities one could have to be qualified as enlightened. And an undescribable spiritual experience is a "mystical experience" by any other name in my book.

But then again two people can become enlightened under many different circumstances, and the resulting personalities can be very different. The common them is Love for me.


Well-Known Member
I think enlightened has a literal, physical cordination with biophotonic energy. It is literally the amount, frequency, location, and direction of the light produced by the cells within the human body. People who have been qualified as enlightened in the past simply had a specific amount and type of light being produced by specific areas within the body, along with the ability to control and direct said light.

You mean the sun shines out of their *** ?


Da man, when I walk thru!
You mean the sun shines out of their *** ?

Well, there is actually one study that shows that cells emit a higher volume of light, that is usually within the frequency of the "white and or UV" spectrum when under stress.

So when your *** is under stress, yes, the sun shines out of their ***, according to some scientific theories. ;)

Gives a whole new meaning to ******** out rays of sunshine. :D


I would think their are definitely varying degrees of enlightenment.

And if you had an undescribable spiritual experience, which allowed you to lose attachment and remove the ego from soul control of your decisions, which in turn allowed you to carry the love of God in your heart, I don't know what other qualities one could have to be qualified as enlightened. And an undescribable spiritual experience is a "mystical experience" by any other name in my book.

But then again two people can become enlightened under many different circumstances, and the resulting personalities can be very different. The common them is Love for me.
All I 'know' is that I am feeling 'something' - something very surreal, something unusual...with unconditional love as its basis...

I am feeling totally detached, totally ambivalent, I don't associate myself with anything on a personal level...I have lost all my desires.

Thing is, it is totally boring to live this way, so I guess I am still attached to 'not being bored' to have attained Samadhi.

Loving Siva should be enough...and it IS...but what now? Now that I am 'enlightened'...what's next? There really isn't a 'next' because this is the 'ultimate'...but what do I do with my 'world life' and how do I live that now?

I have been living life like an interactive video-game...just watching and participating with minimal involvement...but I made this video game...I made the rules for it...so it's just boring now.

If this is 'enlightenment', it's like nothing I have ever read like ever in any books about it....no 'visions'...no 'raising Kundalini' (not that I am aware of), no 'altered perceptions of 'reality'...

Basically...on a mental/intellectual level...even on a physical level there is absolutely nothing! There is void!...if you 'look within' there is nothing there, really. There is 'God' which is everything, but as for me...I don't exist, just God exists...

Now I know why God created mankind.....He became totally bored from 'Self-realization'.
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NobodyYouKnow;3534168]All I 'know' is that I am feeling 'something' - something very surreal, something unusual...with unconditional love as its basis...

WH: Ditto...it just won't go away :)

I am feeling totally detached, totally ambivalent, I don't associate myself with anything on a personal level...I have lost all my desires.

Thing is, it is totally boring to live this way, so I guess I am still attached to 'not being bored' to have attained Samadhi.
Loving Siva should be enough...and it IS...but what now? Now that I am 'enlightened'...what's next? There really isn't a 'next' because this is the 'ultimate'...but what do I do with my 'world life' and how do I live that now?

WH: I am just guessing, but it sounds like your mind hasn't completely accepted your enlightenment. Non-association/detachment will change into conscious-association/detachment.

I have been living life like an interactive video-game...just watching and participating with minimal involvement...but I made this video game...I made the rules for it...so it's just boring now.

If this is 'enlightenment', it's like nothing I have ever read like ever in any books about it....no 'visions'...no 'raising Kundalini' (not that I am aware of), no 'altered perceptions of 'reality'...

Basically...on a mental/intellectual level...even on a physical level there is absolutely nothing! There is void!...if you 'look within' there is nothing there, really. There is 'God' which is everything, but as for me...I don't exist, just God exists...

Now I know why God created mankind.....He became totally bored from 'Self-realization'.

WH: Have you tried practicing kecharia? It kills the boredom.

Live long and proper.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Maybe then we can assume each one of us is enlightened to some degree.
I believe everyone is already enlightened. We just haven't fully awakened to that in ourselves. Enlightenment isn't anything we achieve, attain, or accomplish. That's like saying we achieved our eyes. All we "do" is learn to open them and let light enter them.

If we seek enlightenment we never find it because the seeking mind is the ego mind. We imagine enlightenment as the end goal, that when we 'attain' that, then we are completed, we hop off the cycle of life, we come to rest, we are at the top and look down, we have reached the finish line. All of this is the ego.

At any moment, the illusion is pulled back from all our seeking, and through nothing we do, we see the Truth. If enlightenment hits thus, like lightening, then we already were that. We were never not that. We were only asleep. It's not something outside of us we attain, but somehow open to within, which allows us to see everything. We somehow awaken.

Someone said that Enlightenment happens by accident, and meditation makes us accident-prone. Meditation does not make us enlightened. We already are. Meditation teaches us simply how to allow. How to quit seeking. How to be. How to see. In living life like this, we are in the path of that Knowledge opening to us and becoming who we always are, in every moment. There is no end goal. There is only the infinite we awaken to and live awakened as.


if you were enlightened you would not be here, but I beleive most people are in some process of being enlightened...how you get there varies from person to person
Like, If someone has stop paddling the bicycle it doesn't mean that the bicycle has stopped completely, because depending on the speed of bicycle ( kinetic energy) , of course it will take some distance, or time to stop completely.
Similarly, if someone is enlightened it doesn't mean that person need to be quitted the world completely, because depending on the speed of life (karmic load) of course it will take some distance, or time to quit the world completely :)


Da man, when I walk thru!
All I 'know' is that I am feeling 'something' - something very surreal, something unusual...with unconditional love as its basis...

I am feeling totally detached, totally ambivalent, I don't associate myself with anything on a personal level...I have lost all my desires.

An unusual, surreal feeling of detachment, with a general lack of desire, and unconditional love as the foundation that this feeling is built on. That's the best description of what I consider enlightenment that I have ever heard lol. :D

Thing is, it is totally boring to live this way, so I guess I am still attached to 'not being bored' to have attained Samadhi.

LOL, indeed I agree. Climbing the bottom of the mountain can be boring, but there's no way you can get to the top without going through the bottom. Also, there's some very cool things at the bottom if you look close enought: flowers, animals, streams, waterfalls. Things that can't be found at the top.

Loving Siva should be enough...and it IS...but what now? Now that I am 'enlightened'...what's next? There really isn't a 'next' because this is the 'ultimate'...but what do I do with my 'world life' and how do I live that now?

There is a next. The ultimate reality didn't just stay that way, it expanded out to provide all the things that we have today. And in regard to your 'world life', you choose paths that let you build on this 'ultimate' that you have reached. In other words, find things that excite you that are in accordance with this ultimate reality.

I look at it this way, I have gained the ultimate insight that nothing really matters, but in that realization, you also realize that sense nothing matters, there is no reason to fear aspiring to anything as long as you don't lose the basis that you spoke of earlier. Learning how to love all things unconditionally while making money is a difficult task, and far from boring in my opinion.

Once you realize the ultimate, you are no longer limited by anything, so try everything.

have been living life like an interactive video-game...just watching and participating with minimal involvement...but I made this video game...I made the rules for it...so it's just boring now.

So make a second version with new rules, or make a new game altogether. How can designing and subsequently playing an unlimited amount of video games be boring. :D Sounds like paradise to me, especially since their interactive and 3 dimensional.

If this is 'enlightenment', it's like nothing I have ever read like ever in any books about it....no 'visions'...no 'raising Kundalini' (not that I am aware of), no 'altered perceptions of 'reality'...

Unconditional love and detatchment sound like 'altered perceptions of reality' to me. How many people do you know that percieve reality according to those standards. And since you got the foundation, now is the time to build upon it. Do some third eye meditations, research and try kundalini meditations. You now hold no attachment that cant have psychic powers, that you can't levitate, that you can't do anything, while also having unconditional love for others. Use your realizations to have fun and help others at the same time.

Basically...on a mental/intellectual level...even on a physical level there is absolutely nothing! There is void!...if you 'look within' there is nothing there, really. There is 'God' which is everything, but as for me...I don't exist, just God exists...

So if you are nothing, but your are also God. Then you = nothing + God, so therfore you = God. Being God is super boring. ;)

Now I know why God created mankind.....He became totally bored from 'Self-realization'.

Yup, so since you are God, do the same thing, and quit being bored. :D


Thank you kindly (to the posters above me).

Yes, it has been a difficult transition, made even more difficult by my unintended 'personalization' of it.

I have noticed being able to think and solve problems more laterally now and I can remember everything I have ever seen, heard or read. My instincts are also very accurate lately, but my spatial cognition has suffered a bit as a result.

I guess I am still thinking it in 'third-person' terms....it shouldn't matter what others say, but we are still all social creatures.....only now, 'interpersonal communication' takes on a whole new meaning.

Yes, I also feel that I haven't really allowed myself to come to terms with this...being way too humbled by it all...and also coming from a place where 'personal experience means nothing' - nobody ever took me seriously...nobody ever believed me....nobody ever cared about me.

I had to get over the total 'nonacceptance' by others, before I could reconcile that same acceptance within myself...walking the fine line between detachment and ambivalence when it came to 'well, regardless of what you may think......' however, in the end, no justification is necessary no matter how I tried to 'justify' it.

All I know, is that I spent the past week staying at my parent's place....and they said:

"You are looking so well, just so healthy now....I don't know what you have been doing/or not doing...but whatever it is, keep it up".

I could only smile and acknowledge God inside...outside...and everywhere for that 'glow'.

I shall try and be more accepting of my experiences/feelings and not try and restrain it anymore. <3
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Jesus in me
Yeah, I think it's a lot like being cool. Cool guys can't engage the world much. They have to slouch most casually and glance here and there without any real interest and never say more than a few words at a time.

I could never be cool, alas.

I believe I was cool in High school. I put my collar up and walked with a Fonzie like strut.


Jesus in me
Lengthy thread.....
Did anyone say so?.....Someone must be enlightened.

Otherwise, no one is sure of anything.
Maybe then we can assume each one of us is enlightened to some degree.

As such, no one really has a plea of ignorance.

I believe I am sorry you missed it. Now you might have to read 900 posts to find it.


Jesus in me
Well, there is actually one study that shows that cells emit a higher volume of light, that is usually within the frequency of the "white and or UV" spectrum when under stress.

So when your *** is under stress, yes, the sun shines out of their ***, according to some scientific theories. ;)

Gives a whole new meaning to ******** out rays of sunshine. :D

I believe their are light auras and electric auras as well and it is also possible that brain waves travel but I don't know if anyone has experimented on that yet.


Da man, when I walk thru!
Thank you kindly (to the posters above me).

Yes, it has been a difficult transition, made even more difficult by my unintended 'personalization' of it.

I have noticed being able to think and solve problems more laterally now and I can remember everything I have ever seen, heard or read. My instincts are also very accurate lately, but my spatial cognition has suffered a bit as a result.

Indeed, I feel your pain my friend. I'm going through the same thing almost to the T. Logic and analytical skills have become pronounced, but visio-spatial intelligence has suffered, but I was never gifted in that area in the first place lol. I personally would suggest learning how to draw and/or paint, as well as visualization meditation techniques to help to balance out the increases in logical ability. But as long as you have love and happiness in your hearts, everything else is just extra in my opinion. :D

I guess I am still thinking it in 'third-person' terms....it shouldn't matter what others say, but we are still all social creatures.....only now, 'interpersonal communication' takes on a whole new meaning.

Lol, wow. I feel like I'm talking to myself. "Enlightened" folks still have to know how to defend themselves lol. I would say it's even more important as you become more open to other's "energies".

Yes, I also feel that I haven't really allowed myself to come to terms with this...being way too humbled by it all...and also coming from a place where 'personal experience means nothing' - nobody ever took me seriously...nobody ever believed me....nobody ever cared about me.

That's part of the struggle in my opinion. Coming to the realization that you are a bad-*** lol, while still remaining humble while doing so. It's hard finding a balance between being humble and desiring to provide others with the happiness that you feel. Especially when coming from an environment where "personal experience means nothing". I feel your pain.

I had to get over the total 'nonacceptance' by others, before I could reconcile that same acceptance within myself...walking the fine line between detachment and ambivalence when it came to 'well, regardless of what you may think......' however, in the end, no justification is necessary no matter how I tried to 'justify' it.

Lol, I feel your pain sir. After all the conditioning it's hard to realize that Love and happiness need no justification. They just are. But once you come to that realization, it just seems so simple and beautiful, it's hard to understand why others can't see it as well

All I know, is that I spent the past week staying at my parent's place....and they said:

"You are looking so well, just so healthy now....I don't know what you have been doing/or not doing...but whatever it is, keep it up".

I could only smile and acknowledge God inside...outside...and everywhere for that 'glow'.

I shall try and be more accepting of my experiences/feelings and not try and restrain it anymore. <3[/quote]

Indeed, it is a hard path to walk. Trying to teach people that don't even realize that what you are trying to teach is what they wan't. Especially when they don't accept you because you are different from them. Albeit in a way that even they would probably admit themselves, is "good".

It is very difficult to be detached and passionate at the same time. But it sounds to me that you are doing a pretty damn good job at it so far. I always try to keep in mind, that it doesn't matter if 99 people out of 100 look at me like I'm crazy. Their negative opinions of me don't matter. What does matter is that 1 person out of the 100 took to heart what I told them and it made their life better, because them becoming better makes me better. The realization of oneness is a powerful one indeed.

I believe I was cool in High school. I put my collar up and walked with a Fonzie like strut.

I'm still cool because I put my collar up and walk with a Fonzie strut. :p

I believe their are light auras and electric auras as well and it is also possible that brain waves travel but I don't know if anyone has experimented on that yet.

Light aura has been all but proven. Human cells emit light, and this light travel's outside of the body, and it is within the spectrum of visible light. It's a scientifically accepted doctrine.

As far as brain waves and electricity. Not so much as far as scientific legitmacy. And indeed there is an instute that studies light emissions from the human body, but it has just recently become accepted within the scientific community at large. It's very sad in my opinion that more emphasis is not being put in this area, but granted it invovles two of the most complex areas of science: Biology and Quantum physics. But here's some links to check it out if your interested.

Everything you know is a lie !: Biophotons And The Universal Light Code

new illuminati: The Biophotonic Quantum Holographic Matrix

Endogenous Light Nexus Theory of Consciousness

NSF Center for Biophotonics &mdash; NSF Center for Biophotonics

The first two are "fringe" but have some pretty good info in my opinion. The last two are more "scientific", but the overall scientific research is severly lacking in my opinion.


Rogue Theologian
I believe I am sorry you missed it. Now you might have to read 900 posts to find it.

Just in case the point wasn't made....I quote myself from another thread....

There remains discussion as if...'something'....has always existed.
Resistance to the moment of...no moment.

Before the bang......

The item we can't seem to grasp is the void.

No light....no shadow.
No heat...no cold.
No touch....no substance.


We humans cannot fathom the void. In this regard there is no 'enlightenment'.
You can't go there.

The Creator came from there.

And so it is written....'they who understand (IAM!)...will know whose Word this is.'


New Member
We are all in different stages of being enlightened. The collective consciousness is lifting so it is becoming easier for others to raise their vibration. Sort of like the 100th monkey effect. We are reaching a tipping point that will allow others to enlighten easier and quicker than ever before.


Indeed, I feel your pain my friend. I'm going through the same thing almost to the T. Logic and analytical skills have become pronounced, but visio-spatial intelligence has suffered, but I was never gifted in that area in the first place lol. I personally would suggest learning how to draw and/or paint, as well as visualization meditation techniques to help to balance out the increases in logical ability. But as long as you have love and happiness in your hearts, everything else is just extra in my opinion. :D

Lol, wow. I feel like I'm talking to myself. "Enlightened" folks still have to know how to defend themselves lol. I would say it's even more important as you become more open to other's "energies".

That's part of the struggle in my opinion. Coming to the realization that you are a bad-*** lol, while still remaining humble while doing so. It's hard finding a balance between being humble and desiring to provide others with the happiness that you feel. Especially when coming from an environment where "personal experience means nothing". I feel your pain.

Lol, I feel your pain sir. After all the conditioning it's hard to realize that Love and happiness need no justification. They just are. But once you come to that realization, it just seems so simple and beautiful, it's hard to understand why others can't see it as well

All I know, is that I spent the past week staying at my parent's place....and they said:

"You are looking so well, just so healthy now....I don't know what you have been doing/or not doing...but whatever it is, keep it up".

I could only smile and acknowledge God inside...outside...and everywhere for that 'glow'.

I shall try and be more accepting of my experiences/feelings and not try and restrain it anymore. <3

Indeed, it is a hard path to walk. Trying to teach people that don't even realize that what you are trying to teach is what they wan't. Especially when they don't accept you because you are different from them. Albeit in a way that even they would probably admit themselves, is "good".

It is very difficult to be detached and passionate at the same time. But it sounds to me that you are doing a pretty damn good job at it so far. I always try to keep in mind, that it doesn't matter if 99 people out of 100 look at me like I'm crazy. Their negative opinions of me don't matter. What does matter is that 1 person out of the 100 took to heart what I told them and it made their life better, because them becoming better makes me better. The realization of oneness is a powerful one indeed.

I'm still cool because I put my collar up and walk with a Fonzie strut. :p

Light aura has been all but proven. Human cells emit light, and this light travel's outside of the body, and it is within the spectrum of visible light. It's a scientifically accepted doctrine.

As far as brain waves and electricity. Not so much as far as scientific legitmacy. And indeed there is an instute that studies light emissions from the human body, but it has just recently become accepted within the scientific community at large. It's very sad in my opinion that more emphasis is not being put in this area, but granted it invovles two of the most complex areas of science: Biology and Quantum physics. But here's some links to check it out if your interested.

Everything you know is a lie !: Biophotons And The Universal Light Code

new illuminati: The Biophotonic Quantum Holographic Matrix

Endogenous Light Nexus Theory of Consciousness

NSF Center for Biophotonics &mdash; NSF Center for Biophotonics

The first two are "fringe" but have some pretty good info in my opinion. The last two are more "scientific", but the overall scientific research is severly lacking in my opinion.

Thank you so much for your advice and understanding. I am a female by the way and I really should make that known. lol

I am exploring creativity, and I was never a very good painter or drawer...but I can write! (what I am doing now).

I'd write a book, but my grammar still isn't the best. I'd also like others to take the time and read all my posts here, not just the ones I make in reply.

I've got this 'thing' where every post I make follows the previous one in some logical sequence, no matter to what I am replying/posting.

Yeah, sometimes the energy inside makes you feel like you are going to explode, so containing it is very difficult...I am very passionate by nature (as you have guessed).

Those who got annoyed with my outpourings of Shiva Bhakti (love of God) earlier on, suggested I try something 'creative' as an outlet for all this amazing love and joy I am experiencing...but I was never creative to begin with and realization did nothing to improve this either. lol

I'm just glad there's somebody else going through the same thing and not so quick to judge me saying stuff like 'can you walk on water yet?' 'here is some water...gimme wine' and all that stuff.

If people want me to show them some 'siddhis' (magic powers), then yeah, I can oblige...just not at the time they want me to and 'not on demand'. It's not like I can control it. I tell such people to stick with me and leave their mind and heart open, then they will be able to 'see' such things. I can show them.
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What is the most amazing siddhi you have ever experienced?
In myself? or what I have observed in others?

In myself, I can manifest ideas if I concentrate hard enough. Once, I was thinking about the peace sign...I don't know why, but the image just burnt itself into my brain. About 10 minutes later, my friend rocks up with a 'like this? I just bought it for you'...it was the peace sign.

Another time, I needed to replace the springs on my bed...some were missing, some were rusty...I had the problem for months, and one day I thought 'I must get around to buying new springs for this bed sometime today...I can't hack this any more...ending up on the floor half-way through the night...

About half an hour after I had that thought, I saw my neighbour throwing out an old bed into his van to go to the dump with perfect springs attached...of course, I raced out and relieved him of those springs before he dumped the bed..

There are many more examples of this - my life is full of them. If I told somebody about these thoughts beforehand though, they probably wouldn't happen...that's the biggest thing.

I can also heal people of certain ailments.

The best I have seen comes from Tai-Chi/Qi Gong masters (Yellow Bamboo, actually)...the stuff they do with Chi is incredible...boiling water in their hands, setting fire to newspapers...yup, I have seen it and I believe it because there's no other rational explanation for what I saw.

Me Myself

Back to my username
I just got enlightened!

My first act as an enlightened being was to post it on this thread.

Now I will go to sleep.

Tomorrow I plan to go out and see Thor the movie. Hope its good.


I just got enlightened!

My first act as an enlightened being was to post it on this thread.

Now I will go to sleep.

Tomorrow I plan to go out and see Thor the movie. Hope its good.
Not to spoil it or anything, but my niece told me it was trash, but she walked out after the first 15 minutes of it, so it could have got better...

See, now being enlightened is no different from how you were before, no? :yes: